Microsoft acquired Activision Blizzard King for $69 Billion on 2023-10-13

And while saying that they bought audiokinectic , insomniac games , housemarque , nixxes , firesprit , fabrik games , bluepoint , valkyrie , lasengle , haven , bungie , savage games. Also stakes in Epic , Kadokawa , Epic again , Discord , Devolver , Scopley , Peic again and from software.

Love how you still manage to blame MS for all this though. If MS hadn't dropped money on Bethesda and Mojang I guess Sony wouldn't have had to buy Psygnosis or bend or naughty dog ?
Love how you ignore completely what I said and turned it into platform warring. It wasn't blaming at all; I can move back earlier in history and say Sony started it buying Psygnosis, or Sega buying Megasoft, or EA buying Distinctive Software - it's never been about who fired the first shot, nor the last shot, nor the biggest shot. Comparing shots is useless and leads nowhere. The point is the escalation. Yet you read my argument me as somehow blaming MS.

Everyone's got a pony in this race. It's very sad, but I understand that's the only level people can operate at which is why all arguments at every level, from family disputes to world politics, go like this. Unless you want to cheer your horse on, there's no value in this discussion. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

That's what they said but then they went and acquired Bungie, Firesprite, Haven and one of those studios acquired another studio too. Don't look at what Sony said but what they did. It seems Sony strategy is still very much acquisitions.
Um, those all happened after claiming they weren't that interested in 2020. The changing policy of Sony that I was talking about. I'll leave this graph here. I honestly don't care whether people can see a change in the industry or not. Nothing gonna change anyone's mind around here.


Timeline of Sony studio acquisitions, marking when Sony said they didn't operate by buying talent shortly before MS bought Bethesda in 2021.

Edit: updated graph to show potential impact of MS's acquisitions for those who just look at the pictures and miss the same data highlighted in the table.
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It depends on the games you want to play doesn't it ? I have very little interest in 3rd person adventure games like the majority of Sony's first party output.
I have to admit I am confused, you keep going on about how Sony is taking away games from other platforms by buying studios like Naughty Dog, Insomniac and Sucker Punch, yet according to you have "very little interest" in most of their games? o_O

Naughty Dog has mostly been a Sony affiliated studio, since 1996, before that they released a few games on the Genesis, 3DO, and old home computers ( yes I can hardly wait for the Way of the Warrior reboot

As I've previously posted, Insomniac has been Sony affiliated for most of their almost 30 years in existence, the released ONE Xbox game and a few PC/Iphone/VR games, also If Microsoft were interested in Insomniac they had the opportunity to acquire them in 2016, they didn't so they snooze they lose.

Sucker Punch was formed by a few ex-microsoft developers who had "had become disenchanted with their careers in Microsoft" and became affiliated with PlayStation since their formation in 1997. I guess they were so "disenchanted" with Microsoft that they didn't want to be bought by microsoft or work with them either

So before they were bought by Sony, ALL of these studios were Sony linked, 2nd party studios (mostly in the case of Insomniac) working on PlayStation exclusive and Sony owned IP.
Contrast that to Bethesda and Activision who are both large Multiplatform publishers who Microsoft either have bought or and in the process of being bought, which will take all or most of their output exclusive to Xbox/Gamepass.
Um, those all happened after claiming they weren't that interested in 2020. The changing policy of Sony that I was talking about. I'll leave this graph here. I honestly don't care whether people can see a change in the industry or not. Nothing gonna change anyone's mind around here.
So if I parse the graph correctly they acquired 7 studios after they said they weren't interested in acquisitions. At first it seemed like you were claiming they wouldn't do acquisitions, but now I see you were pointing out how they are doing acquisitions despite that public statement.
Love how you ignore completely what I said and turned it into platform warring. It wasn't blaming at all; I can move back earlier in history and say Sony started it buying Psygnosis, or Sega buying Megasoft, or EA buying Distinctive Software - it's never been about who fired the first shot, nor the last shot, nor the biggest shot. Comparing shots is useless and leads nowhere. The point is the escalation. Yet you read my argument me as somehow blaming Sony.

