Microsoft acquired Activision Blizzard King for $69 Billion on 2023-10-13

I think it's more likely that Activision is upset about it. They are trying to cash out, right? They have a lot to lose. Microsoft can simply try again with another company.
Both companies will have a lot to be upset about. Sony has been dragging MS through the mud with this. Not to mention that if the deal fails, MS has to pay Activision ~$3B... That's enough money to be pissed off about.

If the deal gets blocked, due to Sony's whining... I hope MS eyes prominent Japanese developers and simply starts buying exclusivity out from under Sony. Sony needs a reality check... and Xbox needs Japanese games. Win/win, IMO.

Also, I'd be looking into studios that partner with Sony often and just "give them offers they couldn't refuse"... Pull the rug out from them.
What else can they do? They're going to get fat pay days no matter what... or they stay right where they are and nothing changes...

It's better that MS clean house.
Exactly. I did not want to broach this, but to have an environment as toxic as described in some of the articles, it is not only management that will need to go. I'm guessing after some investigating by HR, there will be some other people who will find themselves in trouble if they weren't already let go by ABK.
What else can they do? They're going to get fat pay days no matter what... or they stay right where they are and nothing changes...

It's better that MS clean house.
It would never happen but maybe Sony and Microsoft should both agree to revoke the license to Activision for publishing on their platforms.

IOW, cancel bad behavior.

But Activision games make too much money.

Maybe gamers should consider that but gamers as a group aren't the most enlightened on these matters as Gamergate showed. Some gamers probably liked COD better after they heard about what was going on at Activision.
It would never happen but maybe Sony and Microsoft should both agree to revoke the license to Activision for publishing on their platforms.

IOW, cancel bad behavior.

But Activision games make too much money.

Maybe gamers should consider that but gamers as a group aren't the most enlightened on these matters as Gamergate showed. Some gamers probably liked COD better after they heard about what was going on at Activision.
lol.. look how hard both of them are fighting for Activision right now.. haha. Yea, never happening.

That would be entirely on the gamers... and well, COD just broke records.. so, yea.. that's not going to change anything.

Best course is for MS to acquire them, keep COD on Playstation, and start cleaning house... pay-days be damned.
I hope MS eyes prominent Japanese developers and simply starts buying exclusivity out from under Sony.........
Also, I'd be looking into studios that partner with Sony often and just "give them offers they couldn't refuse"... Pull the rug out from them.
🤔 And why do you want that?
Exactly. I did not want to broach this, but to have an environment as toxic as described in some of the articles, it is not only management that will need to go. I'm guessing after some investigating by HR, there will be some other people who will find themselves in trouble if they weren't already let go by ABK.
These days I would fire the HR as my first action:)
Eye for an eye... It's what Sony's been doing to MS this entire time.... and as I said, Xbox needs some exclusive Japanese game representation, like it used to get back in the day.
Thank you for revealing the immature fanboyish console wars that exists in these forums and especially in your arguments. 🤔
At least if you owned stocks in MS it would have made a bit more sense.
Again did Microsoft was blocked for buying studios? CMA and other regulators didn't care. This is the sheer size of Activision Blizzard the problem. It would have been the same if they tried to buy Take Two with GTA or EA with sport franchise.

And the same Sucker Punch big success with Ghost of Tsushima comes after they were bought by Sony.

All studios they bought are more successful than before when they were third party. This is call do a good job.

Again Sony is now behind Microsoft in number of studio and MS has huge franchise with Halo, Gears of war, Forza, Fallout, Elder Scroll, Doom and so on if they can't be market leader with this and Gamepass it is a problem of being competent enough.

Out of CD Projekt and Dragon Age, Microsoft has nearly a monopoly on big AAA WRPG genre.


This is not like Sony franchise were huge from the get go. They worked years after years to build big franchise, improve studios. And Sony was on the verge of being bankrupt during PS3 era. This is just being competent. ;) Imo this is not the case of Xbox division if no they would be leader and have crush Sony probably post PS3 era. They would have follow the 360 strategy, Sony was on the verge of collapse. They had the momentum for them.

Not all sure, but some was. The same is true for msft, wich franchise was huge from get go beside halo?

