Multiplatform Assassin's Creed--si or no?

M$ selling 10 million by the time PS3 launches? I don't see that happening, but I bet some people do.

M$ has shipped like, what 5 million consoles to the market now? Who knows how many are actually sold because of core packages, lately though I have seen the shelves full of Core and premium packages so it doesn't scream "selling like mad" to me, so selling over 5 million consoles in matter of few months is something I don't see them doing.

They shipped over 5million by June. That's 7.5 months, with huge launch shortages. Yet somehow you guys think it;s impossible for them to ship another 5million in the 6 months after that.

Granted summer sales were low, but the difference between high and low in the summer is ~100k/month, that easily be overcome if it has a very strong holiday. Who knows, at this point, honestly, I couldn't care less. At this point I'm just looking forward to some great games this winter.

If I had to bet, I would guess they come in somewhere between 8-9million, but 10 certainly is not out of the question.
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well regardless, the real good news in this thread is that all 10-12 million X360's shipped by March '07 will be able to play a cool game called Assassin's Creed. ;)
- All signs point to incredible PS3 shortages
- MS has gained new exclusives and titles for X360 (Fifa sells like 1.5 million copies in the UK only...)
- Holiday season will bring good X360 games: Test Drive, GOW, Splinter Cell, Vegas, Forza, EA Sports stuff, quite enough to look forward to.

So I think MS has enough to hope for good sales...
- All signs point to incredible PS3 shortages
- MS has gained new exclusives and titles for X360 (Fifa sells like 1.5 million copies in the UK only...)
- Holiday season will bring good X360 games: Test Drive, GOW, Splinter Cell, Vegas, Forza, EA Sports stuff, quite enough to look forward to.

So I think MS has enough to hope for good sales...

Not to say MS/360 wont have great sales this holiday season...but you're bulletpoints can go both ways.

-ps3 will sell out regardless how many they ship, wii will be there as a 3rd competitor as well
-Sony has gained exclusives and new titles for PS3
-holiday season will bring good PS3 games: motorstorm, singstar, armored core 4, warhawk, resistance,vegas, EA sports stuff
Not to say MS/360 wont have great sales this holiday season...but you're bulletpoints can go both ways.

-ps3 will sell out regardless how many they ship, wii will be there as a 3rd competitor as well
-Sony has gained exclusives and new titles for PS3
-holiday season will bring good PS3 games: motorstorm, singstar, armored core 4, warhawk, resistance,vegas, EA sports stuff

1. Your first point, due to limited supply, negates much your last two points in regards to Laa-Yosh's point of MS sales.

2. Why frame this in the framework of PS3 vs. Xbox 360 sales? Laa-Yosh was noting factors that could drive good sales -- not a compare & contrast to Sony's PS3. The only reason it appears he mentioned it was due to the fact (a) consoles will have a BIG buzz due to 2 new consoles launching and (b) those wanting to get in on the "next-gen" gig will very likely be incapable of buying a PS3 due to availability issues -- which was his point.

But to respond to your specific points :)twisted:) it can go both ways in a constrast:

- The PS3 is gonna sell out... and when those 2M (initial? total?) units are gone parents and consumers looking for next-gen looking games will have 1 option: Xbox 360.
- On the "net" gain/loss of exclusives and new titles MS has lost less / gained more than Sony.
- Of the "much hyped" E3 games from E3 2006 MS has an edge with Bioshock, Mass Effect, Gears of War, and Assassin's Creed to Sony's Heavenly Sword and Assassin's Creed.
- The PS3 is expensive; lowest entry point for Sony ($499) is $200 more than MS's lowest entry point ($299). MS also has a jump on the bargin bin and is selling quality games like Kameo and PGR3 for $29.

Sony is going to sell their 4M/6M units; will MS reach (ship) 10M by the end of CY 2006? I dunno, my guess is shipped yes, sold... wouldn't bet on it.

But if I was Ubisoft, I look at the above points (yours and mine), I see how in Fall 2007 MS is going to be the only place to play Halo, Madden, and GTA (the big three last gen) and has a market lead and lower entry point and the light is going off:

To maximize sales they need to be on the MS platform in 2007.

Of course it would be equally stupid to ignore the PS3 for a 2007 title. I would bet that Sony hits about 15M units in CY 2007 and has some killer stuff coming (like MGS4), and as Starbreeze pointed out, on the PS3 you have the oppurtunity to be the big fish in the small sea whereas on the 360, with a year headstart, there is more competition right now. Just like 360 owners were lapping up GRAW, FNR3, and Oblivion in Spring 2006 due to slim pickings, PS3 owners are going to be all over Assassin's Creed in Spring 2007 based on the titles already shown for the PS3.

It is in Ubi's best interests to have Assassin's Creed on the PS3 and Xbox 360. (Heh, I artfully bring the discussion back to the thread topic!)