Everyone's got a pony in this race. It's very sad, but I understand that's the only level people can operate at which is why all arguments at every level, from family disputes to world politics, go like this. Unless you want to cheer your horse on, there's no value in this discussion. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Um, those all happened after claiming they weren't that interested in 2020. The changing policy of Sony that I was talking about. I'll leave this graph here. I honestly don't care whether people can see a change in the industry or not. Nothing gonna change anyone's mind around here.

View attachment 7616

Timeline of Sony studio acquisitions, marking when Sony said they didn't operate by buying talent shortly before MS bought Bethesda in 2021.

View attachment 7617

I am just going by what you said. This was you right

If MS hadn't dropped $7.5 billion and Bethesda and $2.5 billion on Mojang, would Sony have changed the relationship with Insomniac from independent collaborators to Sony-owned with a $220 million purchase and then grabbed Bungie?

Also yes Sony said they weren't interested in buying talent but then went and bought talent. They bought studios before , during and after those comments. Remember you are using dates in which the purchase closed. Which means sony was in the process of buying those companies during those comments.

I think its important to note that MS bought Bethesda because Bethesda wanted to be purchased. They were shopping themselves around and both Sony and google had opportunities to purchase them. Activision due to all the lawsuits also wanted to sell themselves and ended up with MS as the purchaser. I would wager that for Sony looking at Bethesda's output they settled on whoever purchased Bethesda/Zenimax would still need to put the titles on their platform. However MS didn't need too because Xbox platforms and steam are large enough on their own. I also would assume that Activision was to high of a cost for sony and the only thing they can really do is have these little tantrums.

However if MS wasn't willing to buy activision who else would or could ? Apple ? Google ? Meta ? Amazon ? Trencent ? The amount of companies are tiny and could have easily locked the content behind all but a single store front. Google could have used it to keep stadia alive , meta could have turned them into a vr only house . Apple could just have all their games on iphone and so on and so forth.

For console gamers MS buying Activision is likely the best outcome
I have to admit I am confused, you keep going on about how Sony is taking away games from other platforms by buying studios like Naughty Dog, Insomniac and Sucker Punch, yet according to you have "very little interest" in most of their games? o_O

Naughty Dog has mostly been a Sony affiliated studio, since 1996, before that they released a few games on the Genesis, 3DO, and old home computers ( yes I can hardly wait for the Way of the Warrior reboot

As I've previously posted, Insomniac has been Sony affiliated for most of their almost 30 years in existence, the released ONE Xbox game and a few PC/Iphone/VR games, also If Microsoft were interested in Insomniac they had the opportunity to acquire them in 2016, they didn't so they snooze they lose.

Sucker Punch was formed by a few ex-microsoft developers who had "had become disenchanted with their careers in Microsoft" and became affiliated with PlayStation since their formation in 1997. I guess they were so "disenchanted" with Microsoft that they didn't want to be bought by microsoft or work with them either

So before they were bought by Sony, ALL of these studios were Sony linked, 2nd party studios (mostly in the case of Insomniac) working on PlayStation exclusive and Sony owned IP.
Contrast that to Bethesda and Activision who are both large Multiplatform publishers who Microsoft either have bought or and in the process of being bought, which will take all or most of their output exclusive to Xbox/Gamepass.

Do you think every xbox bought is owned by a singular person and I am that person ? Just because I don't like those games doesn't mean other people who have an xbox don't. There are plenty of people who really liked.

Not only that but I enjoyed Edge of No where , Unspoken and Stormlands. I also enjoyed Sunset overdrive on the xbox. So insominac made a lot of other games outside of third person adventure games.

You say they have been affiliated most of their 30 years of existence and yet released an xbox only game for their 20th anniversary. It seems like only their early history is closely affiliated with sony while their later works were not. Sony only purchased them after Spiderman was a hit.

