Au contraire!Remember, my original beef was not that the PS3 was vertex limited, it was that the RSX was vertex limited, which I still stand by 100% today. In fact, I think the article quoted in this thread basically proves it. If you want a real world example, one of my code systems here at work can render ~1.2 million verticies on the 360's gpu faster than the rsx can render the same system with reduced lod models at ~700k verticies. This is all gpu, no cpu help. Yes, the difference is that lopsided in our game, even after I managed to bring that particular system down to two vertex inputs and optimize the heck out of the vertex shader and geometry layout ;( I don't wanna go through that whole thread again like last time, but needless to say to me, rsx still sucks. Your mileage may vary.
I never had a beef with cell though. It has a learning curve, and you need to pretty much rewrite all that code you've been saving over the years, but I think its worth it long term. The new tools and libraries that Sony has been putting out are awesome! I'll wait and see what real world performance we can get before I jump up and down for joy though. We only get 5 spu's full time, and the 6th is "most of the time" since Sony can use it if they need to (the 7th is theirs full time), and I assume with Home and all this other cool stuff they have coming out that they will indeed make use of the 6th.
We're currently fully using 2 spu's, and will most likely use all six by the time we are done since our goal is to hit 60fps on both platforms no matter what. As for how many we'll have free to handle geometry culling, I don't know just yet. I've been having fun with them so far though. I've moved all skinning off the gpu side to cpu side, since we get our biggest gains here on the PS3 by babying the RSX, ie, giving it as little to do as possible to get around its inadequacies. I actually tried it on the 360 as well and it gave back some fps, so the vmx units on the 360 will be fully worked also.
Doing geometry culling on the spu's is something I will do for sure, but I will also try it to a certain extent on the 360 as well, just to see what happens.
thanks for sharing
it's refreshing to hear non-PR stuff about real games.