Anyhow, I still don't understand all the hubbub. This game was clearly Xbox 360 bound from day 1 (when it was announced on the 360 :p ). And all those fericious naysayers -- we haven't even seen this game in motion. Like Mass Effect and Bioshock, we are basing all our excitement on the info from places like IGN and Gamespot closed door viewings.

Ubi really has won on this title with all the intense PR generated by console fans. The guy doing the anti-Ubi poll for PS3 owners is only doing Ubi's job of telling people it is 360 bound haha Poetic Justice.
1. Your first point, due to limited supply, negates much your last two points in regards to Laa-Yosh's point of MS sales..
It really depends on how much they ship, but I'm just saying either way the ps3 will probably sell out. And on the other hand PS3 and 360 still have competition from the much cheaper Wii. Which also affect 360 sales.

2. Why frame this in the framework of PS3 vs. Xbox 360 sales? Laa-Yosh was noting factors that could drive good sales -- not a compare & contrast to Sony's PS3. The only reason it appears he mentioned it was due to the fact (a) consoles will have a BIG buzz due to 2 new consoles launching and (b) those wanting to get in on the "next-gen" gig will very likely be incapable of buying a PS3 due to availability issues -- which was his point.
Very true, but on the other hand you have to piece in that the sales of one console can affect the sales of another.

- The PS3 is gonna sell out... and when those 2M (initial? total?) units are gone parents and consumers looking for next-gen looking games will have 1 option: Xbox 360.
three options, 360, and wii, and ps2 (dispite being a last gen console, its still very much alive, and very affordable). which affect everyones sales. and if they ship their targeted numbers, thats 4 million by around xmas time. not to mention the DS and PSP.

- On the "net" gain/loss of exclusives and new titles MS has lost less / gained more than Sony.
well how many exclusives has the ps3 lost really? how many has the 360 lost? do you have numbers?

- Of the "much hyped" E3 games from E3 2006 MS has an edge with Bioshock, Mass Effect, Gears of War, and Assassin's Creed to Sony's Heavenly Sword and Assassin's Creed.
Lets throw out the rumor of bioshock going multiplatform, there are other PS3 titles that are very much anticipated by many. You could also say havent even seen the beef from games like DMC4, Naughty Dog's Untitled game, LAIR, the getaway. All of which have have a high chance of releasing before summer of 07. Not to mention Virtua Fighter 5, hot shots 5, and amored core 4 could be big sellers in japan. Atleast lets wait till tgs for a better idea of what to expect.

- The PS3 is expensive; lowest entry point for Sony ($499) is $200 more than MS's lowest entry point ($299). MS also has a jump on the bargin bin and is selling quality games like Kameo and PGR3 for $29.
No doubt, the ps3 is very expensive. Which is one of the things sony will have to over come in 2007. But as for 2006, they could keep their 600 dollar price tag and still have a demand out weighing supply. And like I said, the PS2 is very much still in the game atleast for another year imo.

Sony is going to sell their 4M/6M units; will MS reach (ship) 10M by the end of CY 2006? I dunno, my guess is shipped yes, sold... wouldn't bet on it.
So would you say sony could reach their 6 million before 360 hit it's 6 million in july or whenever it was?

But if I was Ubisoft, I look at the above points (yours and mine), I see how in Fall 2007 MS is going to be the only place to play Halo, Madden, and GTA (the big three last gen) and has a market lead and lower entry point and the light is going off:
I take it you mean "and' as in all three because gta/madden are very much multiplatform. You could look at it that way yes, but it could also be vice versa as the only place to play killzone/mgs4, madden, and GTA.

To maximize sales they need to be on the MS platform in 2007.
To maximize sales they need to be on all platforms in 2007. ;)

PS3 owners are going to be all over Assassin's Creed in Spring 2007 based on the titles already shown for the PS3.
Not really sure what you mean by this. AC should sell well, yes, but 'based on the titles alread shown'? Not sure what you mean by this, can you elaborate?
Not to say MS/360 wont have great sales this holiday season...but you're bulletpoints can go both ways.

Additional explanations:
- PS shortage will help MS, not Sony; Acert93 explained it well.
- Exclusives and the good games releasing after the summer period will drive up X360 sales from the low point they're at right now. They'll make it much more desirable than it is now, where there's only a few good games and if you're not into them, there's no reason to get the console.
The PS3 is expensive; lowest entry point for Sony ($499) is $200 more than MS's lowest entry point ($299).

Just for some interesting side info... Here in Hungary, an X360 Premium costs 350 Euros. The Core is about 275. Official MS prices will be a bit higher than the grey import though, sales start in November.

Now PS3 is predicted to be around 550-650, and rumors indicate that only the bigger version will be available. But even if you count with an EUR300 Core and an EUR550 PS3, there's still quite more than $200 inbetween, so there's a much much bigger gap in the prices here in Europe.
Additional explanations:
- PS shortage will help MS, not Sony; Acert93 explained it well.
And I thought I explained it that there IS a third competitor, that in my opinion has the ability to hurt both Sony and MS because of it's fanbase and price. And regardless of how many Sony ship, there will be a shortage this holiday season.

