Movie Reviews 2.0

Not sure I see the funny in alcoholism TBH, nor do I think I ever will either for that matter.

I didn't say anything about alcholism, just about getting drunk. Nothing wrong with getting drunk from time to time as long as you don't have a bad drunk.

Just finished watching Jupiter Ascending by the Wachoshochowowoskowchiskisisis brothers. It was...well, very very bad probably, but somewhat watchable in its own way I guess.

I actually thought it was pretty decent. I enjoyed it when I watched it last month. Not the best movie ever made but entertaining enough if you don't want to think about the story too much.
I actually thought it was pretty decent.
Yeah, maybe I was a bit harsh on it, I just found it terribly shallow, with how derivative its story was compared to all the effort they obviously went through with the visual aspects of the movie.

In The Matrix, at least there were some unique twists and turns here and there, but this movie was just so, so, so...bog-standard. Oh well. Then again, I've read that the Wachowskis ripped off some (jesus-freak) lady for the script for the Matrix, so maybe that explains things... :) But "Bound" was a really good movie, so they can make good movies on their own too if they just want to it would seem. *shrug*
Here on holiday we went to watch Mr Holmes I'm the dinky little cinema the other night.

The story tells of an aged Sherlock Holmes in the early stages of dementia trying to recall the details of his last case.

Fundamentally, it's a vanity piece for Ian McKellen, progresses incredibly slowly and is very uninteresting. One to watch only if you can't think of anything else useful to do with your time!
Yeah, maybe I was a bit harsh on it, I just found it terribly shallow, with how derivative its story was compared to all the effort they obviously went through with the visual aspects of the movie.

I thought it had some quite interesting thoughts on what you can own and capitalism in general. But it suffers shitload from not giving the heroine anything to do for 3/4 of the movie.
The Wachowski siblings did V For Vendetta which is awesome. Their best work that I've seen.
Meh. I can't forgive them for making V romantically attached to Evey.

In the comic the character is like...fifteen years old or something. Yech. :-?
IMO, the comic implied a romantic attraction between them, anyway. He just didn't act on it because he felt the cause was more important.
IMO, the comic implied a romantic attraction between them, anyway.
I strongly disagree, but I'm not going to go as far as claiming you can't have your own opinions about stuff of course - including a friggin comicbook of all things, lol... ;) V obviously respects, and cares for Evey, but I'm not sure he's even capable of being romantically attached to anyone. He's crazy, and obsessed about his cause.

Perhaps somewhat spoilerish:

He certainly didn't break down in tears after sending her away from the Shadow Gallery, that's for sure. I couldn't take the movie seriously anymore after that scene. And the scene where he cooks breakfast for her and it's implied he wears the mask because his face is burned? Iffy, and again diverges from the source material. There's no evidence he was burned at all by the fires at Larkhill, and it diminishes the impact and meaning of him wearing the mask, even when he's all alone with Evey. That the Wachowskis thinks he wears it to hide his burned face just shows they don't fully understand the story in the first place.

V thinks he embodies an idea, that he's like, the avatar of freedom. His face isn't his face - the mask is his face. (The character is a bit of a proto-Rorschach in that regard I would say...)

Oh well. Don't we have a thread buried somewhere for discussing comics, too? :D
The movie is great in its own right IMO. I didn't even know it was based on a comic. :mrgreen:

But as you describe it, V was more of a symbol than a real person in the comic and I think it's not a bad thing that they made him more relatable (though still a madman/genius) in the movie.
The movie is great in its own right IMO. I didn't even know it was based on a comic. :mrgreen:

But as you describe it, V was more of a symbol than a real person in the comic and I think it's not a bad thing that they made him more relatable (though still a madman/genius) in the movie.

He very much was a real person in the comic. It's just that, well, that person was utterly dedicated to his cause.

Kinda fun reading about the trainwreck that appears to be ensuing with FF4 at the moment. The above article compares how two comic book movies with troubled productions - Ant Man and FF4 - panned out and how the steered the production as things transpired.

Speaking of a trainwreck, I watched Trainwreck the other night. Good one for a laugh that.
As far as I can tell the ff4 movie looks like a remake of the 2005? film, whats the point ?

ps: ant man is the same as ghost busters
ghost busters: "whatever you do dont cross the streams" crossing the streams is what saves the day
ant man: "whatever you do dont do the thing" doing the thing is what saves the day
I'm not surprised its flopping. Who cares about the Fantastic Four? They aren't that interesting. That is the big problem with all current comic based movies.

Everybody knows Batman, Spiderman and the Hulk. There is enough material to make a pretty decent movie based on those characters. Xmen and Ironman, before the movies, maybe not as well known but still more than enough material to make good movies. I liked all the Xmen movies.

But now Marvell and DC are now working on 3rd and 4th rate characters like Deadpool and Antman that nobody every heard of. I think people are getting tired of all these comic based movies, especially the ones with the characters that are unknown to most people.
But Antman turns out good. And Deadpool trailer definitely a lot of fun to watch.
And you forgot about GotG. Probably number one in the list of WTF are they doing but turns out amazing.