Microsoft acquired Activision Blizzard King for $69 Billion on 2023-10-13

Extreme left...... sorry but I find it amusing when in the US or Canada talk about "extreme" and "left". You dont have any left parties and there is nothing "extreme" or "Radical left" over there. What you label as being "extreme" or "radical" left is your own interpretation and definition that exists in it's own imaginary bubble.

You guys are both partially correct. The discussion is suffering from the limitations of the improperly one-dimensional of the Left-Right spectrum.

In terms of being up-for-sale corporatists, the mainstream left-wing parties in north america are up there with Ronald Regan. So much so, we see absurdities such as some modern republican politians here and there being more pro-union than many democrats (filling up a space left free by the dems themselves).

But US and Canada did see a radicalization of the leftwing talking points when it comes to certain some cultural issues. In many cases, its done facetiously because they believe its good optics, and ironically, I think they are often misguided, taking into account the talkingpoints of the twitter-sphere and such, which sees an over representation of loud radical schizoids that is a tarrible sampling of the actual population and voting public.

Such is obvious to anyone who does the work (and it takes a lot of effort these days) to leave your own confortable echo-chambers and try to understand what narratives are being painted within other groups.

Anyone who wants to understand north america wholistocally should follow both The Onion AND Babbilon bee, or Young Turks AND Jimmy Dore (random examples I just took out of my ass, but to make a point) There are glimpses of reason and tons of lunacy to both sides.
I might have an unpopular opinion about Star Wars, but pre-Disney there were only 2 really good Star Wars movies. Post Disney, maybe 2 more. And the non-Star Wars stuff Lucas owned, he was either making trash like Kingdom of the Crystal Skulls or doing nothing at all with the IP (Like Willow and Labyrinth). I don't think Disney did a great job with the Lucas properties but I honestly don't think they did any worse than the man himself. They just made more content faster.
Say what you will but the prequels all grossed north of 700m on and it wasn't just the movies but there were cartoons and games and books and comic books. But then there was all the work lucasfilm and ILM did almost every big movie out there for special effects. The amount of money Lucas Flim brought in was a lot. Before disney ruined the franchise the Force awakens made 2B at the box office . If they actually had made a good trillogy they could have made 6-7b just off that trilogy

Paints the FTC as unreasonable and childish.

He is right , MS needs more 1st party games to compete , they need to be able to at least match sony's output of first party titles but likely need to release even more since Sony has the luxury of a larger install base to get 3rd party exlusives/time content and so on. Also in some parts of the world MS's console might as well not exist so content is almost entirely made for just sony's machine.

He would know more than us about what regulators are telling them and the solutions Ms proposes. For instance the CMA has a concern that having COD exclusive to xcloud can kill other streaming platforms. they have apparently offered it up for Playstation cloud streaming

Welp It be hard to imagine this going on for another full year. Republicans take control of the house in January and we will see what they do with the ftc then
Paints the FTC as unreasonable and childish.

And from what I've read, they are correct. But when you're the second largest company in the world (by market cap), I think you will struggle to conjure sympathy when regulators make you jump hurdles to get larger.

UK folks of a certain age will recognise this Microsoft 2022 impression.

He would know more than us about what regulators are telling them and the solutions Ms proposes. For instance the CMA has a concern that having COD exclusive to xcloud can kill other streaming platforms. they have apparently offered it up for Playstation cloud streaming
The only cloud streaming Sony has is PS3 and older I believe.

Maybe your thinking about is subscription services.
I think MS should offer it on market terms, i.e. Sony can pay the going rate etc.
The only cloud streaming Sony has is PS3 and older I believe.

Maybe your thinking about is subscription services.
I think MS should offer it on market terms, i.e. Sony can pay the going rate etc.
You could be correct.

I am sure that MS has offered standard contract to everyone. Some might get better terms because of market share. I am sure steam/sony/nintendo got better terms than say geforce now
And from what I've read, they are correct. But when you're the second largest company in the world (by market cap), I think you will struggle to conjure sympathy when regulators make you jump hurdles to get larger.

UK folks of a certain age will recognise this Microsoft 2022 impression.

None of what you have said matters though. In terms of console install base, Microsoft is third and has been third, save for most of the 360 era, for twenty years. How that happened immaterial, it's a verifiable fact. If this deal goes through, it puts Microsoft at 10.7% market share of the gaming industry, 3rd largest overall but not a commanding share by any means.

The above means that there shouldn't be anything opposing the deal just taking that into account but we can go further.

They tried to follow the template of Sony, however through brand loyalty and other factors, they were not successful in doing so. One singular instance of this was Tomb Raider exclusivity and the outcry it caused. Final Fantasy XVI is exclusive and I don't see too many articles crying about that. So, they raised the need for an inflection point. Gamepass is one of these things as a newish way to games. For a subscription model to work properly, you have to feed the beast with content, content that you own preferably. Didn't Disney get like 80-100 million customers it's first month because of the back catalog?