- Exclusives and the good games releasing after the summer period will drive up X360 sales from the low point they're at right now. They'll make it much more desirable than it is now, where there's only a few good games and if you're not into them, there's no reason to get the console.
Are you saying PS3 has no exclusives and good games after the summer that will help ps3 sales as well? Like I said, this road goes both ways.
Are you saying PS3 has no exclusives and good games after the summer that will help ps3 sales as well?

All I say is that the new releases for the following 2 months will make the X360 a lot more desireable than it is now. They look properly next-gen, with GOW looking to become the system seller MS needs. They provide a reason why slow summer sales will probably pick up in September-October. And a few interesting exclusives and the secured multiplatform titles guarantee that there'll be more to play in the future.

On the other hand, PS3's initial 2006 releases have no real effect on its sales, because it will be supply limited anyway - Sony could sell all they make even if they only had Pong for it.
Very true, but on the other hand you have to piece in that the sales of one console can affect the sales of another.

True, consoles can influence eachother. I think the PS3 was impacting MS last year, and continued to do so. So as factors pushing sales one way or another, as Laa-Yosh was noting, this isn't new.

And on Laa-Yosh's point I agree with him that a console that is not available has a far more limited impact than if it was head-to-head in supply (and cost). Once those PS3's run out the impact of the 360 will deminish to a degree.

People are gonna be going crazy looking for PS3's, and when they see Xbox 360's on shelves with quality games and at a cheaper price those shortages, in Laa-Yosh and I's opinion, will be more of a help to MS than a negative. MS is already facing the negative of the looming launch.

three options, 360, and wii, and ps2 (dispite being a last gen console, its still very much alive, and very affordable). which affect everyones sales. and if they ship their targeted numbers, thats 4 million by around xmas time. not to mention the DS and PSP.

Well I did qualifiy my statement with consoles with "next-gen looking games" ;) Consumers out to purchase next gen games don't typically up and decide to buy a PS2.

well how many exclusives has the ps3 lost really? how many has the 360 lost? do you have numbers?

Hard numbers no, but off the top of my head we have seen more movement (thus far) toward MS. Not including new franchises (stuff like Gears of War, HS, etc), contrasting last gen to this gen, MS has snagged converted Grand Theft Auto, Resident Evil, Ridge Racer.

Of course the entire topic can be fuzzy if you include new franchises (UT2007, the new Wolfenstein, Alan Wake, HS, Too Human, Mass Effect, Resistance, etc) -- it would probably be MUCH easier to count "dev teams" and look at "How many dev teams have been lost/gained".

Anyhow, the point wasn't who had more exclusives (Sony, duh!) only that while you point out that Sony has gained exclusives, MS has done better at moving more established PS2-exclusive franchises to the Xbox 360 than Sony has in moving Xbox exclusive franchises to the PS3. Obviously not a completely fair comparison as Sony has more exclusives to be targetted. But I cannot think of many big Xbox franchises branching out to the PS3, at least not many GTA or RE level franchises.

And lets not forget AC heh. While we knew this was gonna happen and is not an example of a "lost" exclusive, just look at the posters in this thread. I can see a LOT of PS3 fans who were pretty confident the 360 would NOT get AC. Having banned a number of people today, I can say I saw a LOT of upset PS3 fans.

AC might as well be a lot exclusive as far as fans are concerned.

Lets throw out the rumor of bioshock going multiplatform, there are other PS3 titles that are very much anticipated by many. You could also say havent even seen the beef from games like DMC4, Naughty Dog's Untitled game, LAIR, the getaway. All of which have have a high chance of releasing before summer of 07. Not to mention Virtua Fighter 5, hot shots 5, and amored core 4 could be big sellers in japan. Atleast lets wait till tgs for a better idea of what to expect.

Well tit for tat you have to add Forza 2, Halo 3, blah blah blah But that wasn't my point ;) We can do an arms war all day long of "which titles are more anticipated!"

I was only noting that E3, the [formly] biggest gaming show on earth that sets the table for holiday sales, had a number of huge playable titles that were really hyped in the press. Halo 3, MGS4, FF, etc didn't make the cut. They are hyped, but not so much by the press who got to play them, but instead by fans and the publishers themselves. I think most of us would agree that there were a number of really, really hot "properties" at E3 that won a lot of critical acclaim from the press. These were the products that were playable in some form and won "Game of Show" etc awards from various pubs. There are some deviations of course, but I think it is pretty fair to say that as far as awards go for games and how people perceived them these 5 stood head and shoulders above the rest (sans movies, tech demoes, trailers, etc):

- Heavenly Sword
- Assassin's Creed
- Bioshock
- Mass Effect
- Gears of War

Maybe a broken metric -- not claiming it to be universal -- but from a PR perspective I do think it is relevant. Games that are big at E3 get big publisher pushes. The fact MS is not lagging behind 5:1 in such titles is shocking in my book. If anything it shows how the landscape has shifted to more multi-platform and that MS, warts and all, has finally grasped the concept (on some basic level... although I fear giving them much credit on this based on knowing Allards thoughts) that quality is important.

