Movie Reviews 2.0

I thought T2 had too much comical relief and an unrealistic badguy to be truly amazing. Liquid metal (which is solid when it chooses to be and perfectly mimics colors and surface textures, by movie magic) was just too wacky a concept to be believable IMO. Linda Hamilton was very creepy-good though. A true taliban of her time, an obsessed fanatic stopping at nothing to accomplish her goal - almost.
Oh come on. You must be around my age and when it came out I was what, 10 maybe? Surely you weren't thinking about how liquid metal wasn't realistic, you were going OMG WTF THATS SO COOL like every other kid out there :yes:

Anyway, point still stands about Linda :love:
A new Batman VS Superman trailer fresh from the oven. A bit spoilerific if you ask me, but looks great anyway! :)

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Sarah Connor was originally a sweetie pie. So it wasn't too jarring to see a bit of that in this new incarnation. Also, Lena Headey has spoiled us. She rocked as Sarah Connor in The Summer Glau Chronicles. Lol, did I spell that wrong? ;)

Who can identify that hot aerobics instructor next to her, without googling? We used to get up before dawn to watch her show, until Moms® protested the hotness of it all and got it taken off the air. (true story)
"bess motta 20 minute workout"

P.S. So yeah, I'm older than you peeps. :)
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A new Batman VS Superman trailer fresh from the oven. A bit spoilerific if you ask me, but looks great anyway! :)

So as predicted, Lex creates Doomsday out of Zod. Bit early to whip out Doomsday in my opinion - and I'd have thought it would be reserved for a standalone Superman movie - but I guess they'll just go 'cosmic' and bring out Darkseid for the big justice league movie. A bit like Thanos for the avengers infinity war finale.
The only thing that bothers me about the trailer is Lex. Why does he always need to be a frigging "goofball" in these movies. The Smallville version has been by far the best representation of the character. He should have calm deep anger and have a menacing aura, but they always make him more like bad Jar Jar Binks, this guy perhaps even more so than usual.
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Smallville did a lot of things right, Lex being one of them. But I think this version of Lex in the trailer is a 'first version'. Before he loses his hair and goes all dark and broody like everyone else has in these new movies.
Smallville did a lot of things right, Lex being one of them. But I think this version of Lex in the trailer is a 'first version'. Before he loses his hair and goes all dark and broody like everyone else has in these new movies.

I hope you are right, I'm going to be lenient for now and give him the chance to be all that I want him to be :)
I just wonder if he can ever act that ADHD out of him, it seems to be in his DNA. Perhaps it won't bother me when the movie finally comes out... In any case I'm waiting this more than the Civil War.
Jesse Eisenberg has never really hit the spot with me, if I'm honest.

But really? WB have the chance to make the Avengers look like Lego toys, just because the DC heroes really are like gods. So PLEASE don't fuck it up completely! But they will, I'm pretty sure!
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I thought T2 had too much comical relief and an unrealistic badguy to be truly amazing. Liquid metal (which is solid when it chooses to be and perfectly mimics colors and surface textures, by movie magic) was just too wacky a concept to be believable IMO. Linda Hamilton was very creepy-good though. A true taliban of her time, an obsessed fanatic stopping at nothing to accomplish her goal - almost.

Hey, if you are able to create a machine which allows you to travel back in time, you can fricking well do anything when it comes to liquid metal robotty stuff. :)
So as predicted, Lex creates Doomsday out of Zod. Bit early to whip out Doomsday in my opinion - and I'd have thought it would be reserved for a standalone Superman movie - but I guess they'll just go 'cosmic' and bring out Darkseid for the big justice league movie. A bit like Thanos for the avengers infinity war finale.
When did Abomination become a DC property? Oh, wait...
The question here is... Would the film have turned out in a masterpiece if they had cast someone else? No, it would still have been a shameless, middle of the road, tired but fun cash grab. We're hardly talking about Terminator 2 and the amazingly perfect Linda Hamilton here. Was it Linda Hamilton? I forget.
I am talking about her. She was awesome. And Arnold was great in it. So there were two really good pillars to rest the movie on. Here it seemed more teetery. Anyway I still liked it better than any except 1 and 2 and enjoyed it.

Dunno sexy; certainly very pretty. But most, if not all young women in movies are, so that's nothing extraordinary whatsoever. I just genuinely liked her performance, that's all.
Fisher was salty as Leia back in the day. She's way saltier in real life though. A real straight-shooting forthright lady. There aren't many like that, there was whatsherface, the plastic surgery comedian who died on the operating table the other year, Carol Burnette, Whoopie Goldberg maybe (even though she's insane these days), aaannnndd, who else? Can't think of anyone right now. :p (I know there must be more, I'm just out of touch with media in general, comedy in particular probably...)
I would mention Sarah Silberman, but she doesn't quite qualify as 'lady' yet, lol.
You mention mostly 'real' comedians. Fisher was Princess Leia and then ended up a drug addict. She's funny cause she's insane, in a good way. The others are funny cause that's their job :)
Well, Fisher's done comedy, on film and on stage. She's a genuinely funny woman. That a lot of her jokes come out of her own troubled history doesn't really factor into it IMO.