I hate Bundles... but a Halo 3 + Gears of War + Premium Xbox 360 for under $400? That would be a steal. 65nm is like pure gravy.
I just got my hands on a Premium for 175 euro, so since that leaves plenty of money to buy whichever two games I like, I guess that was a steal then.
Actually, I've noticed you can get quite a few Premiums second hand for about that price, so I'm thinking there are a fair number of people who want an HDMI version.
Also, now that I have it, I still think that Live should be free. The gamertag and achievements are cool, but it's not enough for the money. The fact that it is not free, especially with all the non-proprietary bullcrap that MS insists to pull off, and their stupid insisting on being the only ones to be allowed to make wireless peripherals, makes the PS3 still a lot better value.
The big differentiator is the gamertag, achievements, and being able to see these of your friends. That is very cool stuff, and I love it. But in terms of value ... I'm paying 60 euros a year for this, that's 300 euro over the five years a console should last, and they don't even offer dedicated servers in return. What I hate even more is the whole hassle about thinking about it when you don't need it. I've paid 3 years worth of Live for nothing because I wasn't using my original Xbox. They should make online gaming free, and then charge a lower amount for just the gamertag stuff.
Also, download speeds here are, ironically after what I've heard from other people, slower than on PSN. Then again, that might be due to Halo 3 having been released recently.
Another reason why I don't like this bundle is that it means Gears probably won't be platinum for a while yet, which sucks as I'd like to try it and there's no demo either.
Also, after hearing the (stupidly non-monotonous, how stupid can you be?) whine and rattle of the 360 - without a DVD inside! - I don't think 65nm is pure gravy, but a full requirement! I've bought VGA cables for my 360, because it's going to leave my living room and move to the work-room, so I can play a few games there when my wife is watching DVDs/BluRays on the PS3.
I also don't understand why Microsoft doesn't pack in the charge-and-play kit. I've heard people whine about not having a hi-def (i.e. HDMI) cable packed in with the PS3, but this is much, much worse - doesn't *everyone* need to have power in their wireless controller? And again, stupid proprietary stuff.
Sorry about this little rant, but I had to get it off my chest somewhere. Besides, it's the same reasons why the Core keeps failing. Release an adapter already that allows you to use cheap flash memory, and who knows it will take off. But before that time, it absolutely doesn't deserve to sell. It really, really doesn't.
Don't get me wrong. Now that I have a 360 I have every reason to try and like it! Take Forza 2, I'm doing my best to give it a good decent shot, and think I could enjoy it, especially online. I'm even prepared to buy a wheel for it. But it's terribly jarring when I have two wheels that are each miles better than the Microsoft wheel, which then I can't find anywhere - is there a new wheel or PGR4 pack coming? Doesn't anyone want to buy it because it only works with 2 games? - and the only alternative is a Logitech wheel which has rumble only and is based on 10 year old tech (I've worn out three of those wheels, which did have proper force feedback but share most other components, even before my two DF Pros came into the picture). And that's fully ignoring the bliss that is G25.
This is one of the things that is bothering me most as a racing fan, but there are just so many of these things, it's annoying as hell.
Same with the XNA stuff - why not make it completely free the first two years? Make sure everyone picks it up, it becomes a big success, and then start charging.
It pisses me off. Its value proposition seems to be based for a considerable part on market deception, but many people seem to buy it.
*blah blah blah, whine whine, rant rant*
Thankfully, the best part of this remains that it is good that the 360, PS3, and Wii all exist and compete for our dollars and time, because otherwise it's very obvious to me it would be far too easy for any of them to get away with the stupidest of crap.