Movie Reviews 2.0

Even I, a self professed comic book geek by today's standards, can feel a little superhero movie fatigue. Greedy corporations will always milk a good thing so much to the point of making even the biggest fan a bit sick of it after a while. But I'm still enjoying them, really.

Indeed. I still vividly remember seeing the first Guardians of the Galaxy trailer, thinking it was The Shit. And then it came out and it was indeed The Shit. And then there was Age of Ultron, Ant-Man, another shit Spider-man, another so-so X-Men movie, a bunch of related TV series, the soul sucking shit heap that was Batman V Superman, and probably half a dozen more in like 3 years or so.
And while I still enjoy them for the most part, my enthusiasm has all but vanished at this point. The trailers for Civil War and X-Men Apoclypse left me completely cold.

Hoping we get to see some Avatar-related stuff in the not-too-distant future. Now that would excite me. And Ridley Scott better get back to Prometheus as soon as possible too. Sure, the first one was flawed as hell, but at least it was interesting. I'm always up for some hard, R-rated Sci-Fi done with a respectable budget.
As soon as I saw Apocalypse in the trailer, I knew I wouldn't be seeing the new X-Men in the cinema. My hopes for the X-Factor vs Apocalypse & 4 horsemen in cinematic glory faded fast.
Just returned from the Civil War showing. It was very good! On par with Winter Soldier and I think better movie than Avengers 1, but with less spectacular highlights, hard to say which one I enjoy more. The new characters were cool, I also liked Spiderman and his babbling :) I didn't have problems following the action scenes, and they were great :)

These Russo brothers know what they are doing and I am more than happy that they are directing the Infinity Wars. I wish they'd make a Superman movie.
Well I saw Civil War last night. What's there to say, just an absolute joy. And it makes even some other Marvel movies look kinda shit, let alone BvS.

Seeing all the problems WB are having with directors leaving The Flash and Aquaman, someone needs to step in and really think about what is going on over there.

Civil War was the culmination of a brilliant formula taken to a whole new level.

So much for my superhero movie fatigue! Now I can't wait for the next ones.
Yes Civil War was absolutely awesome. I'd say it's arguably on par with the first Avengers movie and definitely better than Avengers 2. Really can't wait to watch it again when the 3d blu ray comes out.
Friday is the "opening", which means previews on the Thursday night before. My ticket has been booked since the 12th of April.

Disney studios have made some shrewd IP moves; they are killing at the 2016 box office. So far they've had a far chunk of Star Wars $2Bn in 2016, Zootopia/Zootropolis picking up $933M, The Jungle Book at $688M after just over two weeks and now Civil War is set for another big tally. So far from the international markets its tracking to Avengers Age of Ultron takings, but AoU fell off a little quicker relative to the first Avengers, presumably because of worse word of mouth, however judging by this thread alone word of mouth for Civil War doesn't appear to be an issue - going to be interesting to see what this one takes.
Wouldn't in 'reality' Tony Stark be against signing and Cap be the one who instantly signs?

Tony is the rebel in the gang imo, and his whole life swimming 'against' the stream. He would never sign a contract that he is ok with other people telling him what to do.

On the other hand, Cap is a soldier and used to taking orders all the time, until he went a little revel in CA1. He should be the one imo who insta-signs.

I know that for this movie they needed to flip it around because of Winter Soldier etc etc. However, the motivation they came up with for Tony to completely change his life long character (random mother starring at him) was a bit weak imo.

And I also think that the main evil guy has a weak motivation to be honest.

Story aside (stupid holywood writers get millions for garbage), the movie was fantastic.

I really liked Antman...whereas Tony was kinda grim, he made some fine jokes.

Spiderman looks like a kid!! Not sure what to think about him...but spiderman is a favorite of mine anyways. Still like Toby the best...

Black Panther was smooth as a cat...really liked that character and his fighting.

Overall, great movie! I also really enjoy that all the movies are connected so well and all the side comments from characters meeting in other movies etc etc. very nice.

PS: will Stan Lee ever take acting lessons???
Wouldn't in 'reality' Tony Stark be against signing and Cap be the one who instantly signs?

Tony is the rebel in the gang imo, and his whole life swimming 'against' the stream. He would never sign a contract that he is ok with other people telling him what to do.

On the other hand, Cap is a soldier and used to taking orders all the time, until he went a little revel in CA1. He should be the one imo who insta-signs.

I think the events in the previous Captain America movie and in Avengers 2 are reasons enough for their stances in Civil war. Prior to those I'd agree with your view on them.
I think the events in the previous Captain America movie and in Avengers 2 are reasons enough for their stances in Civil war. Prior to those I'd agree with your view on them.
Yeah, and Cap finding out Shield was building Hydra weapons in the original Avengers movie. Having fought the guys for years during WWII kind of makes him a little allergic against anything Hydra-related... :p
Also, it would have been very odd to switch the sides of the two main characters from the original Civil War story, upon which the movie is based.
Of course it would be odd, it just is my personal impression that the decisions and behaviour do not really fit the characters. That's all :)
Indeed. I still vividly remember seeing the first Guardians of the Galaxy trailer, thinking it was The Shit. And then it came out and it was indeed The Shit. And then there was Age of Ultron, Ant-Man, another shit Spider-man, another so-so X-Men movie, a bunch of related TV series, the soul sucking shit heap that was Batman V Superman, and probably half a dozen more in like 3 years or so.
And while I still enjoy them for the most part, my enthusiasm has all but vanished at this point. The trailers for Civil War and X-Men Apoclypse left me completely cold.

Boy, it really sucks to be you man. :D No offense, but I don't find half those movies bad. Not absolutely stunning, or great, but overall just solid quality entertainment. The type of movie I can watch a second time too without getting bored. Fair play, I haven't watched the latest Captain America flick (I jumped past most posts on this for spoiler reasons), but GotG was cool (I had zero expectations of it, but genuinely thought it was very funny most of the time), I like the new Spiderman remakes (despite being very critical towards the whole remake thing with new actors and so on), Ant-Man was yet another one that was okay and quite funny. The new X-Men movies, well... rather good too. They've all been rather similar from a quality point of view (having just watched the original 3 movies).

Sure, there are not any of Nolan's Batman caliber that is IMO more a drama-thriller than outright superhero action, but I thoroughly enjoyed them for what they are. Wasn't entirely sold on Age of Ultron (especially how the plot unfolded and towards the end), but then again, I wasn't amazed by the first Avengers movie either. I think I prefer the "one superhero solo flick" to the "hey lets put them all in one movie" kind of guy.
True, true.

What I found the weirdest was the whole
Vision/Wanda dynamics. I mean I know that in the comics they're married with kids, but the way we see them in the movies,
I don't know it's just a bit too freaky and weird.