Movie Reviews 2.0

The sad part for me


Is that I'll eventually have to watch this.

Because I like the director of Episode 8.


I'll wait as long as possible just to be a dick.
3am at the BFI IMAX in London for me, on release day. Super excited.
Thursday 17th. Day after the premiere, so I can read all the whining on the internet first about how JJ destroyed both Star Trek and Star Wars... :LOL:
I'm going to go after Christmas, once all the pesky kids are back at school *shakes first*

I had a SW pentathlon over this last weekend, trying out the Machete order that I stumbled across on the web a few months ago. It helped 2 & 3 a little bit, but there's still too much "I'm gonna do this because grrrr" in them. The Vader actor was really bad, he came across as a kid trying to act all angry. Given that that was roughly 80% of the purpose of the movies they still really don't work for me.
By the way, Force Within is rated 15 years in all of Scandinavia it seems. Seems it is not as nice and cuddly and kiddy-friendly as Eps I-III in particular were...

Good, IMO. :devilish:
For the ratings they had in the UK, the prequels had plenty of stabbing and dismemberment. Presumably the Force Awakens has someone's eyeballs force sucked out or something. :)
I think I owe Genisys a 2nd watch because I keep seeing mini reviews which are completely counter to my opinion. I watched it recently and thought it was pure garbage and possibly the worst film I've seen in 2015. Strong-willed? Emilia Clarke is a wimp in that picture with absolutely none of the physicality of Linda Hamilton in T2. Remember that Emilia is supposed to already be a total badass and doesn't have to grow into it like Linda did across two movies. Utterly failed to convince me she was strong, physically or mentally. Arnie was more robotic than the robot he was supposed to play. The dialogue was so bad that I wondered if somehow I went back in time and wrote it. John and Kyle were so forgettable that I've mixed them up in my mind a few times, thinking back on it. It looked really nice, but a movie needs more than that.

That is exactly how I viewed the film too! In Teminator 2 Sarah Connor was a badass, she was preparing for the war that was about to start. She was muscular and strong.

In this film she's..... pretty?

I thought the film was trash.
Just saw it and came on here to post it but clearly I'm too late. Impressions? Honestly, I've only seen it once and so far the prevailing impression is underwhelming, plus a very strong sense of Avengers fatigue. Maybe it will grow on me. It didn't give me that sense of wonder and OMG I CANT WAIT that the BvS trailer gave me, for example. I'll watch it again.
By the way, Force Within is rated 15 years in all of Scandinavia it seems. Seems it is not as nice and cuddly and kiddy-friendly as Eps I-III in particular were...

Good, IMO. :devilish:

Good to hear. EP III (which I rather liked) wasn't particularly kid-friendly, though. No more than the old trilogy at least. Arguably less so than the Muppet movie that was Jedi.

Also watched Terminator Genisys. What a mess. Reminded me of The Amazing Spider-man 2. For what it's worth, at least the effects work maintained the tradition of the other Terminator movies. I thought it was quite impressive. Really liked Schwarzenegger (the real one) in it too. Too bad Emilia Clarke was a complete miscast. Cutesy is about the last thing Sarah Connor should be associated with. Unfortunately a more fitting actress like Jessica Chastain probably wouldn't be cought dead in a soulless production such as this.
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I agree on the Sarah Connor bit. She was miscast. The time bit was all screwed up and she did not have the same experiences as the other one, so really what you are saying is that Arnie was just too soft as a dad and Sarah never learned to be tough :)
The question here is... Would the film have turned out in a masterpiece if they had cast someone else? No, it would still have been a shameless, middle of the road, tired but fun cash grab. We're hardly talking about Terminator 2 and the amazingly perfect Linda Hamilton here. Was it Linda Hamilton? I forget.
I thought T2 had too much comical relief and an unrealistic badguy to be truly amazing. Liquid metal (which is solid when it chooses to be and perfectly mimics colors and surface textures, by movie magic) was just too wacky a concept to be believable IMO. Linda Hamilton was very creepy-good though. A true taliban of her time, an obsessed fanatic stopping at nothing to accomplish her goal - almost.