I bring up older companies from the past because it's been a habit of sony to purchase studios sine they entered the gaming market. It is nothing new for sony. They have been doing it since the start and many of these amazing sony games were made from third party studios that they bought up.

Looking at your post I guess it was fine that MS bought bethesda because they were associated with Microsoft. After all their games and id's games were all first on PC and then other big games like elder scrolls franchise came first to xbox ?

I guess the same with Activision right ? They had marketing deals for COD on xbox and the big break out hit for them was COD 2 at xbox 360s launch. So I guess that is fine too oh and all those awesome blizzard games were all on pc way before console ?

Or do you need more time to come up with a new reason why its okay for sony to do something but not MS ?
It's ironic that you question the need the regulation, then trot out one the reason that the regulation exists. Your post - pretty much all of your posts - focus on Sony and Microsoft. It feels like you are utterly blind to everything the regulators are saying except where Microsoft's narrative ties to Sony. Yet, you raise concerns about the viability of a new entrant getting into the market, which is utterly baffling because that is the biggest issue that the regulators are looking at. Having these massive companies dominating a market makes it really difficult for new players to come in. When developers and publishers are independent, they may chose to adopt publish on any platform but by reducing the number of independent publishers, you make it that much harder for a new player to be viable.
I've stated my POV many times over. But to review:
I agree that a merger of this size should be investigated regardless, and I'm in agreement it does.
But the reasons they put forward for it are the wrong ones imo. I agree that too much industry consolidation is bad for competition, which in turn is bad for the consumers, this much is completely agreeable. But we're in a situation where the reasons put forward is to regulate an industry that does not exist (cloud and multi-game subscription) and stifle the inherent benefits to everyone to ensure that Sony and others still have a space to get in there (in which some are likely to never decide to)

The heart of the debate for me is not that CMA is not doing it's job. It's parroted that COD is the most important IP ever. There in lies the problem I have with the CMA. COD is simply _not_ as important as Sony or CMA thinks it is. The entire argument stems from convincing people COD is the most important IP there is in gaming today and in the future. If you don't agree with this statement, then there is no platform for CMA or Sony to continue.

I agree that Xcloud and Gamepass are particular areas in which we need look after. Traditional games market is impossible to penetrate for any new entrants and building regulations to help support new entrants there is a waste of time. As long as they are not colluding on pricing, I do not care about the established market. The idea that many people feel MS and Nintendo should raise prices because Sony did for reasons is not consumer friendly. The last thing we want is all three of them increasing prices together nonstop because there is no other way around this locked market. And the fact there are more than one individual here that continue to parrot that Sony cannot afford to not raise prices, I would disagree entirely. They are watching Xbox and Nintendo compete, and going further than just not raising their prices, they got the Series X down to 399 and the Series S to 199 this black friday. Wait until you've experienced the Canadian telco, where we continue to have the highest mobile plan rates in the world by _far_ per capita. It's collusion, and regulatory here has been trying forever to find ways to get prices down, but they cannot, and the level of benefit they've given to new entrants is staggering, and they still largely fail.

Yes, it's ironic that I made such an argument! I agree that they should be stopping this merger to keep the streaming market open but I have some exceptions to these particular points: I have again concerns with the level of control that CMA has to look after these areas that I will highlight below.

A) Firstly, Multigame subscriptions is not a market. It's a different way of paying for the exact same entertainment that is already available and you don't ultimately own it. Games are not like books or video media, games have long tails of replay-ability. Many may still opt to own their titles as it becomes cheaper to own than to pay subscription services to do the same thing. There is an entire Free 2 Play paradigm out there that generates more revenue than both sub services and traditional services. In the face of free, declaring sub services a new market makes no sense.

B) Xcloud can be a market, yes, this makes sense, game cloud streaming is the only way to unseat the existing incumbents in the traditional gaming model. We see this disruption happening all the time now, native cloud applications are unseating seated leaders. Which is why this area should be protected. Traditional games are locked, a new competitor cannot bring new hardware, a new digital store front, bring their wares to channels and be successful at it at a return that makes any sense at all. Games are too risky to gamble in that way. Streaming however, provide an avenue of providing the same service forgoing the need for deploying hardware.

