Movie Reviews 2.0

I thought it had been established in the past that JMS held onto the original data files with a titan's grip. It would be greatly surprising if they've actually been lost - not to mention, a sign of a fuckup of the ages.

The original assets are crap, as you seem to agree, limited by the technology of that time - in fact I'd say those old assets are kinda worthless :) There are schematics online for literally everything that flied there, shapes and sizes and all.
But what I was trying to say is that nowadays even a handful of fans could do much much better with just a free app like Blender. Build the stuff for a free game engine and you have instant access to a lot of post filters and effects for explosions and such and all. If anything would be a limitation, it's the lack of people with good artistic talents to properly re-imagine the spaceships, but even that is not an impossible issue.

Have you seen B5 recently? It's beyond primitive. Indie space shooters look far better technically; it's the composition and animation of the shots that make them great. That would be a massive undertaking to recreate; you could get close perhaps, with enough work and sheer dedication, but it would be very hard and take a huge amount of time.

You are seriously overestimating the animation capabilities of that early version of Lightwave. In fact, a LOT of that stuff is just so obviously limited by the technology, both animation and rendering - effects are mostly just textured polygons and lens flares, camera moves are horrible, and so on. Back in 2001 I was working with a much more advanced version of that app, and I was baffled to see that it was, for example, impossible to instance the blinking lights on starships, so I've had to animate each by hand (...).
Today's tools are so much better, even in free engines, that it'd take a fraction of work to rebuild those scenes; but I'd say it'd be super easy to do even better. Just the fact that you could work in basically real time would be a colossal advantage compared to the speed of Amiga computers of that time.

The first studio where I've worked has purchased an indie development back in 2001, where the engine demo with all procedural and AI driven animations and effects looked way better and more exciting than the original B5. It was eventually released as Nexus: The Jupiter Incident, I'll try to look up some videos from the completed game. And that was like 15 years ago, with an engine and assets built by like 5 people.

Would Warner willingly want to spend that kind of money? Not likely, I'd think.

Again, even a fan project would do better than the original material, so if there's a will then no money would be needed. Considering the huge fan base, it's definitely a possibility; maybe something like a Kickstarter campaign could also work. Well, yeah, the VFX and live action combinations would definitely be a lot harder, but I was only talking about the space scenes.
I do agree that an official remaster thing is unlikely, though.

[/quote]If the original data files are indeed lost, to make a 1:1 re-creation of 3D battles with sometimes a hundred-plus ships, particles and explosions (which you'd also have to re-make all over again), from a 2D video source as a basis... Virtually impossible I'd think. You could only get close-ish. There would always be discrepancies, regardless how much money was spent.[/QUOTE]

And who would care, seriously? If it's just close enough to the original in the action yet it manages to tell the story, but it looks much more advanced, I'm sure it'd be considered to be far, far better.

So what I'm trying to say that it's just a question of will and dedication by like a dozen people to do a remaster of B5's space scenes that could easily look better than the best of the Star Trek TV shows' VFX. All the means, the tools and references and such, are already there.
I dont know

That's like Freespace 2, how old is that engine? Also, no new design work on either the assets or the FX. Today's tools are like night and day compared to that, even if restricted to a free game engine. But Blender also has a renderer and even a built-in compositor...
It's the Freespace 2 open engine from about 2007
but from a time before it supported
Glow Maps
Environment Maps
Normal Maps
post processing
parallax mapping
soft particles
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Just have JMS and Chris Roberts get together to recreate them in star citizen/cryengine.
Finished watching Cap: Civil War about two hours ago. Was great. The movie is fairly brainy for an action extravaganza. There is no genuine big bad; the fight is over ethics, and it's written and carried out pretty well.

While you'd think it's perhaps a little far-fetched to have superheroes coming to blows over what they fight over...when you look at what the writer/directors are going for, it doesn't seem so unlikely after all. These are extraordinary people after all, so the stakes automatically get higher too.

There's more "talky" scenes in this movie than other Marvels, but it doesn't feel slow, or dull. The exposition scenes are made interesting, and any time you have Stark in particular in the conversation, it's going to be enjoyable no matter what, because of the way they built the character from day one. Cap, which seemed the most stars-and-stripey-boring-boyscoutiest of all Marvel heroes in First Avenger, has matured and developed immensely. He's still a goody two-shoes character, but with a much more interesting persona now. As a main character, he doesn't stand out so much though because of the very diverse cast, but still, Evans pulls off his superhero alter ego just as well as in Winter Soldier. He's also super buff; we're talking Arnold-level buffed here in his 1980s prime. Holy hell. :p

New Spiderman: fantastic! While I enjoyed the last one we had - whatsisname - the writers didn't capture the wiseass punkish persona of Spidey very well. This new, younger one got a real motor-mouth, and he's funny, and the actor is really great. It was super enjoyable.