2001XboxHalo: Combat Evolved5.5 million[2]
2004XboxHalo 28.46 million[3]
2007Xbox 360Halo 314.5 million[4]

In comparison

Gran Turismo1997PlayStation14011
Gran Turismo 2199965027

Ghost of Tsushima Sales Have Crossed 5 Million Units Sold (

GOW almost 5 mln copies, Jack and dexter 4 mln copies+ etc etc

" Forza Motorsport received universal acclaim according to the review aggregation website Metacritic, and received a Gold sales award from the Entertainment and Leisure Software Publishers Association (ELSPA), indicating sales of at least 200,000 copies in the United Kingdom. The NPD Group reported that in its release month the game sold over 100,000 copies in North America."

And look now at playground and turn10 how well they are doing. To quote you

"They worked years after years to build big franchise, improve studios. "

Yes the msft fucked up badly everybody knows that. They were in good position and they blew it.
You say that sony bought studios over the years, but the end result is the same. It creates situation that currently even msft with all money had very hard time to compete, how anyone else could get into this market and compete with them?
Isnt that the whole point of antitrust anti competitive investigation? To prevent monopoly? What difference does it make how you build your monopoly.

"This is just being competent. ;) Imo this is not the case of Xbox division if no they would be leader and have crush Sony probably post PS3 era. "

true, the bigest enemy of msft is msft. Will this aquisition create gap so huge that sony cannot compete with msft? Or will it create situation where msft and sony will be much closer in market share.
Im fine with one of these options.
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Thank you for revealing the immature fanboyish console wars that exists in these forums and especially in your arguments. 🤔
At least if you owned stocks in MS it would have made a bit more sense.
K.. except I don't own either console.. and both MS and Sony release their games on PC..

Didn't know there was something wrong with wanting MS to compete with Sony and do what Sony does all the time to them. Thanks for clearing that up for me.

-Massive Xbox fanboy

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K.. except I don't own either console.. and both MS and Sony release their games on PC..

Didn't know there was something wrong with wanting MS to compete with Sony and do what Sony does all the time to them. Thanks for clearing that up for me.

-Massive Xbox fanboy

It doesnt matter if you own. Your take on the matter is as such. It is immature and identical. Labeling it as " wanting competition" doesnt save you from what it really is.
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I mean, I guess it depends on where you wiki, I went with this defintion from European Commission: "Foreclosure is defined as denying actual or potential competitors profitable access to a market".

And that is the definition you need to use when considering the EU legislation. You can not just chose (or wiki) your own preferred terms of what legislation means. That is why terms are defined. Again, I only contested your earlier claim - which is very different.

Sony is making the argument that ownership of CoD would cause them to foreclose.

What Sony are claiming is that Microsoft putting Call of Duty into Game Pass would impact a profitable market. But that's just market forces at play as far as I'm concerned. I presume there are unreleased documents that unpin Sony's concerns that are probably centred on the profitability of Game Pass and perhaps a belief that this is an attempt by Microsoft to 'compete' with uncompetitive practices. I.e. grabbing a chunk of a popular game whilst making next to no profit. There are a considerable number of 'logic gaps' in the arguments included in the documents that the UK CMA have released - even in the redacted versions. And these may be among the issues being looked at by the regulators.

I think here when I was writing this: that in Sony's worst possible setup for PS3, and MS best possible console setup with Xbox combined with the ownership of COD exclusive benefits and market rights (when COD was HOT, and not just the remakes we have today) was unable to cause any market foreclosure. In fact, numerically, Sony still beat them at the end, and MS had a very successful kinect launch as well!

For me, what the 360/PS3 era shows is that when Sony put out an unappealing console, very few people bought it - IIRC Sony were barely selling a few thousand units a week at launch and the things were sitting on shelves. Early games were technically rough and exclusives limited in number and quality. This is the market speaking. When Microsoft put out a desirable console, lots of people bought it. 360 has technically competition, affordable and games like Gears, Elder Scrolls Oblivion and Halo 3 were Again, this was the market speaking.

Over the course of the 360/PS3 generation, things changed. PS3 plumetted in price and Sony's first party line up of games become stronger over time - certainly in terms of critical accolades and things like GOTY nominations. In contrast, it felt like Microsoft suffered a reputation hit with RRoD which it denied was an issue for a long, long time. While you say Microsoft had a successful Kinect launch, I don't think Kinect (despite selling well) set the world of gaming on fire.

Then I don't believe it makes any sense to say that ownership of COD will cause market foreclosure, and it verifies in my mind that CoD is just not that important as people think it is, and today's F2P market, it's less important than ever. If CoD was so dominant, it wouldn't have needed to have gone F2P with Warzone for instance. Steam has gone some time without COD on its store. No effect.

