Microsoft acquired Activision Blizzard King for $69 Billion on 2023-10-13

Or spending it elsewhere. But in terms of recuperating costs, MS may be richer in 20 years time just leaving the money in the bank! This looks like a really long term investment, or they have crazy, crazy monetisation plans. ActiBlizzard theme park, anyone?? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Activision wasn't making $2+ billion a year in net profit 10 to 20 years ago. 20 years ago, Activision denoted its financial figures in the thousands (while now its done in the millions) and net profits were 1/10 to 1/3rd of what they are today. I doubt MS would project flat profits for decades when calculating the profit potential of Activision.

Plus, Activision has about $12 billion in current assets, it also has a patent portfolio of over a thousand patents and all other things that are typically filed under assets in their earnings. So its not like the true cost to MS is $69 billion.
Xbox main problem right now is that their studios can't seem to put out games in a timely fashion and are not managed properly. MS already has more game studios than Sony without the Activision deal, yet their 2022 was dry as a bone.

This tells me that the real solution for MS to actually get somewhere isn't buying every studio in sight, but managing what they already have properly to put out some content once in a while.

343 should never have gotten to where they are right now. We can only hope they will be in a better position at the end of the generation, if they are just not permanently scaled down altogether
Xbox main problem right now is that their studios can't seem to put out games in a timely fashion and are not managed properly. MS already has more game studios than Sony without the Activision deal, yet their 2022 was dry as a bone.

This tells me that the real solution for MS to actually get somewhere isn't buying every studio in sight, but managing what they already have properly to put out some content once in a while.

343 should never have gotten to where they are right now. We can only hope they will be in a better position at the end of the generation, if they are just not permanently scaled down altogether
This is like the whataboutism "they can compete without the deal or in others ways"
They are not argument to decide if this deal raise antitrust concerns or not.
But the good part of them not being related or mutually exclusives is whatever happen to this deal you can hope they will work on them
This is like the whataboutism "they can compete without the deal or in others ways"
They are not argument to decide if this deal raise antitrust concerns or not.
But the good part of them not being related or mutually exclusives is whatever happen to this deal you can hope they will work on them
Well I don't think it's whataboutism to say that, as it's directly correlated to their arguments within the anti trust deal of "needing to compete by buying acti blizzard because they are not market leader and sony is so far ahead of them" that has been a big line of attack from MS for this whole saga.

The reality is actually being able to compete in the industry for them doesn't have anything to do with the amount of studios they own or how many they buy as long as they remain mismanaged.

And so Sony's moves and position in the market largely are irrelevant to the wider anti trust argument of anti competitive practices and Monopoly ownership and market share as long as MSs position in the gaming industry remain isolated to their inner management problems.
Xbox main problem right now is that their studios can't seem to put out games in a timely fashion and are not managed properly. MS already has more game studios than Sony without the Activision deal, yet their 2022 was dry as a bone.

This tells me that the real solution for MS to actually get somewhere isn't buying every studio in sight, but managing what they already have properly to put out some content once in a while.

343 should never have gotten to where they are right now. We can only hope they will be in a better position at the end of the generation, if they are just not permanently scaled down altogether

That goes to a round and round debate that gets bandied about by different people (IE - not necessarily the same people saying these things) depending on the situation.
  • MS studios aren't performing well because MS is exerting too much control and not allowing their studios the freedom to create games.
    • Often accompanied by pointing to Sony allowing their studios more freedom when creating games.
  • MS studios aren't performing well because MS isn't exerting any control and are allowing their studios too much freedom to create games.
Again, not necessarily the same people making those 2 suppositions.

343i did badly due to bad studio management within 343i. I highly suspect that there has been a lot of infighting within 343i between management and project directors over the direction and focus that Halo should take and that is reflected in the quality of series.

As for the rest? I don't know that we can make any judgements yet as to whether newly acquired studios have too much freedom in development yet.

IMO, I think it'd be great if MS did more of Hi-Fi Rush style reveals (launch coincides with release) versus traditional style reveals (hey here's a game we're making, who knows when it'll be done).

That goes to a round and round debate that gets bandied about by different people (IE - not necessarily the same people saying these things) depending on the situation.
  • MS studios aren't performing well because MS is exerting too much control and not allowing their studios the freedom to create games.
    • Often accompanied by pointing to Sony allowing their studios more freedom when creating games.
  • MS studios aren't performing well because MS isn't exerting any control and are allowing their studios too much freedom to create games.
Again, not necessarily the same people making those 2 suppositions.

343i did badly due to bad studio management within 343i. I highly suspect that there has been a lot of infighting within 343i between management and project directors over the direction and focus that Halo should take and that is reflected in the quality of series.

As for the rest? I don't know that we can make any judgements yet as to whether newly acquired studios have too much freedom in development yet.

IMO, I think it'd be great if MS did more of Hi-Fi Rush style reveals (launch coincides with release) versus traditional style reveals (hey here's a game we're making, who knows when it'll be done).

Even if we don't count 343, MS has tons more studios which have seemingly just been sitting around for a while with nothing to show. The industry has shown that devs can be destroyed with either too much publisher control or not enough, it's gotta be a fine balance depending on the studio and situation. And at large MSs decisions regarding their studios besides turn 10 have not really shown themselves.

