Boy, it really sucks to be you man.No offense, but I don't find half those movies bad. Not absolutely stunning, or great, but overall just solid quality entertainment. The type of movie I can watch a second time too without getting bored. Fair play, I haven't watched the latest Captain America flick (I jumped past most posts on this for spoiler reasons), but GotG was cool (I had zero expectations of it, but genuinely thought it was very funny most of the time), I like the new Spiderman remakes (despite being very critical towards the whole remake thing with new actors and so on), Ant-Man was yet another one that was okay and quite funny. The new X-Men movies, well... rather good too. They've all been rather similar from a quality point of view (having just watched the original 3 movies).
Sure, there are not any of Nolan's Batman caliber that is IMO more a drama-thriller than outright superhero action, but I thoroughly enjoyed them for what they are. Wasn't entirely sold on Age of Ultron (especially how the plot unfolded and towards the end), but then again, I wasn't amazed by the first Avengers movie either. I think I prefer the "one superhero solo flick" to the "hey lets put them all in one movie" kind of guy.
Where did I say all of them were bad? The only legitimately terrible ones were The Amazing Spider-man 2 and Batman V Superman. Days of Future Past was so-so like all the other X-Men movies by Bryan Singer. First Class was the only really awesome one of the bunch because he wasn't involved. I'm rather indifferent to the Thor films, but I liked or even loved just about all the others. All I'm saying is that I'm just not that excited about them anymore because there's so bloody many of them every year.