I see it less of a PS3 v 360 thing, but more of a "MS is moving up in the world". I see how MS went from hated and untrusted by gamers to hated, but actually becoming a source of quality games. MS was not a gaming powerhouse 5 years ago in 2001.

This is why titles like AC are going multi-platform: MS is now a reputable platform that will, IMO, be generating solid sales. MS isn't going to outpace Sony (I don't know how many times I have to say that...) but I think they deserve some credit for the moves they have made. Competition is really good for all of us.

No doubt, the ps3 is very expensive. Which is one of the things sony will have to over come in 2007. But as for 2006, they could keep their 600 dollar price tag and still have a demand out weighing supply.

Yet for 2006 sales all that matters is that the combination of high price and limited supply will push some people MS's way in 2006, which is the point about the low entry point. Budget Games + Lower Entry Point + default exclusives (from 2005 and 2006 stuff like SC: Double Agent, WWE, etc) will create some contrast. You and I know (at least we hope so!) that Sony will be hitting the $399 range in 2007, but Joe Smoe doesn't. He sees expensive and hard to find, and while hunting for that next gen experience he sees something like Gears of War in a kiosk and notices that a lot of the games on the PS3 (GRAW, FNR3, FEAR, COD3, etc) are all on the Xbox 360.

So would you say sony could reach their 6 million before 360 hit it's 6 million in july or whenever it was?

Not could. SHOULD. If the Supply is there it should be a no brainer. If Sony doesn't hit 6M by July 2007 AND there is plenty of supply that means something absolutely horrible happened... like Cell based Skynet that shoots BR disks at comsumers and kills puppies and kittens, Hot Coffee mods found in every PS3 game at launch, or decides that they should delay all their games into 2008 and rely on BR movie sales in 2006/2007.

Sony is the market leader; Sony is the market force. So I won't say Sony could reach 6M before MS did with the 360. I expect it. I do forcast shortages (just like I forcasted that the PS3 would NOT ship in Spring 2006), but Sony will have to really screw up not to hit 6M before Summer 2007 if supply is there.

What is more interesting is this: Will Sony have any units sitting on shelves in Summer 2007? Will demand be so high that even the slow summer months Sony is able to move tons of units?

I take it you mean "and' as in all three because gta/madden are very much multiplatform. You could look at it that way yes, but it could also be vice versa as the only place to play killzone/mgs4, madden, and GTA.

I did qualify my statement by the biggest sellers last gen, and those three really did dominate sales charts.

BTW, I would not even include Killzone in that statement. I think it is pretty weak to compare Killzone to Halo. It is like comparing Saint's Row to GTA in terms of quality and impact. It is just unreasonable. MGS in quality and devoted fanbase (but not really sales) is getting closer, but I didn't think that MGS was in the Halo range of sales last gen.

Anyhow, for every Killzone there is a Too Human, for a MGS4 a Mass Effect, for a Restistance a Gears of War, a GT a Forza.

But at the end of the day last gen had the big 3 of GTA, Madden, and Halo, and then everyone else (although a case could be made by GT, although that landscape has changed substantially both in recent sales and competition... which does accent that point that Halo 2 and GTA:SA success don't guarantee 7-10M sales this gen). This is not to slight any of those other EXCELLENT (better?!) games, only that those games are VERY important in regards to sales and consumer impact/association.

e.g. It would be a killer blow to MS if Halo was on the PS3. Now no one is silly enough to call GTA4 on the Xbox 360 a killer blow to Sony, but it would be equally silly to downplay 30M+ unit sales of that franchise on the PS2.

I knew a LOT of people who got PS2s for Madden and I actually know someone who bought a PS2 soley for the purpose of playing GTA:SA. Based on the sales impact of Halo and Madden, a consumer who is "jumping into" a console purchase will look at what else is there. Such a casual consumer is going to be looking at the "big" titles and it obviously bodes well if a platform can corner the market on huge titles.

Not to say there won't be new killer apps -- and surely there will be a new Halo and GTA this gen, and my bet is Sony gets more than their fair share of such! -- but I see too much avoiding of the reality that MS has done a good marketing job of getting the biggest titles all no their platform. Sony has failed to get Halo on the PS3 ;)

Not that that matters to PS3 fans in general, but that isn't really my point. Only that to casual fans it is a potentially big deal.

Acert93 said:
To maximize sales they need to be on the MS platform in 2007.

To maximize sales they need to be on all platforms in 2007. ;)

And to be fair I said just that right after I said the above ;)

Not really sure what you mean by this. AC should sell well, yes, but 'based on the titles alread shown'? Not sure what you mean by this, can you elaborate?