You are again using the term "foreclosure" differently to the legislation and processes. That's not to take away that are Sony are being ridiculous in their position of some weird entitlement to eternal massive profits off this particular franchise.

Windows, Google Search, Ad Words, IOS, etc are all monopolies. Let's be real, there's no competitor in those particular areas. Bing is the closest competitor to Google search and is less than 1% of all total search or something of that sort.

iOS currently has around 28% of the world mobile market, and Android has around 71%. I know iPhones are more popular in North America, but the last I saw iPhones accounted for just over - marginally - half of smartphones sold, which is not by any stretch meeting any legislative definition of market domination.

I wouldn't call those dominating. The silver lining is that today Sony and Xbox still compete. But as of late, I just don't see much innovation coming from Sony.

You'll have to help by giving me examples of what innovation you want. In terms of the broad use of consoles, Sony tried changing the console market with PS3, which it pitched as a multimedia device on which you play games, watch movies (DVDs, Blue-ray) and which was also your photo library - oh and it could run linux so you could use linux desktop apps. The market really wasn't that interested. When Sony has put our a competent, affordable console with good games, it's sold well. There is a risk with innovation, like PS3, like Kinect, Xbox One's TV focus - things that really don't resonate with gamers that much and nor do they penetrate the non-gaming consumer buyers, except in rare cases like PS2 selling as a cheap DVD player and - to a lesser extent - PS3 selling as a cheap Blu-ray player.

What innovations are you looking for? Technological? Game ideas?

I think if MS is done. There won't be another competitor, things may just stay as Nintendo, PS, and PC. There's just no way to penetrate that market, the upfront costs to break into the console industry is staggering and the net return doesn't make financial sense if you're just playing for the generation. With console hardware moving at an even slower pace, I cant' see anyone wanting to step up.

It's ironic that you question the need the regulation, then trot out one the reason that the regulation exists. Your post - pretty much all of your posts - focus on Sony and Microsoft. It feels like you are utterly blind to everything the regulators are saying except where Microsoft's narrative ties to Sony. Yet, you raise concerns about the viability of a new entrant getting into the market, which is utterly baffling because that is the biggest issue that the regulators are looking at. Having these massive companies dominating a market makes it really difficult for new players to come in. When developers and publishers are independent, they may chose to adopt publish on any platform but by reducing the number of independent publishers, you make it that much harder for a new player to be viable.

I think the ultimate fool making move would be for them to succeed in blocking the acquisition, but have Activision board members and management be so burned by the process that they sign an exclusive deal with Microsoft, even if it's only marketing/DLC like they have with Sony now for COD, but full portfolio. Or, Activision just sells off a few studios and IP (like Blizzard, all of the Sierra IP, Tony Hawk, Guitar Hero, Crash and Spyro) and all that becomes exclusive, While Activision just makes COD.

Activison and Microsoft could have done this at any point. Why haven't they? As they say, it takes two to tango. Why haven't Microsoft partnered more with Activision over Call of Duty? Microsoft have much deeper pockets than Sony.
The 'this is all Sony's been doing all along' is both correct and wrong from differing perspectives, whether you consider it qualitatively or quantitatively. If Country A puts some troops on the border of Country B, and Country B mobilises heavy artillery to the same border it can be argued:

1) Country B is doing what A did, both moved military forces to the border.
2) Country B is doing something different, moving a far stronger force not in keeping with the move A made.

A lot of the arguments against Sony so far have ignored MS's history of doing exactly the same (and all the other companies in this industry). It's not like MS has been 'playing it fair' while Sony has been 'cheating'. Both have used paid exclusivity and studio acquisitions. The issue here is one of an arms race, escalating the stakes, and where that will lead. Any other argument for or against based on history will just come down to preference - it's very easy to side with "They started it" or "they are going too far". The real question is if you draw a line ,or if any and all acquisitions are allowed no matter what, and then if there is a line to be drawn, where and why? Notice Sony's strategy has been changed in recent years.


PlayStation boss prefers organic studio growth over 'frenzied' spending​

"Very quietly, in a very PlayStation way, we've been building something quite special with these studios. You can do it with frenzied acquisition, or measured acquisition, or you can do it organically."
Ryan went on to add, “We’re growing our studios organically and we’re growing through acquisition. We acquired five studios during the course of 2021, we’re in discussions with Bungie and we have more planned. This is getting us into a cycle, a virtuous cycle, where success begets success.”

