I beg to differ with Sonics post, but I really ain't sure I got the technical info to back me up or not. 
It really doesn't matter, I love this Z350 and no amount of bad talking is going to get me to change my opinion anytime soon.
As for the rear wheel drive handling, here's a quote from me at EB:
The TCS & VDC crap really make a huge difference in how the rear wheel drive feels, it feels like AWD to me with it on.
My wife asked me if I'd like to go get donuts, I gotta wake up before I get behind the wheel of that beast!
(Did I mention it has a stopwatch built into the dash accurate the the hundreth of a second just in case you want to time yourself? :| )
It really doesn't matter, I love this Z350 and no amount of bad talking is going to get me to change my opinion anytime soon.
digitalwanderer said:A few hours and 4 made up excuses trips to the store later and I am in love. 8)
One thing, I had the damndest time doing a burnout in it which just shocked me...I mean I figure 287HP should be able to light 'em up a little.
Turns out it has a "traction control system(TCS)" and "vehicle dynamic control(VDC)" that basically makes it damn near impossible to light 'em up or get the back end a little out-o-control! :? (I say "near" because I managed to spin the wheels a little, I could tell because a little light flashed "SLIP"-"SLIP"-"SLIP" when it was happening.)
I just was reading thru the manual and found out there is a switch to turn them off and just make it act like a regular over-muscled lightweight car, and I'm jonesing for an excuse to go and try it out!!!!
Oh, and the xenon headlights are surreal. Everything is blue-ish white and kewl.
The TCS & VDC crap really make a huge difference in how the rear wheel drive feels, it feels like AWD to me with it on.
My wife asked me if I'd like to go get donuts, I gotta wake up before I get behind the wheel of that beast!
(Did I mention it has a stopwatch built into the dash accurate the the hundreth of a second just in case you want to time yourself? :| )