Black Panther: no prior knowledge of this character - at all - but it was good. I liked, a lot. I hear this guy's gonna get a movie of his own, I'm looking forward to it.

On the whole, the movie structure and execution can't quite reach up to Avengers IMO; my main criticism is the very rapid cutting during fight scenes and the way the action was shot with super fast shutter speed, making people strobe a lot as they execute their super-fast fight sequences. It looks weird, and off. More weird and off than the 48fps Hobbit movies, because the strobing was smoother there. At boring ole 24fps, action looks VERY jerky indeed. It distracts quite a bit. Also, to have a proper war you need people to fight in it, and that means a lot of heroes, so some don't get very much screen time or exposure. Especially the women unfortunately, because there's only two of them amongst the superheroes, and neither get to play a very large part. Romanoff gets more things to do, but it's still mainly a penis-haver movie by and large.

Oh well. Maybe next time, eh? :)

So... Very solid 8/10, I'd say. And... Jeez. This movie has some huge implications for the cinematic universe, it's gonna be so exciting to see where they build from this! :D

Also, they screened preview for the new X-Men. Looks promising, and suitably world-ending, and stuff... Then there's Thor: Apocalypse or whatsitscalled (spinning on the same theme here it seems, heh), but that's not until next year I think?
Thor Ragnarok is 2018 I think? No idea. The new Spidey moved some things around and Thor is one of those. This year we get Xmen apocalypse which is separate. So strange to have the world ending in one part of the Marvel universe, and the world also ending every 5 minutes in the other Marvel universe, without each event knowing about the other.

Then I think next is Dr Strange which looks very Inception-y and will be in the MCU.

Not sure what's after that.

All I'm really waiting for is my Flash and that's going to be 2 years at least. So I'll make do with the brilliant TV show.
They MOVED THOR?! Awww! I was so looking forward to that...

Dr. Strange is another guy I know next to nothing about, but virtually all of the MCU movies have been great, so I'm sure I'll see it when it comes out. :)
They MOVED THOR?! Awww! I was so looking forward to that...

Dr. Strange is another guy I know next to nothing about, but virtually all of the MCU movies have been great, so I'm sure I'll see it when it comes out. :)
Yeah personally, out of all the individual movies, Thor has been probably my favourite, and it's not just because he's absurdly fit. But for whatever reason it's not as commercially successful as the others.
Yes, no changes to the Thor schedule. Personally I loved Branagh's take on Asgard for the original Thor and the way he did that movie makes it interesting to me, however I still don't know that I've made it through a sitting for "Thor The Dark World" without dozing off at some point. Ragnarok sounds interesting as it been suggested by Mark Ruffalo that its a celestial based "road trip" movie with Thor and Banner/Hulk.
Ragnarok is also directed by the guy who did What We Do in the Shadows. A curious choice, but Marvel's been pretty good at picking practically everybody for their movies so far.
I think I'm a bit over Super Hero movies at this point. Or rather over the meticulously preplanned mega budget Marvel and DC universe. Would gladly go for more stuff like Dredd or Kingsmen, though.
Even I, a self professed comic book geek by today's standards, can feel a little superhero movie fatigue. Greedy corporations will always milk a good thing so much to the point of making even the biggest fan a bit sick of it after a while. But I'm still enjoying them, really.
As long as it's good shit, I'll watch superheroes duke it out on-screen all day long. Fine by me.

Just gimme some good proper sci-fi also. ID4 sequel trailer screened just as I walked into the theater to take my seat, I missed most of it, but what little I saw looked rather doomsdayish. I think we pissed them off not letting them exterminate us the first time around, but somehow we'll still win, because we humies always do, lol. Imagine that! ;)
It's very SW:TFA: Same but bigger. bigger spaceships, more spaceships, big big big.
Fewer seventy-year-old actors though, I suspect... ;)

Is Jeff Goldblum in it? I heard Will Smith didn't want to, which is a shame. He's a great action movie actor, he can carry one of these ridiculously and embarrassingly patriotic american extravaganzas all by himself and make it feel not 100% corny and dumb. :p