MS announces "XNA"

They couldnt get a standardized scenegraph API off the ground last time ... without that you can forget about getting standardized interfaces to physics/3D/-sound engines.

Are developers ready for it now?
So mum's the word on the controller plans at this point then? Or is Chris just busy harvesting fetuses into the furnace of MS's war machine? :)
Dave Glue said:
So mum's the word on the controller plans at this point then? Or is Chris just busy harvesting fetuses into the furnace of MS's war machine? :)

Jeez, so impatient... We are furiously working on that any a bunch of other XNA related things - we'll have more details soon.

Dave Glue said:
1) Is this something that we're going to have to wait until the next Xbox/Longhorn to see?

Answers soon, be patient

Dave Glue said:
2) What form will this controller take? Something MS will produce itself, or just supply a reference design to other manufacturers like Logitech/Saitek? Or both?

Again, answers soon, be patient

Dave Glue said:
3) Have console developers indicated such a standard controller design will significantly improve their chances of bringing such titles to the PC?

Developers and Publshers for all platforms have asked for this - that's the main genesis behind XNA - it's another thing that makes sense for helping developers standarize the way they develop games.