Movie Reviews 2.0

I hate to quote you again Sigfried, but after just having watched MM last night, I went back a bit in this topic to see what others thought of it and your post just highlights exactly what I feel about it. It's been a looooong time since I've seen the original mad max movies and I'm a bit baffled by the decision of this new movie to marginalize the character to this extend. This wasn't what Max is about, much less Mad Max. Or have I missed out what the original movies were? They should have called it Furiosa or something. I can live with her part, but I think Max should have been way more than he did. What a pitty. It's a good flick, but I think I just expected more.

Superb cinematography/filming/stunts though. Loved the craziness of it all.
That was the only negative I took away from Mad Max and something I commented to my friends at the end of the movie. It somehow didn't seem to be about Max at all really. But who cares, one of the best insane action movies I've ever seen.
The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (2015) - 8/10
Really liked it. Funny movie, will be good if you want to spend good time with your friends and want to watch something entertaining.
Pretty much feel exactly the same. The somewhat convoluted plot was really just a secondary vehicle to just provide the opportunity of putting these two characters together. Cavill in particular stood out for me, oozing charm and effortless cool. One element of Ritchie's production stood out as unnecessary
the repeating of the plot point that you'd actually already picked up on
and the 3rd act chase seemed like a gratuitous excuse to put different vehicles in, but it was still fun. Overall, this has stayed with me more than some the films I've seen this summer, and would rate it as probably more enjoyable than MI:5.

BTW - if you want to see Alicia Vikander in something else then you might want to check out Ex Machina. Very different movie, that's basically a three hander in one location, but pretty chilling by the end.
Insurgent: 5/10. Button-pressing teen/tween twaddle.

"I have to do this. I know it doesn't make any sense but I have to do this. Because my mother and I love you". Even though we could escape now with the crown jewels rather than going through another rinse cycle with the top bad girl. Blah blah blah. Oh and now she's fighting herself! Hahahaha!
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Funny story, I 'watched' Insurgent, muted, on a plane while also watching (and actually listening to) a couple episodes of Orange is the New Black on my laptop. Even though I was watching Orange while only glancing at a silent Insurgent here and there, I knew exactly what was going on all the way to the end. Says a lot about the depth of the film.
Just watched the Avengers: Age of Ultron. To sum it up short, that's 2 hours of my life I won't get back. A great commercial success somehow. Ok entertainment but not much else really. The various Avengers kid shows are way better. I have high hopes for Black Panther though.

I much enjoyed Ex Machina which I found quite clever. Really did AI some justice for a change.
Holy crap. Now I've watched the last half hour I think 5/10 is overly generous. Can't wait for the sequel - Detergent - to wash the crap out of my brain.
Mad Max Fury Road: ??/10. I know a few Australians professionally, and from what they've related about life back home this movie seems to depict a fairly normal Bank Holiday weekend in Oz. So I'm not sure what all the fuss is about. Charlize Theron seems to have a major mascara problem, and Peter Stringfellow has really let himself go.
The Da Vinci Code
If watching bored looking actors, strike that, glorified narrators, explaining the plot for 2+ hours seems like a good way to spend some time to you, then you're gonna love this thing to bits.
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Watched Interstellar last night. Pretty good and very thought provoking even though the science (at least the science that made sense) was nothing new to me. The influences from 2001 ASO were blatantly obvious though - not that that's a bad thing. And the 'marines' were awesome!
I thought the 'Marines' were a bit 1970s Dr Who myself, at least in the interior shots without CGI. I kept expecting to see the walls of the sets wobble along with the Marine robots as they shuffled around. :)
Enders Game: surprisingly, a film with kids in that isn't shit. Interesting ideas, decent effects, unexpected but thoughtful ending. 7/10
Would have loved to watch this one, except Orson Scott is a raging homophobe and financially supports gayhating politicians, so fuck that. No money from me at all, ever.
I thought the 'Marines' were a bit 1970s Dr Who myself, at least in the interior shots without CGI. I kept expecting to see the walls of the sets wobble along with the Marine robots as they shuffled around. :)

They definitely reminded me of the robot from the Lost in Space TV series at first. But they got a lot cooler later on with the CGI scenes.
Well this feels kinda weird ;)


Michael Fassbender in the Assassin movie
Would have loved to watch this one, except Orson Scott is a raging homophobe and financially supports gayhating politicians, so fuck that. No money from me at all, ever.

Oh. :(

That retrospectively tempers my enjoyment of the film.

Fortunately didn't pay to see it, exactly. "Free" on a subscription service (so he'll have got something from it) but at least I didn't buy it ...
V8 V8 V8 V8 V8

So shiny and chrome.

It was fun :)

Oh and ofcourse bloodbag! [emoji38]
I hope that it's still as awesome on the small screen. I didn't have chance to catch it a 2nd time at the cinema.

I'm fully expecting 'Mediocre!' to be a .gif response of choice for years to come. Probably to my posts but hay ho... [emoji4]
Iron Giant is going back up on the big screen... That was unexpected - to me anyway! That movie was always treated very stepmotherly by WB IMO, but it seems eventually even they had to acknowledge it's fucking great, so they're re-issuing it, allegedly with some previously deleted scenes (not always a good thing tho), and then releasing the BR version later in the fall.