I expect Bethesda to continue making games as they have been so they don't need MS involvement to provide for them outside of the cash infusion.
Don't forget some studios have been under previous contracts for titles to release on PS5. Then there was the pandemic that impacted everyone. Sony's 2022 releases were delayed 2020 and/or 2021 titles. Hopefully this E3 we will see a lot of new Microsoft titles that are within 12 months of release.
Even if we don't count 343, MS has tons more studios which have seemingly just been sitting around for a while with nothing to show. The industry has shown that devs can be destroyed with either too much publisher control or not enough, it's gotta be a fine balance depending on the studio and situation. And at large MSs decisions regarding their studios besides turn 10 have not really shown themselves.

I expect Bethesda to continue making games as they have been so they don't need MS involvement to provide for them outside of the cash infusion.

Modern AAA games can take 4, 5 or even more years to create. IneXile has been owned by MS for 4 years (acquired 2018), some of that time (2 years) was spent finishing Wasteland 3 (released 2020). Obsidian has been owned for almost as long (also acquired in 2018) but again some of that time was finishing The Outer Worlds (released 2019). But they've also released a relatively smaller project, Grounded while working on a AAA title (Avowed).

We've seen numerous releases by some studios, but a ground up AAA title built for MS is going to take time.

Hopefully this E3 we will see a lot of new Microsoft titles that are within 12 months of release.


Remember Comdex? Or MacWorld?

Tech conferences are so 20th century ...

Nintendo has had TreeHouse Directs for years.

Sony's last showing was years ago with their TLOU Experience.

Microsoft has had their show next-door in their own facility for a few years now too.

So nothing has changed.
Maybe only difference is show floor booths during the week? 🤷‍♂️
Well I don't think it's whataboutism to say that, as it's directly correlated to their arguments within the anti trust deal of "needing to compete by buying acti blizzard because they are not market leader and sony is so far ahead of them" that has been a big
What a stange reading of the context when part of responses to questions raised by someone else (to the CMA and by guess who)
Meanwhile, Netease just dropped all Blizzard game publishing?
Yup. Netease and Blizzard announced the partnership was ending in mid-November. There were subsequent talks when ended badly.

It seems like Netease want to go in a different direction, no longer being content to just be a publishing portal in China through which Blizzard make their games available. Netease bought a bunch of studios last year, including Quantic Dream in August.
Xbox main problem right now is that their studios can't seem to put out games in a timely fashion and are not managed properly. MS already has more game studios than Sony without the Activision deal, yet their 2022 was dry as a bone.

This tells me that the real solution for MS to actually get somewhere isn't buying every studio in sight, but managing what they already have properly to put out some content once in a while.

343 should never have gotten to where they are right now. We can only hope they will be in a better position at the end of the generation, if they are just not permanently scaled down altogether

Sony has been sucking up developers also. One can make the point that and I have brought it up that Sony can't keep their old studios running properly and need new blood in constantly. After all the majority of Sony's block buster titles are coming from purchased developers and not home grown.

Looking at MS's purchases

2018 - Ninja Theory They had released in 2017 dexed , hell blade. In 2018 they had a location based vr nicodemus, in 2019 star wars vr vader immortal , 2020 bleeding edge and they have hellblade 2 nearing completion and Project mara
2018 - Undead Labs they released state of decay 2 that year. They released state of decay in 2013. So roughly 5 years of development. So they should have a title ready in the next year or two
2018 - Compulsion Games another studio that released a game the same yar they were purchased. Before that was contrast in 2013. So we should be seeing something new from them over the next year or two most likely.
2018 - Playground games another studio that released a game the same year they were purchased. They put out Forza horizon 5 in 2021 and are working on fable .
2018 - Inxile they also released bards tale the year they were bought. In 2020 they released wasteland remastered , wasteland 3 and frost point vr.
2018 Obsidian they released pillars of eternity 2 the year they were bought , rleased outer worlds the next year . They have released grouned in 2022 and pentiment in 2022. They have avowed and outer worlds 2 in dev right now
2019 - double fine They released Rad the year they were purchased and it was published by bandai/namco . They released psychonauts 2.
2020 - zenimax and we all know about that

Saying ms's problems is studio miss management is a bit out there as a reason . Halo infinte reviewed really well and has a good metacritic , its single player side is exceptional. Even the guys of the multiplayer is great. They failed in the amount of content for that portion of the game .

2023 is shaping up to be an amazing year. Hi-fi rush is amazing and is getting tons of love from critics to gamers Its a 89/9.1 so far on metacritic. We have minecraft legends , redfall , forza and starfield still to come . We still have e3 to look forward to and we can always have more directs.

Like I have said before it doesn't really matter what MS releases there will be a vocal group of fans that will shout down the releases. Even with Hi-fi rush people were quick to say this success had nothing to do with MS because it started development in 2017 before MS bought them. You don't hear people say that Sony had nothing to do with Spiderman's success because Insomniac released it before sony bought them. You wont hear people bring up development start dates with any of the dozen new companies Sony bought to diminish sony's success.