New Capcom studio dedicated to GCN game develoment.

No, this is selling well for a Resident Evil game:

March 25, 1998
Resident Evil 2 Selling Like Hotcakes-
Capcom's flagship Playstation game reaches 3 million in record time.


Resident Evil 2 has set an industry record by selling 3 million copies world wide in just 6 weeks.
In the US RE2 has sold more than one million copies since it's debut on January 21, 1998. Even more impressive, in Japan the game has sold 1.9 million since it's release on January 29th.

Capcom stated that sales are still going strong and won't be letting up any time soon.

And thats on an install base of ~9 million:

From Sept. 9, 1995, to Dec. 31, 1997, unit sales were 8.7 million systems, 47.3 million software units and 19.8 million peripherals, he said

Still digging for RE1....
"I'm no trying to be a nitpicker, like I said the design is great and it looks very cool, but seriously, tell me what's supposed to breathtaking (technically) in those two shots, I don't see it!"

Face closeup is not that special, I agree. Mainly good design, but what do you expect of such a shot really? It's meant to show what the hero looks like! You complain about the collar, what if it's supposed to be wool rather than fur?

"leather jacket and gun fail to impress me too from a shading or realism POV"

Uh, say what? What's wrong about the REALISM now, pray tell? As for shading, what gives you a reason to think there would be anything special going on with that? I expect characters to use standard gouraud shading like 99.999+% of all video games. Expecting a unified lighting model out of this game is a bit too much I think. Anyway, gouraud done well can still look good.

Hopefully it uses shadow volumes too for world geometry and the characters themselves (self-shadowing), but I can't say either yay or nay to that yet from the few shots I've seen. Methinks you're nitpicking.

"plus there's lots of clipping going on"

I see nothing of the sort.

"(just look at the hand sticking through the jacket's sleeve, the whole arm is a bit odd actually). "

Riight. It's an arm in a thick jacket. It's not spandex you know! Hand looks fine.

"The background in those two pics is far from breathtaking"

Like I said, depth-of-field effect is real nice. If realtime. Look at the light flaring around the diagonal girders. Go back to the second page, look at the rain pic. Doesn't that look nice so say. Only rain I've seen looking equally good was in metal gear:solid, and you tell me that rain doesn't look good and I say LOL to that.

You seem overly nitpicky IMO. You go out of your way looking for things to criticize. Of course you're going to find them with that attitude, especially since those few pics hardly show anything of the game.

What about RE3? My guess is RE2 was the peak of the RE series and everything after that went downhill including RE3. If that were the case then to expect sales to pick back up after RE2 is wishful thinking on any platform.

Someone's transcribbed a PSX timeline from an Official PlayStation Magazine there. Clip:

1996 March - Resident Evil is released and Playstation sales reach 1 million in North America.

So RE1 was released to a smaller userbase than GC had when REmake hit.

1998 January - Resident Evil 2 is released and the original Resident Evil hits 2.8 million units sold worldwide

And the original hit 2.8 mil after two years on an install base of ~9 mil.

edit: forget the above, I just found a Capcom press release from Dec 1997 (A year and a little more than a half after RE1 came out) saying the game had sold over 4 mil world wide.

The overwhelming success of the company's best-selling survival horror video game has established another huge franchise for Capcom. To date, more than 4 million units of Resident Evil (known as Biohazard in Japan) and Resident Evil: Director's Cut have been sold worldwide. Nearly one million units sold through in the U.S. market alone.
A two-disc set, Director's Cut sold through more than 300,000 units since its release on Sept. 30, 1997 for the Sony PlayStation

The 'director's cut' sells on par with REmake? :eek:

If the install base was ~9 mil world wide in January 1998, the US install base is probably ~3 million or so in the US, as the PSX was released much earlier in Japan.

An aside, is it just more, or did games sell immensely more units back in the day? These RE figures are crazy!

Still digging...
zurich said:

Someone's transcribbed a PSX timeline from an Official PlayStation Magazine there. Clip:

1996 March - Resident Evil is released and Playstation sales reach 1 million in North America.

So RE1 was released to a smaller userbase than GC had when REmake hit.

1998 January - Resident Evil 2 is released and the original Resident Evil hits 2.8 million units sold worldwide

And the original hit 2.8 mil after two years on an install base of ~9 mil.

