Movie Reviews 2.0

This also suggest that they might go for a different family dynamic. I'm not the greatest comic geek ever, but even I know that one of Peter's main struggles was to help out with the rent and all. This is something that would be completely alien to teenagers nowadays, so they're probably going to replace this with some other type of conflict.

Like it being an Oedipus complex?
Going to see Civil War tonight, expecting something good. Liked the serious tone of the previous Captain America movie.
CAWS and CACW are clearly the best Marvel movies so far, absolutely fabulous that the same team is behind the wheel for the next Avengers flicks.

I also happened to watch SWFA the same day as CACW. Pretty good stuff with all its shortcomings, but clearly just a prelude. Rey is surprisingly charismatic.

Oh and first post here in like 5 years or something. I'm feeling young again, excluding the Aunt May thing. She's 51, BTW.
CAWS and CACW are clearly the best Marvel movies so far, absolutely fabulous that the same team is behind the wheel for the next Avengers flicks.

While they are clearly two of the best, I'd personally rank the first Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy up there with them.
So I've seen CA3. I have to agree with a lot of the praise here, no point repeating it. However there are two things that I really don't like.

One might be intentional...
The villain of this movie is called Steve Rogers. The once likeable hero is now replaced with an arrogant, vain, violent and self-righteous bastard, who is willing to mow across anything and anyone, without even an ounce of doubt or conscience or regret. Fuck the world, he'll do whatever he wants and he's gonna save his old buddy just because. At the end when he throws down the shield and walks out in his imagined moral superiority, I really looked for the ceiling to collapse on him.

Okay, Bucky was a victim here, even when he murdered the Starks, and Tony still wanted to kill him, which is wrong. But Rogers isn't anything better, and his faults have actually lead to a lot of innocent people dying.

The only somewhat plausible explanation is that if his character was more human and actually conflicted, then it would have made him practically perfect, and the one person that did the right thing. But even if that's the case, the movie went too far.
I think you have to look at his motivations across the arc of his movies. This is the guy that desperately wanted to contribute and serve his country as part of the system, but in doing so he's seen how government power can lead to questionable choices (deciding to nuke New York [Avengers], preemptive justice [Winter Soldier]) to even being outright corrupted. His faith in "the system" is gone, which undercuts his decision to become "Captain America" (hence, I believe, the symbolic throwing of the sheild).

Aunt May. Now that is one complete makeover compared to her looks in earlier spidey movies. You know you've reached old, mature age when it does not feel wrong to say Aunt May is hot.
Its Marisa Tomei. I don't think you are human if you don't have warm, fuzzy feelings for Marisa Tomei!
Wow man, Civil War was deep. Didn't expect such emotional investment by the characters, well done Marvel! Oh and best Spiderman, so much fun :yep2:
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I'm watching The Winter Soldier right now and the lead in to Civil War is very obvious. I'd strongly recommend anyone that has doubts over Caps motivation in Civil War to rewatch TWS and question that doubt throughout. From the back of this film, anything other than his actions in CW would have been nonsensical.
It's impressive how much better Civil War was in comparison to BvS. The delivery of some lines was great and i felt emotionally invested throughout the movie, conflicted too. This movie touched on political issues as well (polarizing politics) and shows how dangerous it can be to see things in black and white. Very good stuff, the only thing i really didn't like was the bad guy, just poor characterization and i really didn't know why he was doing the things he was doing for most of the movie, only for him to reveal his motive through cheap exposition... meh
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While they are clearly two of the best, I'd personally rank the first Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy up there with them.
As good action movies yes, but CAWS and CACW are better simply as all-around movies. Scriptwriting and character handling puts them in top place IMO.
Its Marisa Tomei. I don't think you are human if you don't have warm, fuzzy feelings for Marisa Tomei!

What is it in her, really? She seems kind of airheaded and smart at the same time, kind of goofy yet classy. In her movies I always feel I'm seeing Marisa Tomei instead of whoever is her character is. Yet she always feels great for the role.
As good action movies yes, but CAWS and CACW are better simply as all-around movies. Scriptwriting and character handling puts them in top place IMO.

