Okay. About SUVs.
A lot of people are angry with SUVs, with wildly different arguments.
Arguments concerning fuel cosumption I can understand, if not wholeheartedly agree with - there are SUVs that are not especially thirsty, and if you outlaw SUVs on fuel consumption basis, you should also outlaw more "normal" cars with thirsty habits, something which is seldom suggested.
Arguements concerning safety I can also understand. On one hand, it's your own life, so if you knowingly go and buy an unsafe car - well, it's your choice. (This can also be argued, but I won't.) But SUVs also tend to be dangerous to other people. Again, I can understand that kind of argument.
What I do not understand is* arguments concerning the need for a SUV. I hear that a lot here in Sweden. "You don't need a SUV." Well, no. And I don't strictly need broadband either, or a Playstation, or my favorite cognac. But what kind of argument is that? Since when do I have the right to dictate that other people should only buy things they strictly need for their survival? That is a mentality don't approve of.
And no, I don't drive a SUV, nor do I plan to buy one.
*Should that be "is" or "are"?