edit: Next Thursday it's Cap time.
*gets ridiculously excited*
Finished watching Force Awakens on BR a couple hours ago. It was fun. Really good movie, generally speaking. The things I liked about it first time around felt stronger, firmer the second time watching it, and the things that nagged me were no worse than back when I saw it on the big screen. I felt Phasma should have played a larger role, that's my biggest criticism I think. They had a strong villain in her, but she got very little chance to - er - shine. Other than that there was some questionable technobabble that could just have been skipped outright for the most part (
don't try to explain how technology works in a star wars movie!), and a few unneccessary shoutouts to the first trilogy that felt strained. It didn't bother me much though. The new cast in particular just is so good my few criticisms don't really matter.
I like them all, Poe, Finn, Rey, Kylo. They did a really good job with the acting I felt, grounding the movie and making it believable amongst bizarre aliens and strange locations.
Perhaps Phasma got cut down for time, I dunno. I haven't looked at the deleted scenes, but I did watch most of the other extra material. No cast and director's commentary track, which is a crying shame. It really adds a lot, unless you're Tim Burton and probably half asleep towards the end, like in Sleepy Hollow...

Last fifteen minutes I don't think he said more than three sentences sum total, lol.
In other news, the making-of documentary whitewashed the entire incident of the Millennium Falcon attacking and injuring Harrison Ford. It wasn't mentioned with
one single word. Fucken lol. This is how history gets rewritten by big corps in the name of good publicity...