What does all-around movie even mean? Does it mean a movie my mother might also enjoy? I think "just" being a a brilliant action-comedy doesn't make you any less of a movie at the end of the day. The notion of lesser genres is why you'll never see any of these movies getting a best picture nomination any time soon, and that is equally unfortunate and dumb.
Saw Deadpool, which is actually still playing in the U.S. somehow.

It's now my favorite Marvel film out of the like... asstons I've seen(I've even seen the two TV Captain America films from the 70s. BTW, you'll lose a piece of your soul if you do that. Don't make my mistake, folks).
FYI - If you want to look into some of the behind the scenes decisions and motivations for Civil War, Empire has their "Spoiler Special" Podcast up now. This has 35 minutes of behind the scenes chat with the Russo brothers and also some time with Kevin Feige, giving some hints as how they wanted this to position for the future of the MCU.

BTW - on a related topics, Feige has stated this in another interview:

FEIGE: We’ve announced the next nine movies, 10 counting Civil War, through the end of 2019. Where we go beyond that are ongoing discussions that we’ll focus on in the next few years because we have a lot to do before then. Of the characters that you’ve just mentioned I would say certainly the one creatively and emotionally that we are most committing to doing is Black Widow.

Black Widow seems to have her own Phase 4 (or beyond) movie, which would imply that, unless its a backstory, she'll be a survivor of Infinity War.
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What does all-around movie even mean? Does it mean a movie my mother might also enjoy? I think "just" being a a brilliant action-comedy doesn't make you any less of a movie at the end of the day. The notion of lesser genres is why you'll never see any of these movies getting a best picture nomination any time soon, and that is equally unfortunate and dumb.
It simply means they have better script with more interesting plot and character handling, IMO. Avengers and GotG certainly aren't of a lesser or any different genre than the CA movies, they just lack a bit in the mentioned qualities.
Liked civil war but think ws was better overall

Didn't like
the nerfing of spider man and black panther.

Spider sense where was it? Spideys soloed entire super powered teams with it. And Panther he's even beaten doom so how could he struggle with bucky?

Team iron man should've realistically shut down caps team in no time.
MCU != MU. Just because something has happened in the comics doesn't automatically mean the same holds true for the movies. The characters and capabilities are drawn from the comics, but it does not necessarily hold true that they are the same.
Regarding Civil War:
Team iron man should've realistically shut down caps team in no time.
That wouldn't have made for a very dramatic or interesting movie though. If the superhero battle had been the culmination of the first act, that'd been okay, but it's deep in the last act. So it would have looked stupid and made the whole movie crash and burn if that's the way it played out.
MCU != MU. Just because something has happened in the comics doesn't automatically mean the same holds true for the movies. The characters and capabilities are drawn from the comics, but it does not necessarily hold true that they are the same.
True but
lack of spider sense would make mcu nerfed compared to mu. Also iron man almost took down both bucky and cap while Panther seemed ineffective against bucky, much weaker than mu version, so this version seems nerfed in comparison
Regarding Civil War:
That wouldn't have made for a very dramatic or interesting movie though. If the superhero battle had been the culmination of the first act, that'd been okay, but it's deep in the last act. So it would have looked stupid and made the whole movie crash and burn if that's the way it played out.
others have commented how heavy hitters like vision and scarlet had brief views, while the camera tended to focus on the weaker players. I'm also going to be surprised if spiderman lacks spider sense in his own movie. Edit: I believe the heavy hitters like vision wouldve ended things quickly.
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Of course he has spider sense!
It's alluded to in his first meeting with Tony, and also during the battle I can clearly remember that he senses something that's going to hit him from behind and he dodges it. I'm sure they'll have more time to develop and show his powers in his movie.

As for the characters' power levels, I agree they're a bit all over the place but let's not forget that they are also all over the place in the comics, much more so.

I mean Wanda changed the entire universe once in the comics just by making a wish ("no more mutants" and ensuing dramas). But she did take down Vision in the film, and shows that she can control the Mind Stone - which would make her very, very powerful in Infinity War.

Most of these characters have variable powers depending on the era and even the events in the comics, hopefully they will show a bit of development in the next few sequels.