MGS4 possibility on 360 tidbit?


Payton knows fans have legitimate concerns about Kojima Productions possibly compromising the game's ambition due to issues arising from concurrent Xbox 360 development -- divided resources, less disc space, etc. -- and he addressed those directly:

"I can tell you honestly at this point, we have not changed the game in any form with the idea of 'oh, we got to do this on 360.' Put aside whether or not we're developing for 360 or not, the game is built on the PS3 hardware, as you guys have known for the past two years or so."

In other words: if MGS4 comes to Xbox 360, it has not affected the game's development. This is the same game Hideo Kojima decided to produce from day one. Make sure to listen to the podcast for more from Payton and the 1UP boys about Snake, Xbox 360 vs. PS3 and more.

Hmm... careful/weird wording there. Possibly pre-damage control?
Would be nice to see the actual question he was asked before we read any hidden meaning into his words.

Bit fanboyish of you to mention damage control though.

If the game does come out for 360, chances are it will be a poor relation to the PS3 version as I cannot see them releasing it on multiple DVDs.
Kojima said multiple times that MGS4 is ps3 exclusive.

However, Kojima isn't the one calling the shots, Konami decides if its gonna get ported or not.

not that i'm implying anything, im just pointing that out
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Nothing really constructive to add other than Ken is cool because he likes Dr. Pepper and lived in a trailer... :p
However, Kojima isn't the one calling the shots, Konami decides if its gonna get ported or not.

That that i'm implying anything, im just pointing that out

Yeah, like konami decided to release policenauts outside Japan...oh wait..

Anyway 1up is digging way to much into Ryans words which i expected them to do.
At least, it is an effective way to increase the visibility of the podcast and the counter at the bottom of the page.
It's probably a timed exclusive, maybe they will start the port after release on the PS3. They released MGS2 on the Xbox correct?
yea, current install base dictates that it is stupid not to have it ported over to 360 eventually (timed exclusive on PS3).

Cue examples... Assassins Creed, DMC4, VF5 etc....
yea, current install base dictates that it is stupid not to have it ported over to 360 eventually (timed exclusive on PS3).

Cue examples... Assassins Creed, DMC4, VF5 etc....

How would Konami deal with the backlash though? We all know how loyal the PS3 faithful are... (DMC4 anyone?)

Bah, I take anything from 1up with a grain of salt. That place is practically ran by X360 fanb's and g's :nope:
yea, current install base dictates that it is stupid not to have it ported over to 360 eventually (timed exclusive on PS3).

Cue examples... Assassins Creed, DMC4, VF5 etc....

I guess at some point every XBOX 360 Exclusive is heading for the Wii and PS2.
Last time I checked mgs 4 isn’t going to be realised today nor in about a month


yea... ok... well then let me rephrase...

current TRENDING of the expected install base.

How would Konami deal with the backlash though? We all know how loyal the PS3 faithful are... (DMC4 anyone?)
you greatly overestimate the number of "loyals".

even 1.5 million loyals is nothing in the grand scheme of multiplatform marketing and it's not like they are not getting the game (they will still buy it for their PS3s).

sheesh, what is the world coming to when people hate because a game would go mulitplat? Yea, yea... I know "downgraded since it's being ported". ;) Read the quote in the OP again... 360 development will not hinder the PS3 version. that's what the quote is all about.
How would Konami deal with the backlash though? We all know how loyal the PS3 faithful are... (DMC4 anyone?)

There are very few "PS3 faithful" at present. They can hardly be considered an important market force. And there is no evidence that this will change between now and when MGS4 is imminent.
Would be nice to see the actual question he was asked before we read any hidden meaning into his words.

Bit fanboyish of you to mention damage control though.

If the game does come out for 360, chances are it will be a poor relation to the PS3 version as I cannot see them releasing it on multiple DVDs.

Why? MGSs tend to be very linear games so releasing a multi-DVD games would seems easier than trying to fit everything on a DVD and in the process making a lot of sacrifices along the way.
Why? MGSs tend to be very linear games so releasing a multi-DVD games would seems easier than trying to fit everything on a DVD and in the process making a lot of sacrifices along the way.

MGS 4 will be anything but linear from what’s known
How would Konami deal with the backlash though? We all know how loyal the PS3 faithful are... (DMC4 anyone?)

Bah, I take anything from 1up with a grain of salt. That place is practically ran by X360 fanb's and g's :nope:

I doubt any company would want to maintain a segment of their loyal fanbase that would force them to forego large parts of the market to keep those particular fans happy. Moving towards other consoles would help them create new loyal fans as well as provide MGS4 for fans who migrated to other consoles.