Still digging...

Userbase of GCN in NA when RE Remake was released were ~ 1.4 million only 400K difference from that of PSX, not a big difference. Then you have 2.8 million units of RE1 2 yrs later worldwide. RE Remake, a rehash of a 5 yr old game, hits half a million in ~ 6 months.

Get back to me in April and Nov 2004 for Remake and RE0 numbers respectively. ;)

Thanks for digging though..seriously, I know how tedious it can be.
Just found this:
4 Biohazard Capcom PS A.AVG 942,987

PSX RE did 1 Million units in 8 months (end of march to Dec 1996) in Japan on an install base of ~2 million (if that). It has the new-game-phenomenon attached to it, but is still an absolute newcomer. It has a 50% attach rate in Japan.

After 8 months on the market (end of March to end of Novemeber), REmake is hovering around 850k [490k US, 350k JP] world wide on a GC install base of ~4 million, and it has the ever-so-important Resident Evil name attached [rehash or not, its still RE to the casual]. It has a ~17% attach rate in Japan [~2 mil cubes] and ~30% attach rate in the US [~1.5 mil cubes].

So if you look at it that way, REmake is underperforming the original.

I still want to see RE0's sales over the long term, as it doesn't have the "rehash" associated with it. Overall, I think that each console has a demographic attached to it, and RE falls into Sony's.

Ugh my eyes hurt.
I never said Remake did better than RE1 on PSX. I said RE1 on PSX didn't do significantly better than Remake worldwide after taking everything into account. What's the attach rate for RE1 on PSX in North America?

I'd also like to see long term sales of RE0. So far the numbers, at least to me, says it will pass the 1 million mark in about 7 months maybe sooner and pass the 2.5 million mark in 2 years. We'll see..
zurich said:
Just found this:

After 8 months on the market (end of March to end of Novemeber), REmake is hovering around 850k [490k US, 350k JP] world wide on a GC

Ugh my eyes hurt.

Houston, we have lost Europe 8)
zurich said:
PC-Engine said:
The burden of proof is yours. You're the one who's claiming significantly higher sales numbers over RE on GC

I already proved that RE is selling well on GCN. You need to prove that the original RE on PSX sold way more.

I don't know about you, but I consider "mega-huge-hit" to be more than 500k world wide.

NDP numbers show that RE on GC is selling well as a piece of software. Thats not the point, point is whether or not its selling as well as a RE game should.

they sold the entire shipment in Japan, its been the number one game there for quite a good while now on the daily charts, Capcom is happy(and it boosted GC sales).
Grall, I tried to make myself clear before but apparently that wasn't enough. Maybe this helps:
1) I'm a 3D Artist myself and like taking apart scenes, wether real-time or offline 3D, it keeps the eyes trained and you can learn along the way too.
2) When I said I was not too impressed by a couple of these shots, I was (like I repeatedly stated) talking about the * T E C H N I C A L * aspect, not the overall look which I (also repeatedly) stated was excellent! If you can't or don't want to talk about the technical aspect, then please just don't comment, as I CLEARLY said that's what I'm talking about and nothing else, picking apart small details is part of such an analysis! With that out of the way...

Grall said:
Face closeup is not that special, I agree. Mainly good design, but what do you expect of such a shot really? It's meant to show what the hero looks like! You complain about the collar, what if it's supposed to be wool rather than fur?
I don't expect anything, but I don't see anything so breathtaking that justifies all the "wow, can our little Cube pull this off" either. The quality of these shots is IMHO first in the Artwork and only after that comes the technical brilliance (which is obvious, but also not miles beyond what has already been done to this day), and as such has little to do with the Platform its on. The static nature of RE's camera system also enables you to do "more" in real-time as you're not limited by having to consider a freely movable camera in each scene as other games have to...