And yet we saw Stadia foreclose. Why? Because of 2 main reasons. 1. its library was insufficient to drag customers to its platform. 2, it's pricing model meant that you had to buy game licenses and pay for the service. to play them. This makes it impossible because no one is going to buy a game for a service that is not guaranteed to stick around. Xcloud is currently not out of beta for precisely this reason, they will not allow users with digital licenses to play them on xcloud; they cannot open pandora's box. Xcloud game streaming is inexplicitly tied to gamepass because they _do not_ want xcloud users to own their content. This way if they have to close xcloud, there is no loss, no refunds, no game licenses issues to deal with; They can only play what is on gamepass and this is expected characteristics of streaming services on the internet today.

Which brings me back to why Stadia failed. MS resolved the issue here with game ownership and service costs, by removing the ownership of games. But it has not solved the issue of a significant enough game library for non-hardware owners to jump onto the platform. As it stands today, xcloud is still dead. Point 3, is the technology, but that is a separate issue. If you're following me up to now, then we have 1 thing that the CMA has no control over, and that is, MS has no way to force (critical content) games onto gamepass except to pay dearly for them, and therefore moving those particular titles onto xcloud. This weakness is easily exploited by blocking games onto gamepass therefore they cannot make it to xcloud. And SONY has been actively paying marketing deals to block (critical: ie. COD) games on game pass, therefore not allowing the entire cloud market to even exist.

Why is this a problem? Because the CMA has not been involved in the stopping of these types of blocking clauses, I'm unsure if they can be involved in this particular area, I don't quite understand how far their jurisdiction reaches beyond what we see here. And these blocking strategies are fundamentally additional challenges _making it even more difficult_ for new entrants to break into 'streaming game service' market. Supporting a new market, vs. trying to support helping to break into an old market with heavily established players, the prior is significantly more effective. This merger business can be easily stopped, if CMA would just disallow certain exclusivity practices, we wouldn't need mergers then, and competition would be freer. I am in agreement with John L. that the best way forward is not acquisitions of companies but payment of 3rd party companies to create exclusives on behalf of the platform holders. But we don't see this model occur often because it's likely incredibly hard to, especially when you are looking at _long term_ support for titles that extend beyond its 8 hour play time.

And the worst part of all of this is? COD. As much as you say it's not about COD, it's about COD, because if this merger occurs with MS giving concessions only on COD, then it was about COD. And now you know why MS will give COD to Sony for 10 years. It needs to own it so that it can be on game pass one day, which means it can be on xcloud one day. And in my opinion, this is why no length of period will satisfy Sony, because they don't want to enter the streaming business - so they are actively trying to kill it before it begins. Which is why Sony will request not more than just 10 years, they seek to have parity to guarantee that COD is on their streaming platform which they know MS will not want to do. Thus, if MS does not concede on this point and CMA cancels the merger, cloud streaming will have a much harder time if ever to take off as Sony will continue to block marquee titles onto Gamepass and therefore xcloud.
Yes I can compare them. You are doing so right now in your very post.

Not sure what you are trying to say there. Also not sure why it matters that MS has more developers than Sony ? Sony has more exclusive games and more 3rd party deals. MS chose to purchase more studios. It's also not like Sony has stopped buying studios. After MS bought Bethesda , Sony then bought Bungie and a few other studios. So why would MS stop ?

I also don't see what the issue is that some titles sell better than others. Sony now has multiple titles that sell into the millions or tens of millions of units. Why would MS not want to buy a company that can compete on that level?

Did sony pass on insomniac because it sold to many units ? No Insomniac put out spiderman and then sony snatched them up. You don't seem to have an issue here.

