It's not a problem of low absolute resolution, but low relative resolution. For instance, when an object is really far away from the light, it doesn't cover many shadow map pixels... and if that object really close to the camera, it ends up having a lot of pixels in view, so it's not infeasible for its shadow to also be really big in pixel real estate. Similarly, if a light is coming at a shallow angle relative to a shadow receiver, pixels in the shadow map end up shadowing a LOT of pixels in view because the shadow is so stretched out. And it doesn't matter what system you have, that problem is inherent in shadow maps and always will be.I just hope that Edge will help eliminate these horrible looking low res shadow maps used in games lately (i.e. Motorstorm, Heavenly Sword, ect.). I am not a owner of a 360, is there also a problem with low res shadow maps on that system?
You use things like PCF or VSMs to try and cover for the resolution problems, but it will never be "eliminated" as long as you're using shadow maps. And Edge or RSX or Xenos has nothing to do with it.
Except shadow rays means lots of computational load... You try to to imagine a million-two million pixels x number of active lights in a scene, and you've got a nasty number of ray tests. We do have to do other things besides render stuff.How's about ray-traced shadows? Per pixel and geometry perfect for sharp shadows, with no worry about texture fetching which limits RTs overal suitability for rendering.
Now the notion of SPUs extruding geometry for shadow volumes (which will effectively give you the same results anyway) is feasible, but it's nasty in terms of fillrate, which neither RSX nor Xenos have a lot of. Granted, they can put out twice the pixels in that mode, but it's really no big victory considering you can get that when rendering shadow maps as well, and you consider how many extrusions could exist for how many lights.
And even then, pixel-perfect hard shadows aren't exactly the greatest thing since sliced bread.