Microsoft acquired Activision Blizzard King for $69 Billion on 2023-10-13

Pretty sure they are counting last gen as well. Multiple times MS have PR'd that they've outsold Sony in NA some period this year...

Microsoft boss Satya Nadella was so pleased he proclaimed that, ‘We are the market leader this quarter among the next gen consoles in the United States, Canada, the UK, and western Europe’, while adding that Xbox had increased its market share for two quarters in a row now.​

According to Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella, the company has ‘sold more consoles life to date than any previous generation of Xbox and have been the market leader in North America for three quarters in a row among next gen consoles.’

That's better than XB360 that was an equal player versus PS3

MS of course doesn't provide sell-through so we don't really know, but sales aren't bad and XBSS's lower price is seeing accelerating sales. PS5 win ss

Again this is mostly due to PS5 stock problem. They are now again behind Sony in US and all other market. The gap will probably a little bit lower than last time but if PS5 was easily available would they have been beat all year.
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When regulators went to block Facebook and Giphy.
This is what they are referring to when it comes to downstream and upstream impacts. Activision only represents 5-10% of the market. MS will only represent 10-20% after the merger, about the size of EA or Nintendo in upstream.


Look carefully at the percentages here for Giphy and Facebook.

Compare this to MS and the 3rd party market.
Pretty great at cooking numbers.
When regulators went to block Facebook and Giphy.
This is what they are referring to when it comes to downstream and upstream impacts. Activision only represents 5-10% of the market. MS will only represent 10-20% after the merger, about the size of EA or Nintendo in upstream.


Look carefully at the percentages here for Giphy and Facebook.

Compare this to MS and the 3rd party market.
Is Embracer really only as big a CD Projekt, Digital Bros and And are CDP, DB and Warganing just as big as Square Enix, Roblox, and Namco Bandai?
It is very likely they are comparing the install base using PS4 and One's as well in the market share numbers they are describing
Which makes sense as Sony is still selling the PS4, and cross gen is still very much a thing, even highlighted by fact Sony still making cross gen games also.
Both gens are still realistically addressable markets.
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Is Embracer really only as big a CD Projekt, Digital Bros and And are CDP, DB and Warganing just as big as Square Enix, Roblox, and Namco Bandai?

Without knowing what data they used or what criteria they are using it's hard to determine if they are or aren't. For example, is the Embracer group share pre or post Eidos acquisition from Square-Enix-Eidos? That would influence Square-Enix as well.

Is Embracer really only as big a CD Projekt, Digital Bros and And are CDP, DB and Warganing just as big as Square Enix, Roblox, and Namco Bandai?
It’s not clear to me how MS rates the supplies here based on the document sent to CMA. I did not dumpster dive into the 111 pages. But this is the highlight from there:

"Activision is currently the fifth largest console game publisher with a share of [5-10]% globally in console game publishing.33 Following the Merger, the Merged Entity will be the third largest publisher with a share of only [10-20]% globally, reflecting the highly fragmented nature of game publishing.34 On the downstream market, Xbox is the third placed player (with a global share of [10-20]%), seeking to innovate and compete with two strong competitors, with much larger installed bases of consoles and strong content portfolios."

So it could be size as per the first statement.
Again this is mostly due to PS5 stock problem. They are now again behind Sony in US and all other market. The gap will probably a little bit lower than last time but if PS5 was easily available would they have been beat all year.
Even if so, it's a level playing field. If they are being beaten, it's because Sony are outcompeting them on price/performance/library/marketing/whatever. Or rather, what unfair advantage has Sony got that means MS needs a massive publisher buyout to be on level pegging? Quick Googlage tells me MS has more studios than Sony (23 vs 19), plus the finances to secure more 2nd party exclusives and/or timed exclusives to match Sony's moves, so they don't obviously need to own ABK to be able to match Sony's library.
the Merged Entity will be the third largest publisher with a share of only [10-20]% globally
Share of what? Number of titles? Number of staff? Gross revenue? Profit? There are so many criteria that can be ranked, it's pretty easy to select one to make an argument either way. Not least by adjusting timelines to select good/bad periods. Sony's finances have only been really good since the middle of PS4 gen. It was a real roller-coaster before that, and IIRC net zero at the beginning of PS4 thanks to PS3 wiping out all previous generation profits.
Even if so, it's a level playing field. If they are being beaten, it's because Sony are outcompeting them on price/performance/library/marketing/whatever. Or rather, what unfair advantage has Sony got that means MS needs a massive publisher buyout to be on level pegging? Quick Googlage tells me MS has more studios than Sony (23 vs 19), plus the finances to secure more 2nd party exclusives and/or timed exclusives to match Sony's moves, so they don't obviously need to own ABK to be able to match Sony's library.
Same reason why Steam dominates the PC market and despite everyone pulling their games from steam and doing all sorts of things like game giveaways and cheaper store fees, steam is the undisputed store of PC.

Strength of brand is difficult to beat, it’s the same reason there won’t be another search engine to dethrone google. Good luck. Even without call of duty marketing clauses and a terrible trip during PS3 era, they managed to beat 360 in global sales.

