Microsoft acquired Activision Blizzard King for $69 Billion on 2023-10-13

I am sure that Sony is shitting bricks right now. It sounds like this may go back all the way to the COD contracts. I wonder exactly what Sony doesn't want us to see. Perhaps they have been using their user base to get contracts out of companies. If you don't take our deal you wont get on our platform ?

Or it could just be as innocuous as normal tactics of negotiations, I would assume both parties would ask for the world and would want to give away nothing.
The couple of times my former employer was involved in lawsuits, it was like that.
Or it could just be as innocuous as normal tactics of negotiations, I would assume both parties would ask for the world and would want to give away nothing.
The couple of times my former employer was involved in lawsuits, it was like that.
maybe but you fuck around and find out right ? Did sony think this wouldn't progress this far? What do they think will happen when this ends up in federal court after the kangaroo court of the ftc ?
A lot of these companies that Microsoft has acquired is now ramping up in personnel to create their first AAA game. There are typically growing pains involved.
So, Sony is currently the only major vocal opposition to the acquisition in the US and is now being uncooperative with the very agency (FTC) that they approached in order to voice their opposition to the acquisition. Uh...

Isn't it still an unknown what information Sony have been asked to disclose? I keep reading posts that as an organisation, the FTC is blurs the lines between being a political hammer and incompetent. Sony's move might be stupid, or it might be sensible. Redacting documentation - particularly if there is a lot of it - takes time.

They've asked for five more days in a process that has the taken taken almost a year. Is five days a big deal?
They've asked for five more days in a process that has the taken taken almost a year. Is five days a big deal?

It's not in the grand scheme of things but it outlines the importance of the February 10th deadline and the amount of sensitive information they are going to have to turn over to Microsoft in discovery.
They've asked for five more days in a process that has the taken taken almost a year. Is five days a big deal?
I was thinking the same; moving from Feb 10th to Feb 15th isn't really inidicative of any attempt to obfuscate operations. However, I think the particulars are that Sony want the extension with a view to considering blocking or mitigating procedures - "limit or quash" - rather than just needing an extension to be able to comply with the mammoth paperwork. If the statement was "we need five more days to comply" then there'd be no doubt. Of course, it could just be lawyer speak for covering all bases and the activity might be full compliance, but first impressions, particularly to people who aren't tuned in to the particulars of the operations and operational language of Law, is that Sony are wanting to worm their way out.
Bobby Kotick was on CNBC this morning.

Said China and one other country have giant gaming companies, hence this merger is needed.

Also said that consoles are becoming less important as mobile rakes in more users and dollars, hence merger impacting consoles not a big deal.

Softball questions though, nothing about the Activision culture.

I'm telling you there is stuff sony doesn't want anyone to see. I bet they are worried it will open themselves up to anti trust concerns
Bobby Kotick was on CNBC this morning.

Said China and one other country have giant gaming companies, hence this merger is needed.

Also said that consoles are becoming less important as mobile rakes in more users and dollars, hence merger impacting consoles not a big deal.

Softball questions though, nothing about the Activision culture.
This f&cking asshole should eat sh!t and die. He only cares about his cash grabbing and retiring from the hateful chaos he created and I wouldnt listen to anything he says
I'm telling you there is stuff sony doesn't want anyone to see. I bet they are worried it will open themselves up to anti trust concerns
Well, Sony is within their rights. Though for Sony, this is a case of sometimes it is better to keep your mouth shut.

A follow-up to what I said earlier, even if the CMA blocks this deal, Microsoft should still follow through with this case with the FTC. They don't want some type of precedent set where when they try to purchase something else in the future, regulators point back at this deal and say that is why they can't make a deal elsewhere. This deal failing in the US will impact future deals made across all divisions of Microsoft, IMO.
I wasn't saying Kotick is some sage guru, just that he's doing this PR tour right now, touting this deal.

MS should be trying to keep him as far from cameras as possible. Unless nobody asks him questions about his sordid past.
I'd imagine they want him as the villain because once he gets his pay day he is gone. let him go out and throw dirt at everything and let ms keep their hands as clean as possible
Well, Sony is within their rights. Though for Sony, this is a case of sometimes it is better to keep your mouth shut.

A follow-up to what I said earlier, even if the CMA blocks this deal, Microsoft should still follow through with this case with the FTC. They don't want some type of precedent set where when they try to purchase something else in the future, regulators point back at this deal and say that is why they can't make a deal elsewhere. This deal failing in the US will impact future deals made across all divisions of Microsoft, IMO.
Sony may have been in its rights to say something about the purchase but they opened themselves up to the discovery of their documents and internal dealings with publishers and so on . Its a tough trade off as it may expose them
I'd imagine they want him as the villain because once he gets his pay day he is gone. let him go out and throw dirt at everything and let ms keep their hands as clean as possible
Without getting too political, sometimes it is better to let the dictator flee into exile with his money. It's better than letting him stick around to ruin more people's lives. However, I strongly feel that he will start a new company after this deal is done. I don't know if he is the type to fade into obscurity.
Without getting too political, sometimes it is better to let the dictator flee into exile with his money. It's better than letting him stick around to ruin more people's lives. However, I strongly feel that he will start a new company after this deal is done. I don't know if he is the type to fade into obscurity.
The guy should have been sued, fined and end in jail. Period.
Without getting too political, sometimes it is better to let the dictator flee into exile with his money. It's better than letting him stick around to ruin more people's lives. However, I strongly feel that he will start a new company after this deal is done. I don't know if he is the type to fade into obscurity.
Yes I am sure he will start a small company some where after whatever non compete clauses are in the microsoft deal. He will have way more than enough money to start a small indie publisher and grow it up if he wants too.

However I think right now he is the vilian right ? All the bad stuff at activision/blizzard is laid at his feet. So for Ms they know he is going after x amount of time post purchase. So why wouldn't you have him out there playing bad cop ? He might end up else where in what will likely be a start up and 3 , 5 , 10 years could go by with no one hearing from him