Microsoft acquired Activision Blizzard King for $69 Billion on 2023-10-13

Some mustard its yellow because they add turmeric, which is bright yellow. Mustard flowers are yellow, but raw mustard is brown. A very long time ago I did a brief stint in a restaurant where a chef made their own mustard.

Back O/T, this is exactly what you would expect Microsoft to be doing. They will be looking at every option and working out what the impact each, to determine what may be viable.
Exactly. They really want to buy Activision. They wouldn't have offered 70B if they didn't really want it. So of course they are going to try every legal option available to them if a roadblock occurs. People are acting as if there is some nefarious motivation here. But we know the motivation. They want to buy Activision.

Also, do people not know it's turmeric? I thought that was common knowledge and tried to pick something obvious, without going for the "how did the water get wet" mystery. But I would add, from a person who has made mustard, the temperature of your water matters, as it determines the spiciness of your mustard.
Also, do people not know it's turmeric?
It does not come up a lot in conversation, but because this isn't taught as part as basic education, I would say that most people have no idea why mustard is yellow. There is danger in assuming that everybody knows what you know.
Exactly. They really want to buy Activision. They wouldn't have offered 70B if they didn't really want it. So of course they are going to try every legal option available to them if a roadblock occurs. People are acting as if there is some nefarious motivation here. But we know the motivation. They want to buy Activision.

Also, do people not know it's turmeric? I thought that was common knowledge and tried to pick something obvious, without going for the "how did the water get wet" mystery. But I would add, from a person who has made mustard, the temperature of your water matters, as it determines the spiciness of your mustard.

People don't know what most products they buy are because thy just buy them. most people don't know that Wasabi is horseradish which is part of brassicaceae which is broccoli, cabbage , radish and mustard plants

Anyway MS is going to keep pushing for this to go through. I am sure a lot of officals in the uk want this to go through also. It's looking more and more likely that the UK will stand alone against MS and even if MS doesn't pull out of the UK they can just as easily move a lot of projects out of the uk and limit new investments in that country in favor of surrounding countries.
People don't know what most products they buy are because thy just buy them. most people don't know that Wasabi is horseradish which is part of brassicaceae which is broccoli, cabbage , radish and mustard plants

It's not actually horseradish. Horseradish is a distinct plant of it's own. While the Wasabi plant can be referred to as "Japanese Horseradish" outside of Japan, its only similarity to horseradish is that it's in the same family. That's like saying Mustard is Horseradish. :p It isn't. :) Or that Cabbage is Horseradish. :D Again, it's not. :)

It's not actually horseradish. Horseradish is a distinct plant of it's own. While the Wasabi plant can be referred to as "Japanese Horseradish" outside of Japan, its only similarity to horseradish is that it's in the same family. That's like saying Mustard is Horseradish. :p It isn't. :) Or that Cabbage is Horseradish. :D Again, it's not. :)

It's all horse shit to me ! But its all part of the same type of plant. Like when you say you want an apple the majority of people don't spend 20 minutes deciding which breed of apple they want . Stop being a Granny smith and be more of a red delicious
It's all horse shit to me ! But its all part of the same type of plant. Like when you say you want an apple the majority of people don't spend 20 minutes deciding which breed of apple they want . Stop being a Granny smith and be more of a red delicious

If you have had proper wasabi and not the horseradish version, you would have noticed the difference. Even my crappy palete noticed it.
You don't have to threaten. You just stop investing in the UK and start opening up facilities in other countries.
You seem to be overlooking that the reason Microsoft chose to invest in the UK, where they do, is because they either have to support customers in that territory, because it's required to have data in that locality and because it's cheaper to do it.

Companies do things because they have to do, or because it's profitable. It's not like feeding treats to a dog.
You seem to be overlooking that the reason Microsoft chose to invest in the UK, where they do, is because they either have to support customers in that territory, because it's required to have data in that locality and because it's cheaper to do it.

Companies do things because they have to do, or because it's profitable. It's not like feeding treats to a dog.
It's more like feeding treats to a dog and the dog does a lot of begging.
You seem to be overlooking that the reason Microsoft chose to invest in the UK, where they do, is because they either have to support customers in that territory, because it's required to have data in that locality and because it's cheaper to do it.

Companies do things because they have to do, or because it's profitable. It's not like feeding treats to a dog.
Sure and you are forgeting that there are plenty of projects that don't have to be deployed in the UK and can instead be deployed else where. Companies choose where to invest in all the time. Movie studios pick states or countries based on what programs they can take advantage of for. Look at disney , they just canceled a 800m head quarters in Florida.

The other issue is that UK has shown it isn't willing to work on MS to approve this purchase. So what happens with the next purchase MS wants to do? I know if I was running my own company I'd be looking to rid myself of problem clients and focus on improving relationships with non problem clients. I'd also be looking for non problem new clients
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The other issue is that UK has shown it isn't willing to work on MS to approve this purchase. So what happens with the next purchase MS wants to do? I know if I was running my own company I'd be looking to rid myself of problem clients and focus on improving relationships with non problem clients. I'd also be looking for non problem new clients

And there are some clients you will bend over and pickup the soap for to keep. Governments usually fall into that category.
But what of the precedent you set as a company, if you pull out of a country, because you prefer not to follow their laws. Other countries will take note and if the UK then is able to shift its dependencies on MS away from MS to another company or open source solutions. That will also open other countries eyes to other possibilities and they might want to shift away from MS to when they see it's possible.

What is worth more to MS, the potential of the game/xbox division vs what ever that would end up loosing cash due any such manoeuvres?
But what of the precedent you set as a company, if you pull out of a country, because you prefer not to follow their laws. Other countries will take note and if the UK then is able to shift its dependencies on MS away from MS to another company or open source solutions. That will also open other countries eyes to other possibilities and they might want to shift away from MS to when they see it's possible.

This 100%. I think I said something very similar upstream - some folks just seem so laser-focused on the gaming side of this they can't look at the bigger picture. Maybe there's a "US über alles" component too, I dunno.

If MS turns around to the UK (which is somewhere between the 5th and 7th largest economy in the world depending on the day of the week) and says "stuff you, we're not willing to be regulated. If we can't do what we want we're taking our ball home", then everybody else will take notice. The EU, all EU members, etc. and if they have any sense the US too. That's a lot of GDP, and prime government pork to be putting at risk for some video games.
And there are some clients you will bend over and pickup the soap for to keep. Governments usually fall into that category.
But what of the precedent you set as a company, if you pull out of a country, because you prefer not to follow their laws. Other countries will take note and if the UK then is able to shift its dependencies on MS away from MS to another company or open source solutions. That will also open other countries eyes to other possibilities and they might want to shift away from MS to when they see it's possible.

What is worth more to MS, the potential of the game/xbox division vs what ever that would end up loosing cash due any such manoeuvres?

said something very similar upstream - some folks just seem so laser-focused on the gaming side of this they can't look at the bigger picture. Maybe there's a "US über alles" component too, I du

The same goes for said government. So far every other government has said yes to the deal. Sure the UK may be able to shift its dependencies away from MS to another company. However that is going to cost the UK billions and will be a support nightmare for decades to come. When I worked in government here in the states we were required to support a dos program that was already 25 years old and we had to keep an old pc with a dial up modem to send in the data needed. This was in 2009. Last I talked to ex coworkers from there in 2015 they were still supporting that program . So what is more likely that other governments will go open source or to other companies for all their needs and dump billions upon billions cause microsoft went against the UK while these other countries had no issue with the purchase ?

I'd surely agree with you if it was multiple countries. But its just UK and it wont require MS to leave the UK.