Multiplatform Assassin's Creed--si or no?

I really don't care if you buy that or not.

Then bottom line whats your point?
you believe there will be ps3 shortages? you believe AC being exclusive for the moment may have had something to do with a ps3 shortage? You don't believe official sony reports?
Thats all good and well Qroach, I'm just saying I have my other opinions and thoughts based on what we know. No need to draw this out 5+ pages.
I never said I expected them to prioritze standalone players over PS3. What I'm saying is that theres a shortage of diodes, and they are using them for PS3 instead of the intended Blu-ray players. It doesnt mean they will make shipment numbers, but it doesnt necessarily mean they will have a ps3 shortage either.

No, but the fact there is such a signifigant shortage certainly does not bode well for them making their projected numbers.

Honestly, if you were a betting man, would you bet on them having 6million for March?
Thats all good and well Qroach, I'm just saying I have my other opinions and thoughts based on what we know. No need to draw this out 5+ pages.

I'm not the one dragging this out and arguing with three different people Bad boy. If you really believed that, you could have stuck to that line of thinking before replying with your last four or five argumentitive posts.
I'm not the one dragging this out and arguing with three different people Bad boy. If you really believed that, you could have stuck to that line of thinking before replying with your last four or five argumentitive posts.

Spare me Qroach. Feel free to neg rep me for arguing my opinion, like in the last thread. :LOL: I could really care less.

No, but the fact there is such a signifigant shortage certainly does not bode well for them making their projected numbers.
point taken.

Honestly, if you were a betting man, would you bet on them having 6million for March?

Honestly I'm not a betting man, but I'd say if they can make 2 million for launch in the next 2 months, and if they get over the diode shortage, and theres no cell processor problems as your link seems to speculate, then I don't see why its not possible. But don't quote me on that. Nothing is ever promised. Whatever they do make though, I'm sure will sell out atleast until 2007.

In other news (or other rumors, take your pick)
Rumor: PS3 in Production?

One report indicates manufacturing has begun

Earlier this month SCEA president Kaz Hirai admitted that PlayStation 3 production had not yet started. Today, however, a new report from the folks at GameGossip suggests that manufacturing is finally underway.

"One of my own personal contacts has confirmed that the PS3 has begun its initial production run as of yesturday [sic] evening... in factories dotted across China and Taiwan," said the post.

How reliable this "personal contact" is we don't know. However, we contacted SCEA regarding the report and were simply told, "We can't confirm or deny rumors or speculation."

For now it's best that this news be taken with a grain of salt. One thing's for sure though; Sony will have to start manufacturing pretty soon (if they haven't already) to meet their goal of supplying 2 million units at launch (4M by year's end).
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They are all the same numbers from e3. They said 2 million at launch, 2 million by the end of the year, and 2 million by the end of th fiscal year. Which is 6 million. The gamespot link has already been debunked as a misunderstanding when kaz said 2 million by the end of the year.

What about the 8 million by end of fiscal year?

And precisely who debunked Kaz's statement? Was it someone with a name, or some annonymous Sony rep in an unknown position of authority? It wasn't Kaz himself, was it?
What about the 8 million by end of fiscal year?
Honestly I never heard that before, the fact that its a german link makes me think there could be a translation error. I'm not sure.

And precisely who debunked Kaz's statement? Was it someone with a name, or some annonymous Sony rep in an unknown position of authority? It wasn't Kaz himself, was it?

1UP was contacted by sony.
"Unfortunately Kaz Hirai's comments in the recent GameSpot interview regarding PLAYSTATION 3 production were misunderstood. We are still on schedule to ship 2 million units for our mid-November 2006 launch and additional 2 million units by the end of the year for a total of 4 million units," said a Sony spokesperson.

take that as whatever you like Powderkeg, I'm sure you think it's fud.
I cant see Ubisoft investing in developing a x360 version in lockstep with the PS3 version, if they planned on making it exclusive to PS3... even as a timed exclusive... am I the only one?
Spare me Qroach. Feel free to neg rep me for arguing my opinion, like in the last thread. :LOL: I could really care less.
You got repped for purposely using a circular line of questioning going nowhere. There was nothing opinion based at all. It was nothing short of annoying... glad to see you're not set on propelry discussing points and instead look to just try to prove people wrong.
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You got repped for purposely using a circular line of questioning going nowhere. There was nothing opinion based at all. It was nothing short of annoying... glad to see you're not set on propelry discussing points and instead look to just try to prove people wrong.

I was pointing out an error, nothing more (if you find that annoying I'm not sure theres much I can do). The rest was indeed my opinion. I'm not intentionally looking for people to prove wrong. If you think thats why I post on these forums your dead wrong. Please spare me. Infact I'll do you one better, put me on ignore!

Lets stick on topic shall we? Unless you would like to pm me, I'm sure a mod will be here soon if this drags on any further.
I cant see Ubisoft investing in developing a x360 version in lockstep with the PS3 version, if they planned on making it exclusive to PS3... even as a timed exclusive... am I the only one?

They made a directX version of the game engine, for PC and Xbox 360. It should be released on the same day as the PS3 version. Unless your asking something else?
I cant see Ubisoft investing in developing a x360 version in lockstep with the PS3 version, if they planned on making it exclusive to PS3... even as a timed exclusive... am I the only one?

No I agree. It was always planned to be a same day release obviously, which means it's what I always thought it was, either a marketing exclusive, or a tactic by ubisoft to build greater hype for the game. Having it as a reported PS3 exclusive would certainly make it more desireable for 360 users, grass is always greener sorta thing.
No, but the fact there is such a signifigant shortage certainly does not bode well for them making their projected numbers.

Honestly, if you were a betting man, would you bet on them having 6million for March?

I bet you still think MS will sell 10 this year don't you? ;)
M$ selling 10 million by the time PS3 launches? I don't see that happening, but I bet some people do.

M$ has shipped like, what 5 million consoles to the market now? Who knows how many are actually sold because of core packages, lately though I have seen the shelves full of Core and premium packages so it doesn't scream "selling like mad" to me, so selling over 5 million consoles in matter of few months is something I don't see them doing.
I am very pleased to hear this game is coming to the 360 as I was really disapointed when I heard it was going to be a PS3 exclusive. I am confident Ubisoft (Montreal Studio?) will take advantage of both platforms and turn out a stellar title.