Pretty simple: The PS3, like most launch hardware, is going to have a limited number of "killer apps". Fact.

People are going to have a $600 console and want something to show off WHY they bought it. 3-6 months after launch all those rushed launch titles are gonna start wearing thin and people are going to be looking for the next big thing.

Enter: Assassin's Creed. Based on media hype, Assassin's Creed was one of the best, if not best, game on the PS3 this E3. Hence, "PS3 owners are going to be all over Assassin's Creed in Spring 2007 based on the titles already shown for the PS3." PS3 owners will definately be checking out a title that has been stated to be the "best" (in some people's opinion) that the PS3 has to offer in launch window. The lack of depth and broad competition will accent that point.

This is why Starbreeze was all excited about the PS3 in their last interview. They even spelled it out: The Xbox 360 is a year old. It has last years good titles cheap and a lot of new games to compete with. The PS3 will have far fewer games to compete with.

Think of it as the Halo effect. A good game in a sea of good games remains a good game (and can even become lost). A good game in a pond of good games can become a great game from a publishers (=sales) perspective.

The PS3 is gonna have some great games in the launch window (HS, maybe MotorStorm and Resistance, etc) but it will also have a fair share of Genjis and GT HDs.

Put more bluntly: If I am the maker of the Darkness do I want to face the following FPS in a 2007 library (ignoring the Multi-platfprm titles like COD3, FEAR, Rainbow Six, BiA3, MOH:AA, GRAW, HL2, Haze, Turok, Frontlines, etc)

PS3: Resistance, Mercenaries 2, UT2007
Xbox 360: Halo 3, Gears of War, Alan Wake, Condemned, COD2, PDZ, Prey, Q4, FC:I, BF2:MC, Timeshift, Huxley, Shadowrun, and so forth

The PS3 doesn't have the year lead for publishers to contend with; they have fertile soil. Less competition, no cheaper games, etc... AC appears, from the press, to be a more matured software that is "really next gen" and should be heads and shoulders above portware and rushed launch titles. But I am not working up AC, I think HS could have the same things said about it. In fact I am more comfortable with that because I still am not sold on AC. I don't trust the press much ;)
great post Acert (as usual)

this especially is good stuff here...

This is why titles like AC are going multi-platform: MS is now a reputable platform that will, IMO, be generating solid sales. MS isn't going to outpace Sony (I don't know how many times I have to say that...) but I think they deserve some credit for the moves they have made. Competition is really good for all of us. ;)
MGS in quality and devoted fanbase (but not really sales) is getting closer, but I didn't think that MGS was in the Halo range of sales last gen.

MGS2 is reported to be about 7 million copies, MGS3 went down to 2-4 million.

Halo 1 passed over 6.5 million, Halo2 about 8-9. Almost twice as many copies. But it may include PC sales of Halo 1.

Although it's interesting to note that MGS2 has been released on the Xbox and the PC as well ;)
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@ Acert93

Nice analysis although you kinda take the Microsoft route.

Anyhow, the point wasn't who had more exclusives (Sony, duh!) only that while you point out that Sony has gained exclusives, MS has done better at moving more established PS2-exclusive franchises to the Xbox 360 than Sony has in moving Xbox exclusive franchises to the PS3. Obviously not a completely fair comparison as Sony has more exclusives to be targetted. But I cannot think of many big Xbox franchises branching out to the PS3, at least not many GTA or RE level franchises.

Honestly, they had Halo..and..? I also do agree that Microsoft has made a name for itself in the gaming industry but I don't really see the 'love' yet. We see them going the money route which is always effective. Most of the time they use it wisely (as you already mentioned) and their online product is very solid. On the other hand we also see MS relying on (too) many PC ports + the UE3 which they even use for their top game (GOW) This doesn't bennefit console gamers and is not pushing the industry forwared (IMO)
Halo and .... Fable? i dont know

ninja gaiden, jade empire

On the other hand we also see MS relying on (too) many PC ports + the UE3 which they even use for their top game (GOW) This doesn't bennefit console gamers and is not pushing the industry forwared (IMO)

I think making PC game easy to port to the console is a good thing for the future of the xbox, it almost guarenties, in a few years, when PC games start looking better that there will be an xbox port.

As for relying on UE3 for GOW, Epic made the game, it would be a shame if they didn't use their own engine

besides that, Epic has to show that the engine can get good results on all systems or they are going to fail as cross-platform middleware
I was going to reply last night, but kinda fell asleep watching tv. :LOL:

True, consoles can influence eachother. I think the PS3 was impacting MS last year, and continued to do so. So as factors pushing sales one way or another, as Laa-Yosh was noting, this isn't new.
Yep, as I said. lol
And on Laa-Yosh's point I agree with him that a console that is not available has a far more limited impact than if it was head-to-head in supply (and cost). Once those PS3's run out the impact of the 360 will deminish to a degree.