Ultimately though, you strip away the names and just look at the quantifiable facts. That's what the FTC didn't do. Gamepass, digital and physical formats are just different ways to deliver the same games. Nintendo themselves publish mature rated games so for them to be segmented out of the discussion is stupid. The fact that Microsoft is willing to give Call of Duty to others at FMV for 10 years is crazy in my opinion and overwhelmingly should be a tipping point for anyone. Not Microsoft's fault Sony got into the cloud business before them but let it languish. It's not Microsoft's fault Sony is trying to fight a paradigm shift from the business model of which they've had so much success. That's the point of competition. I'm a controller (accountant) that sets the budget for the company I work for. I create it in October, based on the information available to me from January to September for the next year. A budget is just a well-reasoned guess. It's damn near impossible to do it for 5-10 years down the road so any projections of that kind are worthless as soon as they are done.

So, if the only answer you can have is just big tech company = bad company, you really don't have a good one. That's the point to where Lina Khan and the FTC have arrived.
Case in point.

MLex has a new report about the case:

- MS and ABK didn’t expect the lawsuit so soon because there was little engagement from the FTC and the process seemed rushed.

- In fact, the FTC didn’t have to sue now, the speculation being that the timing of the lawsuit was a strategic choice by the FTC in light of the pending reviews in Europe and in the UK, at a critical phase in the process right now.

- It looks like the FTC believes that after the Illumina/Grail case (blocked by the EC), it's easier to get these deals blocked in Europe rather than having to litigate them in the US.

- The report literally says "Did the FTC file suit and accuse Microsoft of lying to the European Commission in order to pressure the commission not to settle this case?"

The report says that the lawsuit could make more difficult for the European Commission to contemplate accepting remedies at an early stage without filing charges, assuming it wanted to. Therefore, the EC may prefer to wait until the CMA is done and let the process play out in UK before doing anything.
Let me ask you a question. how much do you think Lucas film's and star wars was worth before disney ?

Lucas sold it to Disney for a song and a dance

He sold it for roughly 5B with a portion of it coming from stocks. He had a good working relationship with disney and thought they would be a company that would take good care of his stuff. But nope.
Not sure what your point is by bringing up Disney buying Lucasfilm and what it has to do with Sweeney *possibly* selling his shares in Epic to Sega/Sony/Whoever. Epic has close working relationships with most of the major players in the industry so I'm sure he could potentially choose to sell up to anyone. All I've been saying is that there are some pretty major obstacles if you're thinking Sony are trying to buy Epic and that there would be other suitors.
It was a hypothetical point. Tim is free to sell at a loss if he wants; his decisions don't have to be dictated by whomever offers the most money if he values some things above 'more money'.

I would say that until Sweeney decides what to do with his share of the company its kind of difficult to say what his plans are. He may even stick them in a trust for his family. Who knows. The only thing that does seem to be true is that he shows no sign of wanting to sell up any time soon. He was talking about making Epic the gaming equivalent of Facebook or Google not so long ago.
None of what you have said matters though. In terms of console install base, Microsoft is third and has been third, save for most of the 360 era, for twenty years. How that happened immaterial, it's a verifiable fact.
I mention this because - as someone, I think Shifty said - Microsoft seem to be fighting for public opinion. And that absolutely does not matter, because pubic opinion won't change regulators minds. It almost feels like Microsoft have already accepted defeat and and setting up a narrative should the deal not go though.

They tried to follow the template of Sony, however through brand loyalty and other factors, they were not successful in doing so. One singular instance of this was Tomb Raider exclusivity and the outcry it caused. Final Fantasy XVI is exclusive and I don't see too many articles crying about that.

This is an interesting take, I never felt that Microsoft were copying Sony's "template", but I would say that being late to a market and doing something similar is a strategy that is hard to pull off, e.g. Zune, Windows Phone.

I don't believe brand loyalty is an important as you do for several reasons. First, when Sony launched PlayStation they had zero brand presence in consoles and were going up against SEGA who has released generations of consoles and whose hardware was in every arcade on the planet. That didn't stop Sony destroying SEGA in sales. Of course Sony's strategy was to fully endorse more mature content to promote PlayStation both at kids and to young adults And Sony put PlayStations in places were young adults like bars and clubs. Brand loyalty didn't sell PS3s at launch and sales-wise the console was shunned for two years until the cost came down and decent games come out.

Second, when Sony launched PS3, nobody touched that overpriced brick with a barge pole whereas 360 was selling gangbusters.

PlayStation was popular because Sony fully endorsed mainstream mature content and pushed their console both at young adults as well as at kids and Sony got PlayStation where young adults were, like bars and clubs. The fact that it was a a good CD/music player also helped, likewise PS2 being a cheap DVD player. Regardless of any perceived brand loyalty, PS3 bombed until it was massively reduced in price and had a lot of goods games coming out, it sold poorly whilst 360 sold like gangbusters.

It's not Microsoft's fault Sony is trying to fight a paradigm shift from the business model of which they've had so much success.

Equally, Microsoft cannot endlessly consume massive independent publishers to feed their experimental business paradigm. It doesn't feel like GamePass is event that popular - granted Microsoft release less and less info as the years roll on - but the last figure I saw was there were 100m active Xbox Live subscriptions at the end of 2019, and as of January this year there were 25m Xbox GamePass subscribers. Allowing for some shrinkage/growth of the number of Xbox actually being used, it seems like only a small fraction of Xbox owners are interested in Game Pass. :-?