Riight. It's an arm in a thick jacket. It's not spandex you know! Hand looks fine.
Warning: nitpicking ;)
Look again, the Hand is sticking right through the fur/wool of the sleeve in like a 90° angle which loks rather odd. That's what I meant, sorry if i didn't make myself clear. Granted, I'm expecting too much, but this is the main character after all and in a high profile game to boot. I guess the closer you get to perfection, the more people will complain about those things that are still off, not long ago we were happy if a hand actually had each finger seperately modeled for real-time 3D... ;)

Like I said, depth-of-field effect is real nice. If realtime. Look at the light flaring around the diagonal girders. Go back to the second page, look at the rain pic. Doesn't that look nice so say. Only rain I've seen looking equally good was in metal gear:solid, and you tell me that rain doesn't look good and I say LOL to that.
Agree about the DoF, it looks good and if its real-time and dynamic its even better, we'll have to wait and see just how good it will be in motion I guess. Splinter Cell has a rather nice dyamic DoF for alternate vision modes, as do many racing games, always wondered why so few other games used DoF, modern hardware is obviously capable of achieving a nice looking DoF-kinda-blur. As for the rain, looks flashy, never said against it did I?

You seem overly nitpicky IMO. You go out of your way looking for things to criticize. Of course you're going to find them with that attitude, especially since those few pics hardly show anything of the game.
Maybe you're taking this too personal? See what I wrote above, bit hypocritical to accuse me of nitpicking when I clearly stated that I was taking the shots apart from a technical perspective and above all repeatedly said that the overall look of the game is excellent so far, I don't say stuff like that all the time you know. What do you expect of me, maybe I'm just not as easily impressed, I don't know...
from that point of view Gollum, no game ever made has wow factor then, because you wont find a game that looks that good on PS2, thats for damned sure.
Logan Leonhart said:
What about SH3? IMO, it looks really, really close to it.

Granted, it doesn´t look as flashy, but I think it looks really, really good. Especially the textures. I´d dare to say that it looks quite on par with RE4.

:edit: the pictures don´t work, but here are the links anyway...,11105,561292,00.html?page=43,11105,561292,00.html?page=37

SH3 doesnt look near that good(stop looking at 2 screenshots and actually watch the Video..)
not to mention, in about 85% of the time in SH games, you cant even see 10 feet in front of you..the flashlight is more than a tool, its a way of having to render less on screen.
Geez, you don´t have to be so aggresive. I just linked the first screenshot because it´s quite impressive, at least to me it is. And the video looks stunning, I don´t see why you have such an anti-Sony bias.
If the install base was ~9 mil world wide in January 1998, the US install base is probably ~3 million or so in the US, as the PSX was released much earlier in Japan.

By April of 1998 the PSX had an intalled based of 10Million in North America(source- EGM quote from Sony- issue 107 June 1998 page 21). I thought your numbers looked way too low so I checked them.

So if you look at it that way, REmake is underperforming the original.

Compare DQ3 which sold 3.8Million copies to the remake, which sold only 1.4Million- or DQ4 which sold 3.1Million copies to the remake which sold only 1.2Million. Those are titles that have likely the most devout long term following of any series anywhere and they couldn't hit half the total sales of their predecessors.

On the RE sales topic-

Capcom USA mentioned they have sold 250,000 copies of Resident Evil 0 for GameCube.

- Capcom mentioned that Biohazard 0, Biohazard and Biohazard 4 will remain GameCube exclusive. Unlike Biohazard Code: Veronica, the games will not be ported over to other systems.
By April of 1998 the PSX had an intalled based of 10Million in North America(source- EGM quote from Sony- issue 107 June 1998 page 21). I thought your numbers looked way too low so I checked them.

That puts a totally different perspective on everything doesn't it? ;)

Uh-oh Ben the statistic Guru is lending us a helping hand :LOL:

Thanks ben.
and just for the record, in regard to someones earlier BS ramblings about these not being GC exclusive.

When Capcom Entertainment in November officially announced five new games for Nintendo's next-generation console, including Dead Phoenix, Killer 7, P.N. 03, Viewtiful Joe and Resident Evil 4, there was some confusion about the exclusivity of the products. Would they be solely made for GameCube or would they appear for other consoles too?
Today though, in an official memo to the press, Capcom confirmed that all of the titles would be "GameCube exclusives" and that all of them, save for Resident Evil 4, would ship in 2003.

"All of the five titles announced on the 14th in Japan are for the GameCube only," stated a Capcom spokesperson.

More as it becomes available.

when Nintendo says "Only on gamecube", its actually true....