People are gonna be going crazy looking for PS3's, and when they see Xbox 360's on shelves with quality games and at a cheaper price those shortages, in Laa-Yosh and I's opinion, will be more of a help to MS than a negative. MS is already facing the negative of the looming launch.
Well I'm not sure about you, but when I wait for a product, especially when it's 500+ dollars, I don't think I'll stray my purchase if I can't find it, I think I'd continue to wait for it. As I have been doing. This is especially true with hardcore gamers, who will be the ones purchasing majority of the first ps3's this holiday season. Th e ones waiting in long lines for hours, etc. 360's are out and available, and if a hardcore gamer was waiting for one, I'm sure hes already gotten his fix. Children who ask their parents for one, It's almost the same thing. If a parent comes in the store saying "i want a ps3 for my son", and they don't have it. Will he come home with a 360(something he could of gotten last holiday season), or will he wait until another shipment. As for casual gamers, I'm not sure they are going to be pushing people to the side to get a ps3 or 360 this holiday season. My prediction is that they will be opting for the much cheaper Wii. As I said before, there is more than one competitor this year.

Well I did qualifiy my statement with consoles with "next-gen looking games" ;) Consumers out to purchase next gen games don't typically up and decide to buy a PS2.
You're right in the sense for next gen games. But I was just pointing out, PS2 is still very much alive, and it's still very affordable. It has sold pretty well dispite the 360 being out next to it. And technically, Wii is the next generation in nintendo consoles regardless if they want to call it 'new-

Hard numbers no, but off the top of my head we have seen more movement (thus far) toward MS. Not including new franchises (stuff like Gears of War, HS, etc), contrasting last gen to this gen, MS has snagged converted Grand Theft Auto, Resident Evil, Ridge Racer.
And Sony has snagged a few that were small and big sellers for MS last holiday season for the 360. COD2, one of the 360's biggest selling games last holiday season for example, is no longer exclusive this time with COD3 being multiplatform.

Anyhow, the point wasn't who had more exclusives (Sony, duh!) only that while you point out that Sony has gained exclusives, MS has done better at moving more established PS2-exclusive franchises to the Xbox 360 than Sony has in moving Xbox exclusive franchises to the PS3. Obviously not a completely fair comparison as Sony has more exclusives to be targetted. But I cannot think of many big Xbox franchises branching out to the PS3, at least not many GTA or RE level franchises.
How many big franchises did the Xbox have that even came close to GTA or Halo levels?

And lets not forget AC heh. While we knew this was gonna happen and is not an example of a "lost" exclusive, just look at the posters in this thread. I can see a LOT of PS3 fans who were pretty confident the 360 would NOT get AC. Having banned a number of people today, I can say I saw a LOT of upset PS3 fans.
True, but to anybody with a brain, AC was pretty much always multiplatform. Especially when it first showing up at X05. It was really ubisoft's worst kept secret. I see you're point on the fact that some people probably wanted AC being exclusive like the odd thread the other day, but to be honest, those fans were probably sony ******s anyways and will still opt to buy the ps3 version when the time comes. Its just now, PC and 360 owners now have the chance to buy it. And as I said earlier, it's in ubisoft's best interest to provide for more platforms. More money for them, more games for us.

Well tit for tat you have to add Forza 2, Halo 3, blah blah blah But that wasn't my point ;) We can do an arms war all day long of "which titles are more anticipated!"
Fair enough, I was just responding to Laa-Yosh's post in the same manner he initially stated things. But yeah, we don't need an arms war. ;)

I was only noting that E3, the [formly] biggest gaming show on earth that sets the table for holiday sales, had a number of huge playable titles that were really hyped in the press. Halo 3, MGS4, FF, etc didn't make the cut. They are hyped, but not so much by the press who got to play them, but instead by fans and the publishers themselves. I think most of us would agree that there were a number of really, really hot "properties" at E3 that won a lot of critical acclaim from the press. These were the products that were playable in some form and won "Game of Show" etc awards from various pubs. There are some deviations of course, but I think it is pretty fair to say that as far as awards go for games and how people perceived them these 5 stood head and shoulders above the rest (sans movies, tech demoes, trailers, etc):
Yes and I was only noting, TGS is going to be pretty big for sony this year more so than the last 5 or so years. It's right before their launch and they really have to come out with a bang due to the sour taste left in many people's mouths from e3. So I think the beef of positive announcements and media could definately come from TGS this year, so It would kinda pointless to just go off E3 as the determining factor for this holiday season. The games at e3 that didnt show up, have no chance at all for being critically acclaimed" or "game of the show" if they are not there. I'm just saying wait for tgs and see what happens. Hell, we could even go before tgs and look at the huge nintendo show comin g up, where I'm sure it will create a lot of hype for themselves as we will see launch title lineups and other games to expect. Not only that but final price and date announcements are sure to come.