So, if the only answer you can have is just big tech company = bad company, you really don't have a good one. That's the point to where Lina Khan and the FTC have arrived.

I think Microsoft are struggling because they present a narrative of wanting to bring games to more gamers and wanting fewer platform exclusives is at odds with what they actually did with Zenimax. Regulators look at what company's say, but they also look at what companies have actually done. Their decisions with Zenimax - Bethesda really - is Microsoft shooting itself in the foot. It is unfortunate that the only big games announced from what were Zenimax studios since the acquisition are Xbox exclusives. If only Phil Spencer had control over that...
I think Microsoft are struggling because they present a narrative of wanting to bring games to more gamers and wanting fewer platform exclusives is at odds with what they actually did with Zenimax. Regulators look at what company's say, but they also look at what companies have actually done. Their decisions with Zenimax - Bethesda really - is Microsoft shooting itself in the foot. It is unfortunate that the only big games announced from what were Zenimax studios since the acquisition are Xbox exclusives. If only Phil Spencer had control over that...

But are those really Xbox exclusives? All games are coming to PC on day one. It's not like I have to wait sometime between 1 to 10 years and be on MSFT mercy to have the ability to play it on another platform (PC). And with xcloud stream, i don't even have to own Xbox or gaming pc i can play it on tv, tablet whetever. So how is that exactly fewer gamers? I still wait for Dark souls remaster on PC as I don't own ps5. Is there any service that allows me to play this game without having ps5?
But are those really Xbox exclusives? All games are coming to PC on day one.
Then MS should not be complaining about "Playstation Exclusives" either, because the majority of those are also on PC or coming to PC.
Also if it not giving reasons to purchase a PS over any other platform, then it defeats the purpose of even a platform existing and with it all the games that are being developed specifically for said platform wouldnt have existed in the first place.
Then MS should not be complaining about "Playstation Exclusives" either, because the majority of those are also on PC or coming to PC.
Also if it not giving reasons to purchase a PS over any other platform, then it defeats the purpose of even a platform existing and with it all the games that are being developed specifically for said platform wouldnt have existed in the first place.

If those are launching on day one on PC then i have no complaints at all. But with many titles, this wasn't the case, and for many titles, it is not the case.
If those are launching on day one on PC then i have no complaints at all. But with many titles, this wasn't the case, and for many titles, it is not the case.
Most of them are. Also if some of them aren't, it is not necessarily because Sony prevents them. Like those developed by Sony studios, it is a requirement that the platform offers something thats unique to the platform so it can sell and reasons to exist. See Uncharted, TLoU, GT, Horizon Zero etc. Playstation is Sony's primary business and Sony's only owned platform. Not the case with MS where XBOX is an addition to the Windows eco system. If Sony eliminates incentives for buying Playstation and increase incentives of buying competing platforms, then it defeats the whole purpose of competition even existing because there is no reason for Playstation to exist and with it those games that you want but you will get later that are the result of Playstation being a powerful platform.
I see no one complaining for Nintendo games being only on Nintendo consoles
Most of them are. Also if some of them aren't, it is not necessarily because Sony prevents them. Like those developed by Sony studios, it is a requirement that the platform offers something thats unique to the platform so it can sell and reasons to exist. See Uncharted, TLoU, GT, Horizon Zero etc. Playstation is Sony's primary business and Sony's only owned platform. Not the case with MS where XBOX is an addition to the Windows eco system. If Sony eliminates incentives for buying Playstation and increase incentives of buying competing platforms, then it defeats the whole purpose of competition even existing because there is no reason for Playstation to exist and with it those games that you want but you will get later that are the result of Playstation being a powerful platform.
I see no one complaining for Nintendo games being only on Nintendo consoles

Yes but we were talking about that in the context of msft buying Zenimax (wich is now msft first-party studio, like insomniac or santa monica) and those games being xbox exclusives, what was suggested, will result in fewer gamers having access to those titles. My point is those are not exclusives like sony exclusives. Those titles will be available day one on other platforms and some of them do not even require you to own a physical unit (like xbox console). That's all. I am fully aware of Sony different strategies for attracting customers.
Yes but we were talking about that in the context of msft buying Zenimax (wich is now msft first-party studio, like insomniac or santa monica) and those games being xbox exclusives, what was suggested, will result in fewer gamers having access to those titles. My point is those are not exclusives like sony exclusives. Those titles will be available day one on other platforms and some of them do not even require you to own a physical unit (like xbox console). That's all. I am fully aware of Sony different strategies for attracting customers.

If Windows was Sony OS they would release game day one but this is not their ecosystem. I don't have a gaming PC and I want to buy a PS5 when Starfield release I can't buy it. Less people will be able to play Zenimax games this is the reality. This is life and my choice. What Sony do is very different they don't take multiplatform IP and made them exclusive. They buy studio and let them make new IP or Sony IP(like Ratchet and Clank).
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