You also seem to have some odd hatred of MS comparing them having issues with halo to a crime? Halo infinite's campaign was one of the best in the series . I enjoyed every minute of it. The multiplayer had issues for sure but it also launched during a pandemic and other titles releasing during that time also had issues even COD had issues. Guess all those companies committed crimes then ? Guess Sony releasing the new horizon with a ton of bugs was committing a crime ?

I feel some Sony fans here wont be happy until only Sony exists in the market. Which would be a disaster for gamers.

No Sony don't have more exclusive games. This is just because MS bought studio late. We will see which company will have the more exclusive before the end of the generation even if the deal is blocked or without counting Activision-Blizzard games it will be MS.

Yes they mismanaged Halo franchise which was a behemoth and far ahead commercially of any Sony exclusive. I don't speak of quality at all but about commercial success. And they fucked up the relationship with Bungie, Destiny could have been an Xbox exclusive.

This was not the first time Sony tried to buy Insomniac but after carefully try every solution PC, Oculus/Meta and MS. They decided Sony was the best solution. Sony tried too to buy Ready at Dawn but at the end after the fiasco of The Order 1886 they preferred go to Meta.
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No Sony don't have more exclusive games. This is just because MS bought studio late. We will see which company will have the more exclusive before the end of the generation even if the deal is blocked or without counting Activision-Blizzard games it will be MS.

Yes they mismanaged Halo franchise which was a behemoth and far ahead commercially of any Sony exclusive. I don't speak of quality at all but about commercial success. And they fucked up the relationship with Bungie, Destiny could have been an Xbox exclusive.

This was not the first time Sony tried to buy Insomniac but after carefully try every solution PC, Oculus/Meta and MS. They decided Sony was the best solution. Sony tried too to buy Ready at Dawn but at the end after the fiasco of The Order 1886 they preferred go to Meta.
which is it ? Sony doesn't have more exclusive games or that MS bought studios late ? Sony has been in the industry longer so would have bought studios earlier than MS. Are you saying that every company that enters the market shouldn't be able to buy studios cause its too late ? Only sony should be able to continue buying studios cause they bought at the right time ?

MS mismanaged halo ?

I mean sure Jan whatever you say.

The powers to be at Bungie didn't want to work with MS anymore and so MS let the company go. Then Bungie couldn't make it on its own and ultimately ended up at Sony. If you want to talk about issues with a video game we can surely talk about the cluster fuck that is the Destiny Series.

So Insomiac was Godilocks and ultimately choose Sony to purchase them. But you are trying to say that for Bethesda and Activision its bad that they found who they ultimately wanted to purchase them?

I find it odd that you can't read what you wrote and see the obvious slant towards Sony in all this.

Look its simple. It's either okay to buy studios and thus MS ,Sony, Nintendo and others continue to do so or its bad to buy studios and we should be complaining about all companies buying studios and not just MS. To sit there and try to craft scenarios on why its okay for sony to do so and not for ms to do so is just childish. Your own posts keep moving goal posts when your called out and nothing you say on that end makes sense. It especially falls apart when you are trying to defend the market leader buying up more and more 3rd party developers.
I'm more inclined to think the whole thing should be more regulated across the board to leave these companies competing on product and services and not gate-kept content control.

I'd be perfectly happy if there were some regulation that is universally applied that any acquired studio must have all of its titles available across all competitor's platforms. Would be amusing to see Sony and Microsoft being forced to release titles on NSW if they wanted to acquire a company.

So, go ahead Sony and MS, acquire all the developers you want, you just have to make sure that any title they develop is also on competitor's platforms. :D

Exclusives (if still allowed) would then only be available from a platform holder if and only if that platform holder created the studio in the first place.

Of course, I'd love to see a world where exclusives just didn't exist.

which is it ? Sony doesn't have more exclusive games or that MS bought studios late ? Sony has been in the industry longer so would have bought studios earlier than MS. Are you saying that every company that enters the market shouldn't be able to buy studios cause its too late ? Only sony should be able to continue buying studios cause they bought at the right time ?

MS mismanaged halo ?

I mean sure Jan whatever you say.