- Heavenly Sword
- Assassin's Creed
- Bioshock
- Mass Effect
- Gears of War
what no mgs4 in that list? :p Regardless of it not being playable, those who know it was a kojima trailer really didnt care. And it was definately talked highly about for many weeks. And To be fair, many of us havent even seen Assasin's Creed, we have only went by what the 'closed-door' reports have told us. So it may win awards from the sites and what not, but to me as of now, it's really not that much different from a mgs4 trailer. Don't get me wrong, I'm definately waiting for both titles to come out.

I see it less of a PS3 v 360 thing, but more of a "MS is moving up in the world". I see how MS went from hated and untrusted by gamers to hated, but actually becoming a source of quality games. MS was not a gaming powerhouse 5 years ago in 2001.
And I agree, MS has definately moved up in their ranks in the gaming spectrum. But it's another thing not to look at the other end of the spectrum. 2 Sided coin once again.

This is why titles like AC are going multi-platform: MS is now a reputable platform that will, IMO, be generating solid sales. MS isn't going to outpace Sony (I don't know how many times I have to say that...) but I think they deserve some credit for the moves they have made. Competition is really good for all of us.
Come on man, AC would have gone multiplatform if MS was the worst selling console ever. This is ubisoft we are talking about. And I'm sure if Wii had the technical power of pushing a game like AC, I'm sure we would see it there also. AC is going multiplatform for one thing, and one thing only. Money for ubisoft. There are also some other ubisoft titles that are rumored to make an apperance on the ps3, but I won't get into rumors.

Not could. SHOULD. If the Supply is there it should be a no brainer. If Sony doesn't hit 6M by July 2007 AND there is plenty of supply that means something absolutely horrible happened... like Cell based Skynet that shoots BR disks at comsumers and kills puppies and kittens, Hot Coffee mods found in every PS3 game at launch, or decides that they should delay all their games into 2008 and rely on BR movie sales in 2006/2007.
lol funny stuff bro.

Sony is the market leader; Sony is the market force. So I won't say Sony could reach 6M before MS did with the 360. I expect it. I do forcast shortages (just like I forcasted that the PS3 would NOT ship in Spring 2006), but Sony will have to really screw up not to hit 6M before Summer 2007 if supply is there.

What is more interesting is this: Will Sony have any units sitting on shelves in Summer 2007? Will demand be so high that even the slow summer months Sony is able to move tons of units?
Well it just all depends on how many they ship this holiday season. If they ship their target numbers this holiday with 2 million @ launch and another 2 million by the end of the year, I don't see why they can't hit their 6 million mark. But if they hit their target numbers and STILL are in high demand compared to supply, then that might be a problem for both companies depending on how you think about it. On one hand, there would be 6 million ps3's out in customer's homes and they still want more. Thats nothing but free marketing for you right there. Like tickle me elmo dolls all over again. Honestly I think the buzz will die down sometime around after they sell their first 6 million and sony will have to push their price down a notch. On the other hand, Sony wouldnt be taking advantage of the demand if they cannot get their supply out, even with 6 million out...if you can sell more of your product, by all means sell more.

BTW, I would not even include Killzone in that statement. I think it is pretty weak to compare Killzone to Halo. It is like comparing Saint's Row to GTA in terms of quality and impact. It is just unreasonable. MGS in quality and devoted fanbase (but not really sales) is getting closer, but I didn't think that MGS was in the Halo range of sales last gen.
I agree, Which is why I coupled it with MGS4 in my orginal statement. You ask any mgs fan, and most will probably say MGS3 was much better than MGS2. And in the regard of sales MGS2 probably had a negative effect on how people went into MGS3. But after the high praise MGS3 has gotten (some saying it could be the best MGS game to date), I think it definately revitalized the IP, and on a positive note bodes well for the mindset of MGS4.

But at the end of the day last gen had the big 3 of GTA, Madden, and Halo, and then everyone else (although a case could be made by GT, although that landscape has changed substantially both in recent sales and competition... which does accent that point that Halo 2 and GTA:SA success don't guarantee 7-10M sales this gen). This is not to slight any of those other EXCELLENT (better?!) games, only that those games are VERY important in regards to sales and consumer impact/association.
Point taken. And to look toward the future, GTA and Halo were both orginal IP's last generation. (well in gta's case it was never in 3d before the ps2) And it would kinda odd to assume their wont be any blockbuster games like Madden, GTA, Halo, this time around. Of course those things are not guarenteed, or whatever system those hits could come from, But I don't feel GTA, Madden, and Halo are the end all to overall title sales especially when going into a new generation. You have to account for variety, and how much in sales multiple games make. Variety is definately one thing the PS2 held sucess for. You had a game for every persons likings. And you can see MS is learning from that branching out.

e.g. It would be a killer blow to MS if Halo was on the PS3. Now no one is silly enough to call GTA4 on the Xbox 360 a killer blow to Sony, but it would be equally silly to downplay 30M+ unit sales of that franchise on the PS2.
Very true, It would be foolish to dissagree with that statement.