Says a lot. When MS tripped they almost exited the console market.
Without knowing what data they used or what criteria they are using it's hard to determine if they are or aren't. For example, is the Embracer group share pre or post Eidos acquisition from Square-Enix-Eidos? That would influence Square-Enix as well.

After putting some thought into it, those numbers could be more reflective of the console market than I first thought. Lots of Embracer IP/Dev teams I think make a bigger splash on PC than console.
Strength of brand is difficult to beat, it’s the same reason there won’t be another search engine to dethrone google. Good luck. Even without call of duty marketing clauses and a terrible trip during PS3 era, they managed to beat 360 in global sales.
Because Sony turned it around - it certainly wasn't blind fandom. Sony positioned the console with a great marketing campaign 'it only does everything' and fought hard to regain mindshare, not to mention backed BluRay and gave consumers one of the best players at the lowest price. And point being, both companies fought in that generation with innovation and game offerings and library and ancilliary products, and both did okay. The market happily bought into both platforms because there isn't blind allegiance outside of a small percentage. MS then blew their mindshare with a PS3-like launch of XBO whlie Sony had a product that ticked all the boxes, so the gamers had an easy choice. Currently MS is winning the PR war in my view of the Internetz based on comments, notably because Sony is making dick moves and gamers are talking about former 'Sony arrogance', eg. "For the Payers".

There is no blind allegiance giving Sony an automatic plus 4 to desirability rolls. Even less so now that cross-platform gaming is available (Sony dragging its feet on that one...).
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Pretty sure regulatory is competent at detecting BS. You don’t have to worry unless MS is correct.
Last time I checked, people in here dont trust their competence. Now I suppose they trust their competence and hence will be convinced by MS data mining and statistics play
Even if so, it's a level playing field. If they are being beaten, it's because Sony are outcompeting them on price/performance/library/marketing/whatever. Or rather, what unfair advantage has Sony got that means MS needs a massive publisher buyout to be on level pegging? Quick Googlage tells me MS has more studios than Sony (23 vs 19), plus the finances to secure more 2nd party exclusives and/or timed exclusives to match Sony's moves, so they don't obviously need to own ABK to be able to match Sony's library.

I never say they need COD to beat Sony, they have more studio and more money, much more money...
Last time I checked, people in here dont trust their competence. Now I suppose they trust their competence and hence will be convinced by MS data mining and statistics play
Has nothing to do with trusting their competence. These arguments were submitted months ago. It was what was submitted. Has nothing to do with narrative. If you think the data is cooked then the regulators should be able to negate the evidence.
Has nothing to do with trusting their competence. These arguments were submitted months ago. It was what was submitted. Has nothing to do with narrative. If you think the data is cooked then the regulators should be able to negate the evidence.
There is no blend allegiance giving Sony an automatic plus 4 to desirability rolls. Even less so now that cross-platform gaming is available (Sony dragging its feet on that one...).
I think you may have proven the opposite.
Xbox360 was Microsoft’s best year. Halo 3 smashed records. Gears of war 1-3 smashed records. They had call of duty modern warfare marketing rights. They were the leader in multiplayer format for console. Forza did exceptionally well against GT. They had quite a few Japanese titles and Kinect was the best selling accessory. That generation aside from RROD was easily their best generation. By far. And that was also Sony was the largest trip ups in their company by far.

So we are making an argument that MS at their absolute best cannot beat Sony at the biggest disadvantages possible. And without call of duty or any major shooter advantages on PS3. And they still managed to win.

It’s not like MS stopped competing in XBO days. That’s when cross play, and game pass and backwards compatibility came. They made a stronger mid-gen refresh by far.

Please don’t confuse this with me saying that MS can’t compete. But you’d be wrong to say there is no brand loyalty at play here.

View attachment 7905
yea. That’s going to be a strong argument here
So we are making an argument that MS at their absolute best cannot beat Sony at the biggest disadvantages possible. And without call of duty or any major shooter advantages on PS3. And they still managed to win.
Er you are mistaken. Just as @Shifty Geezer said, before Sony could rectify their problems the 360 was obliterating the PS3.
Sony was tested and they demonstrated amazing ability to fix all their problems fast and bring the PS3 to a form that could compete the 360 as a worthy opponent.
I owned both consoles, and my 360, beyond Forza, Halo and Gears, it just wasnt enough to compete with Sony's list of unique content. Also the 360's controller was a disaster for fighting games.
Because Sony turned it around - it certainly wasn't blind fandom. Sony positioned the console with a great marketing campaign 'it only does everything' and fought hard to regain mindshare, not to mention backed BluRay and gave consumers one of the best players at the lowest price. And point being, both companies fought in that generation with innovation and game offerings and library and ancilliary products, and both did okay. The market happily bought into both platforms because there isn't blind allegiance outside of a small percentage. MS then blew their mindshare with a PS3-like launch of XBO whlie Sony had a product that ticked all the boxes, so the gamers had an easy choice. Currently MS is winning the PR war in my view of the Internetz based on comments, notably because Sony is making dick moves and gamers are talking about former 'Sony arrogance', eg. "For the Payers".