The powers to be at Bungie didn't want to work with MS anymore and so MS let the company go. Then Bungie couldn't make it on its own and ultimately ended up at Sony. If you want to talk about issues with a video game we can surely talk about the cluster fuck that is the Destiny Series.

So Insomiac was Godilocks and ultimately choose Sony to purchase them. But you are trying to say that for Bethesda and Activision its bad that they found who they ultimately wanted to purchase them?

I find it odd that you can't read what you wrote and see the obvious slant towards Sony in all this.

Look its simple. It's either okay to buy studios and thus MS ,Sony, Nintendo and others continue to do so or its bad to buy studios and we should be complaining about all companies buying studios and not just MS. To sit there and try to craft scenarios on why its okay for sony to do so and not for ms to do so is just childish. Your own posts keep moving goal posts when your called out and nothing you say on that end makes sense. It especially falls apart when you are trying to defend the market leader buying up more and more 3rd party developers.

The success was not very long...

On PC, Halo Infinite’s player count has fallen dramatically since launch, now peaking at around 30,000 daily concurrent players on Steam (via Business Insider(opens in new tab)). When the game launched in November, its daily concurrent player count peaked above 250,000 players(opens in new tab) – so that’s nearly a 90% drop-off.

Again Activision-Blizzard is under scrutiny is too big to be buy by a platform holder. It would be the same if it was Take Two or EA or maybe Ubi Soft or Epic. This is the problem and it would be the same with any platform holder. This is not a problem for Sony because they don't have enough money to buy Activision Blizzard or Take Two or EA.

I don't complain about MS buying studio, I said if anyone (MS, Sony, Google or Amazon or Tencent) want to buy Activision-Blizzard, Take Two or EA this is normal for regulator to step up.

I will repeat it if it was something out of this three or four biggest publishers, regulators don't need to step up. If tomorrow MS want to buy CDProjekt I am sure regulator will let them do it.
The success was not very long...

Again Activision-Blizzard is under scrutiny is too big to be buy by a platform holder. It would be the same if it was Take Two or EA or maybe Ubi Soft or Epic. This is the problem and it would be the same with any platform holder. This is not a problem for Sony because they don't have enough money to buy Activision Blizzard or Take Two or EA.

I don't complain about MS buying studio, I said if anyone (MS, Sony, Google or Amazon or Tencent) want to buy Activision-Blizzard, Take Two or EA this is normal for regulator to step up.

I will repeat it if it was something out of this three or four biggest publishers, regulators don't need to step up. If tomorrow MS want to buy CDProjekt I am sure regulator will let them do it.
Yea players left after slow content updates. Still didn't stop 20m people + from playing the single player

no activision- blizzard is under scrutiny because those countries want their piece of the pie. There is no rational that activision is to big for a platform holder to buy because only platform holders are big enough to buy. Any of the companies you listed can and will eventually be bought by a platform holder. Sony actually owns part of epic which I guess you can't see the irony listing them.

Activision / Blizzard is a group of studios. It is not any different than Bethesda or Bungine and like both of them they want to be bought and entered into the agreement.

I don't know about CD project red. I think regulators might not speak up because they don't operate anything outside of GOG in other countries. There are no studios in other places.

So just to put this to rest. IF MS took the 70B they were spending on Activision and instead went out and bought up all the mom and pops out there like Inomniac and spend 70B on all those buying up what a few hundred devs you would be okay with that but you still wouldn't be okay with them buying Activision or Take 2 or Ubi Soft?
Yea players left after slow content updates. Still didn't stop 20m people + from playing the single player

no activision- blizzard is under scrutiny because those countries want their piece of the pie. There is no rational that activision is to big for a platform holder to buy because only platform holders are big enough to buy. Any of the companies you listed can and will eventually be bought by a platform holder. Sony actually owns part of epic which I guess you can't see the irony listing them.

Activision / Blizzard is a group of studios. It is not any different than Bethesda or Bungine and like both of them they want to be bought and entered into the agreement.