MS's spending sprees is encouraging/forcing Sony to buy as well. If MS hadn't dropped $7.5 billion and Bethesda and $2.5 billion on Mojang, would Sony have changed the relationship with Insomniac from independent collaborators to Sony-owned with a $220 million purchase and then grabbed Bungie?

The end result is surely bad for gamers with content being divvied between the two. It's also a fight that heavily favours MS due to their income from other sectors so if not regulated at any level, you are effectively giving MS free-pass to eventually buy market leadership if they can afford to.

I'm more inclined to think the whole thing should be more regulated across the board to leave these companies competing on product and services and not gate-kept content control.
Can you compare Bungie to Activision? Bungie is a unique studio with only one big franchise, Activision have the bigger shooter of the market Call of Duty + Warzone, Overwatch, Diablo and so on. But MS have more studios than Sony since they bought Bethesda.

Ratchet and Clank was not a big hitter. It is a 5/6 millions games now before it was less and Sunset Overdrive was a commercial failure. Insomniac did not have any big franchise when Sony bought them. And Marvel propose Spiderman to Sony and MS, MS refuse because they prefer to mismanaged their own franchise. Sorry for but what they have done to Halo is a crime. Same they could have keep Bungie and have Destiny as an Xbox exclusive.

Before PS4 many Sony franchise sold between 2 and 5 million only, no big hitter like Halo out of Gran Turismo.

Yes I can compare them. You are doing so right now in your very post.

Not sure what you are trying to say there. Also not sure why it matters that MS has more developers than Sony ? Sony has more exclusive games and more 3rd party deals. MS chose to purchase more studios. It's also not like Sony has stopped buying studios. After MS bought Bethesda , Sony then bought Bungie and a few other studios. So why would MS stop ?

I also don't see what the issue is that some titles sell better than others. Sony now has multiple titles that sell into the millions or tens of millions of units. Why would MS not want to buy a company that can compete on that level?

Did sony pass on insomniac because it sold to many units ? No Insomniac put out spiderman and then sony snatched them up. You don't seem to have an issue here.

You also seem to have some odd hatred of MS comparing them having issues with halo to a crime? Halo infinite's campaign was one of the best in the series . I enjoyed every minute of it. The multiplayer had issues for sure but it also launched during a pandemic and other titles releasing during that time also had issues even COD had issues. Guess all those companies committed crimes then ? Guess Sony releasing the new horizon with a ton of bugs was committing a crime ?

I feel some Sony fans here wont be happy until only Sony exists in the market. Which would be a disaster for gamers.
The 'this is all Sony's been doing all along' is both correct and wrong from differing perspectives, whether you consider it qualitatively or quantitatively. If Country A puts some troops on the border of Country B, and Country B mobilises heavy artillery to the same border it can be argued:

1) Country B is doing what A did, both moved military forces to the border.
2) Country B is doing something different, moving a far stronger force not in keeping with the move A made.

A lot of the arguments against Sony so far have ignored MS's history of doing exactly the same (and all the other companies in this industry). It's not like MS has been 'playing it fair' while Sony has been 'cheating'. Both have used paid exclusivity and studio acquisitions. The issue here is one of an arms race, escalating the stakes, and where that will lead. Any other argument for or against based on history will just come down to preference - it's very easy to side with "They started it" or "they are going too far". The real question is if you draw a line ,or if any and all acquisitions are allowed no matter what, and then if there is a line to be drawn, where and why? Notice Sony's strategy has been changed in recent years.



MS's spending sprees is encouraging/forcing Sony to buy as well. If MS hadn't dropped $7.5 billion and Bethesda and $2.5 billion on Mojang, would Sony have changed the relationship with Insomniac from independent collaborators to Sony-owned with a $220 million purchase and then grabbed Bungie?

The end result is surely bad for gamers with content being divvied between the two. It's also a fight that heavily favours MS due to their income from other sectors so if not regulated at any level, you are effectively giving MS free-pass to eventually buy market leadership if they can afford to.

I'm more inclined to think the whole thing should be more regulated across the board to leave these companies competing on product and services and not gate-kept content control.

And while saying that they bought audiokinectic , insomniac games , housemarque , nixxes , firesprit , fabrik games , bluepoint , valkyrie , lasengle , haven , bungie , savage games. Also stakes in Epic , Kadokawa , Epic again , Discord , Devolver , Scopley , Peic again and from software.

Love how you still manage to blame MS for all this though. If MS hadn't dropped money on Bethesda and Mojang I guess Sony wouldn't have had to buy Psygnosis or bend or naughty dog ?