It might be not for you, but a lot of people like it. If only counting movies from Marvel Studios, It ranked 4th (top grossing) after the 2 Avengers and Iron Man 3. I personally like it at least more than Avengers 2 and Iron Man 3. I also have 0 knowledge of GotG.
Having said that, Transformer also grossed really high.
At least GotG got a high praise. I don't know how Transformer (especially the last one) with that very bad reviews still grossed more than 1 billion..... I did watch it in the theater, but I promise that this is the last time I watch the franchise in the theater, unless it got favorable review (favorable for Transformer standard at least 50% on Rottentomatoes).
Having said that, Transformer also grossed really high.
At least GotG got a high praise. I don't know how Transformer (especially the last one) with that very bad reviews still grossed more than 1 billion..... I did watch it in the theater, but I promise that this is the last time I watch the franchise in the theater, unless it got favorable review (favorable for Transformer standard at least 50% on Rottentomatoes).