I don't know about CD project red. I think regulators might not speak up because they don't operate anything outside of GOG in other countries. There are no studios in other places.

So just to put this to rest. IF MS took the 70B they were spending on Activision and instead went out and bought up all the mom and pops out there like Inomniac and spend 70B on all those buying up what a few hundred devs you would be okay with that but you still wouldn't be okay with them buying Activision or Take 2 or Ubi Soft?

If Sony try to buy Epic, the regulator would step up. Owning some part of Epic is far from taking control of the company for Sony and they probably don't have the money to do it. Yes I would agree with that because they don't have killer franchise.

If Sony had enough money to buy Take Two and make GTA exclusive, I would disagree with that because GTA is too big. And regulator will probably try to kill the deal too and this is normal.
If Sony try to buy Epic, the regulator would step up. Owning some part of Epic is far from taking control of the company for Sony and they probably don't have the money to do it. Yes I would agree with that because they don't have killer franchise.

If Sony had enough money to buy Take Two and make GTA exclusive, I would disagree with that because GTA is too big. And regulator will probably try to kill the deal too and this is normal.

Sony has bought more of Epic. They have increased their stake multiple times now and no one is stepping in .

Epic doesn't have a killer franchise? What is fortnite ? some crappy game no one heard of ? Let me ask what % of video games do you think are made using unreal engine now ? You don't think it would be an issue if Sony owned unreal engine ? You think take two is bigger than Epic ?

You still haven't answered my question about MS buying up 70B worth of developers vs just activision
Sony has bought more of Epic. They have increased their stake multiple times now and no one is stepping in .

Epic doesn't have a killer franchise? What is fortnite ? some crappy game no one heard of ? Let me ask what % of video games do you think are made using unreal engine now ? You don't think it would be an issue if Sony owned unreal engine ?
Yeah because the whole world loves Sony and hates MS because......insert reasons:yep2:
I dont know any but maybe you can come up with some.
The difference have been explained to you multiple times but you cant get over it. Surely it's those.....reasons......Maybe instead of trying to convince that everybody is giving Sony a pass for "doing the same" you should explain the "why's" now
Sony has bought more of Epic. They have increased their stake multiple times now and no one is stepping in .

Epic doesn't have a killer franchise? What is fortnite ? some crappy game no one heard of ? Let me ask what % of video games do you think are made using unreal engine now ? You don't think it would be an issue if Sony owned unreal engine ? You think take two is bigger than Epic ?

You still haven't answered my question about MS buying up 70B worth of developers vs just activision

Do they control Epic? Again the stake they have is very little, they are minority shareholder of Epic. They don't try to take control of Epic.

And they invest 1 billion like Lego for funding Epic development linked to the metaverse. I don't think it is a good idea.

I answer your question I said than if it out of the biggest publisher it would be ok and the regulator will agree with me.
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Do they control Epic) Again the stake they have is very little, they are minority shareholder of Epic. They don't try to take control of Epic.

And they invest 1 billion like Lego for funding Epic development linked to the metaverse. I don't think it is a good idea.

I answer your question I said than if it out of the biggest publisher it would be ok it would be ok and the regulator will agree with me.

Sony continues to increase their stake in Epic

In July 2020 they invested 250m for a 1.4% stake.
April 2021 they invested another 200m for a .7% stake
April 2022 they invested another 1B for a 3.17% stake.

They also invested in Devolver Digital for 5% and From software 14.09% for 122m
Sony continues to increase their stake in Epic

In July 2020 they invested 250m for a 1.4% stake.
April 2021 they invested another 200m for a .7% stake
April 2022 they invested another 1B for a 3.17% stake.

They also invested in Devolver Digital for 5% and From software 14.09% for 122m

But at the end they are very far from 51%. I am sure if they try to buy 51% of Epic, regulator will step up.
Seeking Alpha has this story.
If the article is to be believed there might not be any Xbox or Gamepass exclusives from this deal at all the way the article phrases it.