I knew a LOT of people who got PS2s for Madden and I actually know someone who bought a PS2 soley for the purpose of playing GTA:SA. Based on the sales impact of Halo and Madden, a consumer who is "jumping into" a console purchase will look at what else is there. Such a casual consumer is going to be looking at the "big" titles and it obviously bodes well if a platform can corner the market on huge titles.
And that definately depends on what will be the killer apps come out by holiday 2007 as you say.

Not to say there won't be new killer apps -- and surely there will be a new Halo and GTA this gen, and my bet is Sony gets more than their fair share of such! -- but I see too much avoiding of the reality that MS has done a good marketing job of getting the biggest titles all no their platform. Sony has failed to get Halo on the PS3 ;)
lol Acert, please tell me you didnt expect sony to buy up the halo franchise. I hope that wink is sarcasm. lol

Pretty simple: The PS3, like most launch hardware, is going to have a limited number of "killer apps". Fact.
And that didnt stop PS2 from being successful. Hell, I'd go as far as saying PS2 had no killerapps at all during launch. Killer apps really came a year after the system came out. Don't get me wrong, I had fun playing RRV, tekken tag, and fantivison. haha

People are going to have a $600 console and want something to show off WHY they bought it. 3-6 months after launch all those rushed launch titles are gonna start wearing thin and people are going to be looking for the next big thing.
All consoles have a dry spell where games are needed to push hardware. But thats not to say PS3 will have one come spring. As I said before there is more than just AC that have a high chance coming this spring that will be pretty huge.

Enter: Assassin's Creed. Based on media hype, Assassin's Creed was one of the best, if not best, game on the PS3 this E3. Hence, "PS3 owners are going to be all over Assassin's Creed in Spring 2007 based on the titles already shown for the PS3." PS3 owners will definately be checking out a title that has been stated to be the "best" (in some people's opinion) that the PS3 has to offer in launch window. The lack of depth and broad competition will accent that point.
But yes again you are just going off E3. Which in my opinion as I have stated is not really fair. Not saying AC wont be a hit, but it's not the end all to games coming out next year for the PS3 as I have also mentioned before.

This is why Starbreeze was all excited about the PS3 in their last interview. They even spelled it out: The Xbox 360 is a year old. It has last years good titles cheap and a lot of new games to compete with. The PS3 will have far fewer games to compete with.
And a similar effect could be seen with other consoles launching after their competition. PS1 over n64, PS2 after DC. And not to say PS3 will be the same with 360, it could very well end up like 360 after the PS2. But I'm saying it seems you are looking at this in a one dimensional manner. To be fair you have to look at it from all sides, angles, and different ways things could play out. And this his very much seen in the history of consoles.

The PS3 is gonna have some great games in the launch window (HS, maybe MotorStorm and Resistance, etc) but it will also have a fair share of Genjis and GT HDs.
Just as the 360 had it's COD2 and Kameo's, it had it's fair share of tony hawks, and GUN's.

Put more bluntly: If I am the maker of the Darkness do I want to face the following FPS in a 2007 library (ignoring the Multi-platfprm titles like COD3, FEAR, Rainbow Six, BiA3, MOH:AA, GRAW, HL2, Haze, Turok, Frontlines, etc)
Not really sure what you mean here, of course you want as little competition you can get with your title, but this applies to all games. But great games are still great games.

The PS3 doesn't have the year lead for publishers to contend with; they have fertile soil. Less competition, no cheaper games, etc...
But again this wouldnt really be new, this has happened before in console history.

AC appears, from the press, to be a more matured software that is "really next gen" and should be heads and shoulders above portware and rushed launch titles. But I am not working up AC, I think HS could have the same things said about it. In fact I am more comfortable with that because I still am not sold on AC. I don't trust the press much
Yes but HS and AC are not the only games "made for next gen" next year, I can't emphasize that enough. But don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to downplay AC, not one bit. I'm sure it will be a huge title next year. But it definately wont be the only huge title next year.

btw Acert, +rep to you. It's always nice to see more civil discussions/arguments being brought up here.
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Woah :eek: ALOT of arguments about sale's. Either way you look at it, in terms of sale's and install base over a time period, 360 is a comercial FLOP. Its selling nowere near as wel as Microsoft and the reatailers thought it would, not to mension it practically does'nt exist in japan.
Woah :eek: ALOT of arguments about sale's. Either way you look at it, in terms of sale's and install base over a time period, 360 is a comercial FLOP. Its selling nowere near as wel as Microsoft and the reatailers thought it would, not to mension it practically does'nt exist in japan.

according to Vg Charts (NPD numbers) the Xbox 360 is 800k units behind the PS2 sales number in the same 8months of time.

Also factor in that the PS2 started its launch in october in america, giving them a month of sales in the high season for consoles, wereas the 8 month of the X360 was in the summer.

(sales in october\november at usually 1+ million in the US while in the summer they are 200-300k for a good selling console)