There is no blend allegiance giving Sony an automatic plus 4 to desirability rolls. Even less so now that cross-platform gaming is available (Sony dragging its feet on that one...).
Sort of. I mean, Sony had a rough start, launched a year late but they ended up outselling 360 that generation anyway. That means they sold more units in a shorter amount of time than Microsoft, while the common consensus (I think anyway) is that Microsoft offered the superior games device. I'll give Sony credit for righting the ship on PS3. They really leveraged their internal studios and contracted exclusives to put together a pretty unique library on that system. But there was a lot of brand loyalty at play, and there still is.

You know what else Sony did between 2005 and 2013, they bough Guerrrilla Games, Zipper Interactive, Sigil Games, Evolution Studios, Bigbig Studios, Media Molicule, Sucker Punch, and Gaikai. I know the Activision acquisition is a big deal, much bigger than these companies. But consolidation is and has been a part of this industry for a long time.
Please don’t confuse this with me saying that MS can’t compete. But you’d be wrong to say there is no brand loyalty at play here.
So Sony's business choices and marketing had nothing to do with it? Peoplek buying PS3 for its BRD weren't doing so for watching movies but because it was Sony? People buying it for the exclusives weren't doing so but because it was Sony? People buying PS3 because of Teh Powerz of Teh Cell weren't doing so because of effective marketing but because of Sony?

Okay, let's say you're right and there is a Sony brand advantage (earned that over two generations of giving gamers what they want...) - quantify that to how much advantage it gives Sony. Do they double their sales just because of blind fandom? Quadruple as the sheep buy products they don't like over the rivals because they are high on Kool-Aid? 10% advantage? 2%? What level of handicap are MS playing with that can't be competed with via products, services, pricing, marketing, and small studio acquisitions+2nd party exclusives adn require a wholesale shift in market dynamics towards partisan consolidation?

And as another take, what you're also saying is MS can't compete by offering a product and service people want and so should be allowed to gain a competitive advantage by taking content away from platforms? Like, it'd be okay if Ouya failed to sell and so, acquired by Meta, they buy EA and make all EA games exclusive to Ouya so where no-one would buy it because of its innate value as a gaming platform, they will because it's the only place they can play EA Sports etc?

Ouya's argument - we can't compete. No-one is buying our console. They all just buy PS or XB. We need a USP and for that, we're going to grab a publisher and own all their content

Are you okay with that approach to not only the console business, but any? If a player can't compete on product, price, services and marketing, they can always just buy up the content?

Sort of. I mean, Sony had a rough start, launched a year late but they ended up outselling 360 that generation anyway. That means they sold more units in a shorter amount of time than Microsoft, while the common consensus (I think anyway) is that Microsoft offered the superior games device. I'll give Sony credit for righting the ship on PS3. They really leveraged their internal studios and contracted exclusives to put together a pretty unique library on that system. But there was a lot of brand loyalty at play, and there still is.

You know what else Sony did between 2005 and 2013, they bough Guerrrilla Games, Zipper Interactive, Sigil Games, Evolution Studios, Bigbig Studios, Media Molicule, Sucker Punch, and Gaikai. I know the Activision acquisition is a big deal, much bigger than these companies. But consolidation is and has been a part of this industry for a long time.
You've reduced it down to winner/loser and as such, as MS lost, they are entitled to massive boosts to competitive powers through acquisition. There are too many factors at play to determine winner like that to say it's the Sony advatange. eg. PS3 was an awesome BluRay player. If MS had sided BluRay, maybe they'd have taken that market and dominated the generation? Little decisions like that can push sales one way or another. Certainly it can't be attributed to magical Sony Secret Sauce. As we know, those secret sauces don't exist.

Or putting it another way, MS just got out-businessed, no? Why is it attributed to Sony being somehow magically attractive and not the fact that Sony are just a better console business who have earned their position through smart business?

You know what else Sony did between 2005 and 2013, they bough Guerrrilla Games, Zipper Interactive, Sigil Games, Evolution Studios, Bigbig Studios, Media Molicule, Sucker Punch, and Gaikai. I know the Activision acquisition is a big deal, much bigger than these companies. But consolidation is and has been a part of this industry for a long time.
I already posted a timeline of that. Market consolidation is not a part of the industry. Small acquisitions, tiny drops in the developer ocean over the decades, has been part of the industry. MS have done the same, especially when you look at all MS and not just MS gaming - MS were buying up talent before Sony Computer Entertainment existed, so if anyone started it, they did and Sony copied MS's example when it decided to get into gaming (which it wouldn't ahve doe if Nintendo had screwed them over). If MS was contnuing the tradition of acquiring a studio every couple of years, there'd be no issue. They be competing at the same level as Sony and Nintendo. By dropping massive purchases, they've pressured Sony into spending big on consolidation now (console consolidation? Console-o-dation? :p). MS's attempt to 'level the playfield' so they can compete is seeing Sony counter-purchase to 'keep the field level'.