Movie Reviews 2.0

So, by the way, what you guys think of the Star Wars trailer? Huh?! Huh?! Huh?! Huh?! :)

I know you must have seen it by now... There was a lens flare in there, did you notice? Are you scared now? :D You think JJ Abrams put it in the trailer just to purposefully grind the gears of all the internet haters?

I for one await this with great interest. I'm hoping it will be great. Who will direct the next part of the trilogy, JJ again?

Well I thought the new star trek movies leaned toward star wars so it should work out well. But I was a fan of STTNG anyway more so than the original though the movies for STTNG sucked awfully badly. I have avoided the trailer and everything else. I just want to go in and be surprised. Sometimes it is better to go in to an experience with less knowledge :)
Well I thought the new star trek movies leaned toward star wars so it should work out well. But I was a fan of STTNG anyway more so than the original though the movies for STTNG sucked awfully badly. I have avoided the trailer and everything else. I just want to go in and be surprised. Sometimes it is better to go in to an experience with less knowledge :)

First Contact was good. The rest not so much. Generations did have a feel of Star Trek to it at least though even if the story itself wasn't that great.
First Contact was sweet, but part of that was due to kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiind of ripping off Wrath of Khan, the one really good TOS film. I didn't realize that as a kid(Didn't see Wrath until five years ago), and now that fact makes me sad.
First Contact was sweet, but part of that was due to kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiind of ripping off Wrath of Khan, the one really good TOS film. I didn't realize that as a kid(Didn't see Wrath until five years ago), and now that fact makes me sad.

In what ways did you find them similar? And yeah Wrath of Khan was great but I think The Voyage Home was even better. I'd also put the Undiscovered country up there with them both. I'm in a minority thinking this but I also think The Search for Spock was great. It's only really 1 and 5 that were particularly weak, but even they were masterpieces compared to the final 2 Next Gen films.
I am also curious to hear the way First Contact ripped of Wrath of Khan :)

I generally like all the old movies, except the fifth. 6th is the best and then Wrath of Khan. I think the Next Generation movies are watchable as well, not great, even the last two haha. I think maybe the reboot I don't like, because Eric Bana is so badly written imo and is basically in full retard mode the lenght of the entire movie. Kirk is quite annoying in this one. I think the last one was ok, although Scotty and his little sidekick are terrible in this one too.
In what ways did you find them similar? And yeah Wrath of Khan was great but I think The Voyage Home was even better. I'd also put the Undiscovered country up there with them both. I'm in a minority thinking this but I also think The Search for Spock was great. It's only really 1 and 5 that were particularly weak, but even they were masterpieces compared to the final 2 Next Gen films.

Picard's(New found and not in TNG...) obsession with the Borg mirrors Khan's obsession with Kirk. The only difference is he doesn't let it take him over because lol he's a Captain of a Federation ship, they can't have him go evil.

Edit: I want to note that I said kind of. The rest of the film is rather different. But, that one major plot point is in both.
Picard's(New found and not in TNG...) obsession with the Borg mirrors Khan's obsession with Kirk. The only difference is he doesn't let it take him over because lol he's a Captain of a Federation ship, they can't have him go evil.

Edit: I want to note that I said kind of. The rest of the film is rather different. But, that one major plot point is in both.

I'm not sure I'm following you there. It's been ages since I saw First Contact, but I think Picard had a pretty good reason to be compromised with the Borg:

So did Khan, depending on your viewpoint. His wife died and he was stuck on a planet that was such a shit hole it was why his wife was dead.
So did Khan, depending on your viewpoint. His wife died and he was stuck on a planet that was such a shit hole it was why his wife was dead.

I meant that as a response to the "new found and not in TNG" part. IMO Picards state of mind was a clear continuation from those TNG episodes.
Came out of a movie theater screening Spectre a couple hours ago. It was pretty good.

Considering how much I liked Skyfall, it would have been really difficult following up its success to any major degree, but Spectre comes decently close by and large. It can't quite fire on all cylinders, but it's a rather good movie all the same. Craig gives his usual very solid performance as rugged, worn-but-still-potent bad-boy Bond, a character he's kind of made his own in these four movies - or maybe nailed closer to the original books than anyone apart from Timothy Dalton.

The movie opens in the usual way into the pre-credits sequence with a very impressive, very long single shot setting the scene and atmosphere, then an extended rather crazy action sequence follows as is the case these days. It's quite well staged. Onwards we get Bond doing some investigative agenty-type stuff to close in on his prey, which is the stuff I usually enjoy more than the over-the-top action sequences, but seems much harder to write, so doesn't take up all that much time in most movies like this one; another fight scene always lurks fairly closely around the next corner so Spectre never has a chance to become too cerebral... :p (L.A. Confidential being one of my all-time favs and a personal benchmark, I might add in passing.)

Where the movie perhaps fails is that Spectre as an organization fails to really scare, ultimately. It is mostly nebulous, intangible. Not quite so in your face as the Connery era Spectre in particular with their volcano crater villain lairs and whatnot. But then again maybe it's just as well there wasn't a volcano lair after all.
Just a crater lair, as a homage no doubt. A lair made of explosive natural gas, just like in Quantum of Solace. *ahem* :LOL:
The movie's attempt to tie together all previous Craig-Bonds also feel strained. There's really no logical ties between these movies other than what Spectre makes up on the fly, or that's the way I feel anyway.

I'd rate this movie...hmmm... Maybe a strong six, weakish seven? Out of ten, where a five is a properly average movie and not kinda crap, as most reviewers tend to grade things.
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First Contact was good. The rest not so much. Generations did have a feel of Star Trek to it at least though even if the story itself wasn't that great.
Well first contact is the only one of the three I did not watch :). Anyway I just liked Stewart so much more than shatner as well as some of the others. I guess I will have to watch it now. Just finished watching all sttng on amazon a couple weeks ago.
I meant that as a response to the "new found and not in TNG" part. IMO Picards state of mind was a clear continuation from those TNG episodes.

Except that there were further Borg episodes after his near total conversion and he didn't act like anything other than his usual self. The obsession was invented for the movie.
Except that there were further Borg episodes after his near total conversion and he didn't act like anything other than his usual self. The obsession was invented for the movie.

Well there were like 2-3 episodes with some Borgs in them and those had very different focus than Picard's relationship with the Borg. It was not really any sort of stretch to come up with that angle for the movie and this obsession connection is quite weak regardless... Eric Bana in the reboot had far more similarities with the old Khan, at least regarding being obsessed about something.
I didn't personally see Kirk as being obsessed with Khan in TWoK at all. There was the big khhhHHHHAAAANNNN!! moment but I've always seen that as an act by Kirk to lull Khan into thinking he'd beaten Kirk.
I didn't personally see Kirk as being obsessed with Khan in TWoK at all. There was the big khhhHHHHAAAANNNN!! moment but I've always seen that as an act by Kirk to lull Khan into thinking he'd beaten Kirk.

I.S.T is actually comparing Khan's obsession with Kirk (not the other way around) to Picards obsession with the Borg. Personally none of it made any sense to me, but I guess we each view things a bit differently and all that.
Fargo is a pretty good series I am finding. Finished the first season, now starting the second. Enjoyed Sense8 too. Still enjoying Nashville as well.
It's tough but I will very much reduce my consumption of meat and all things animal-sourced.

Online you'll find as many people agreeing as those disagreeing, but in my eyes the facts are pretty clear. And it's healthy too.

I won't eliminate it all completely - I'm Italian after all - but even a heavy reduction will be good for me and the cause.

It had a similar effect on me, but the guy narrating the movie is such a douche and intellectually dishonest.