Movie Reviews 2.0

You haven't seen Austin Powers 2 (I believe it was) for example? :p

There's also stand-up clips from some of her performances on Youtube and stuff. She jokes all the time. On the commentaries track of the original Star Wars movies, she wisecracks, "you're not really famous until you're a Pez dispenser"... :LOL: She also mentions the fact the original cast signed away their likenesses to Lucasarts for merchandising purposes (hence the Pez dispenser), so "every time I look in a mirror, I have to pay George [Lucas] a buck". :p
It Follows.

It's basically The Ring, only with sexual intercourse instead of a video tape. The curse which gets passed around like an STD is a fair bit nastier than the killer girl from the well, though: the murderous enitity doesn't give you a 7 days grace period, and passing it along isn't so much a final solution as it is a bandaid; should the next person in line succumb to the curse, it goes right back to you. What a bummer.

Overall it was a cool little fever dream of a movie with an exceptional soundtrack and a great cast. I didn't think it was anywhere near as scary as people made it out to be, though, and the vague conclusion didn't quite satisfy my lizard brain.
Everyone stop whatever you're doing and watch this batshit crazy interview with Carrie Fisher! I fucking love this woman.

Couple of things I've learned about this, just thought it'd be interesting.
The interviewer is in fact 43 years old :O Would not have put her above 30... and it's not like it can all be explained by botox or surgery or such.
Probably unintentional and a lot less funny, but Fisher's joke about her good genes wasn't completely right. The poor woman found out on live TV during a routine exam that she had breast cancer, and also had to have mastectomy.
Well she does look very nice in that interview, but I think TV-makeup can do wonders to just about anyone. Here is a regular photo of her with her husband aka Billy from Melrose Place. A nice looking woman still, but 43 I can believe. I knew she was older than me from the Carrie footage too. haha I feel like an asshole, but no problems :)

She's still quite young looking. I'm "only" 37 but I'd still... well, say that one could do a lot worse. Hopefully I shouldn't feel bad for saying this.
The Phantom Menance also had great reviews before hand. Do not discount the influence of the Disney money making machine. I won't believe any of the early reviews unless it comes directly from one of us.
Well, seems Star Wars actually turned out really, really good. According to reviews. Very happy with that.

In Europe they released Star Wars today and two friends watched it and they said me it is great and much better than Star Wars 1,2 and 3 with great respect for the first trilogy.

I will watch the movie in 5 hours. So impatient Return of the jedi was my first movie in cinema when I was a child after see the two first episode on TV. I buy one of the last ticket. Star wars crazyness. ..
The Phantom Menance also had great reviews before hand. Do not discount the influence of the Disney money making machine. I won't believe any of the early reviews unless it comes directly from one of us.
Well by now there's hundreds of reviews on rotten tomatoes and the score is holding up very well, 94%, unlike Phantom which has a score of 55%. It's a good film and I can't wait to see it, as a total non-fan of Star Wares.
I am just out of the theater. It is better than episode 1, 2 or 3. I like the new character.

I think all Star Wars fans can go watch the movie. They keep many secrets.
Hard to talk about it without spoilers. Saw it at 3.15am last night/this morning at the huge IMAX at Waterloo in London.

Yeah, wow. It doesn't stray too far from the well beaten Star Wars path, but my god it's great to look at and listen to, with buckets of ambience, drama and tension. The mix of new characters and old is done really well.

Most of all it's just loads and loads of amazingly good looking fun.

Want a Kylo Ren mask with voice synthesiser for work.
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I am surprised at how many plot points and events it borrows from the original trilogy. Almost seems like a rehash.
I am surprised at how many plot points and events it borrows from the original trilogy. Almost seems like a rehash.
That's what I meant by not straying too far. I'm not even mad.