Metal Gear Solid 4 720p HD Trailer

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El Leone said:
Technically, its pretty good, textures are pretty good but there are other games which are better looking. Its got a brilliant Art Direction though, which really helps enchance things and makes it stick out from the the other games.

IMO of course;)

Seconded. The game looks gorgeous regardless, no doubt about it.
bRoNx said:
Dear Lord, that's gonna be a looong year!:(

I was thinking...these visuals look great now, but I get the feeling that it'll wear off by the time it's released...what with other studios gaining more & more knowledge in the hardware! What do y'all think? Will it still stand out visually, or (my pick) will it be a norm for console standards:?:
Yeah, Kojima never makes games that stand out visually, they are always very average looking.

bRoNx said:
Dear Lord, that's gonna be a looong year!:(

I was thinking...these visuals look great now, but I get the feeling that it'll wear off by the time it's released...what with other studios gaining more & more knowledge in the hardware! What do y'all think? Will it still stand out visually, or (my pick) will it be a norm for console standards:?:

It's probably more like 18 months away. Winter 07 is my guess.

I doubt this will look very run-of-the-mill upon release :p Everyone else would have some catching up to do to make that the case. And I'm sure it will look better again this time next year as Kojima suggests. As much as Kojima likes to feign disinterest in ever-better graphics, I doubt you'll ever see a MGS game that looks anything less than impeccable.
El Leone said:
Technically, its pretty good, textures are pretty good but there are other games which are better looking.

Great, care care to point me in the direction of those other games as I would buy them in an instant.
I thought the relese is 07/07/07 ? Well thats one of the rumours, if you flip the new MGS logo upside down it says 7 and 7.

Everyone else would have some catching up to do to make that the case.


Great, care care to point me in the direction of those other games as I would buy them in an instant.

Touchy? Graphics do not make a game my friend :). Also, I am not saying MGS4 looks bad, as it does look fabulose. But there are (technically) better looking games (Crysis,GOW and some others I need to look up to rememeber).

Personally, I really want to see how Bioshock is turning out, but thats another thread ;)
El Leone said:
Touchy? Graphics do not make a game my friend :). Also, I am not saying MGS4 looks bad, as it does look fabulose. But there are (technically) better looking games (Crysis,GOW and some others I need to look up to rememeber).

Personally, I really want to see how Bioshock is turning out, but thats another thread ;)
Care to try again? ;)
So, you're basically saying mgs4 is the best looking game (ever?) at da moment then.

I'll stop, people are just going to get angry and be like, ZOMG!

I'll stop expressing my opinion, sorry guys :(
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Is there any actual gameplay footage in the trailer? (before I waste my time downloading it)
Well I personally feel rainbow six vegas, final fantasy xiii and gears of war technically look better. That doesn't take anything away from this game because it looks spectacular aswell. just a matter of opinion.
The graphics engine looks very good for MGS4 (in particular their animation system and facial/gesture expressions in the cut scenes are amazing), but what sticks out to me is the attention to detail. e.g. the cracking wall. It is just a chipped wall. What makes it stand out is the amazing artistic touch. Working with the same texture limitations of other games the artists take the same 512x512 texture and make it into a Mona Lisa! :oops: Ditto on the cut scene animations. The detail and execution our amazing.

The art direct of the title is also VERY impressive. The use of filters and color schemes (blacks, tans, etc) make the graphics look that much better. Instead of the limitations of a full world color palette, they have gone thematic which highlights the art perfectly IMO.

Pissing matches about technology aside, art is really where graphics impress. UE3 games are a great example: The difference between Frame City Killer and Gears of War? Not the techniques. Both had HDR, soft shadowing, etc. The difference is the artists and using the technology appropriately.

The MGS4 Konami team is just amazing in this regards. Technologically there is nothing ground breaking I have seen so far. Top of the line, yes, but similar technology and quality as other top end next gen titles (however few there are) are presenting. Where it stands out is they have matched excellent art direction to their technology, and the artists are creating excellent art assets that fit the technology and the art direction to a 't'.

Absolutely beautiful.
There's no doubt, it's pretty difficult to match or surpass Kojima and his team in art, and that basically puts it where Halo has absolutely no chance. Technically is another matter and I'm strongly inclined to agree that other games do better. However, while you might discuss games for their technical aspects in addition to story, art/animation, and gameplay, when it comes to how good the games are, the technical aspects (of both the games AND the hardware) are moot.

Having said that, I've never really played one of the metal gear solid games in full. Once I get a PS3, though, this will likely be one of the games I'll pick up (first priority being HS and some games I missed on PS2 after I sold mine, like SotC and perhaps the kingdom hearts games that I never played). But what I really want is ZOE. Nonetheless, very nice seeing the HD, direct feed movie, even if it was a 1GB download.
Acert93 said:
The MGS4 Konami team is just amazing in this regards. Technologically there is nothing ground breaking I have seen so far. Top of the line, yes, but similar technology and quality as other top end next gen titles (however few there are) are presenting.

I think where the MGS4 trailers have excelled technically is just the raw amount of stuff going on at the same time. Sure other games have shown off soft-shadows, hdr etc. But the combination of these amazingly detailed and expressive character models, great lighting/shadow, texturing, animation, realistic cloth/hair/flora, atmospheric fx (smoke, dust and debris flying around), environmental destruction et al, is what sets it apart IMO.

I dunno, I find it rather amusing when people say of Kojima Productions... "oh they arent doing anything new" or "oh its just great art" as if there's something to even downplay here. One doesn't cancel out the other, Its great tech combined with great art making for an incredibly impressive package. Just my 2 cents. ;)

Could we try to keep this on the topic on hand?

I don't mind discussion art direction to compare/contrast with other titles (which is very subjective); I don't mind discussing different technologies and the net effect of specific tradeoffs, etc I really don't.

But those should have their own thread. Bringing in Halo, Gears of War, etc and either pissing on them, or praising them as better, really doesn't accomplish anything. This thread is above this specific trailer. Talk about the game, what you want in it, what you like about the art or technology, whatever. But dragging in other games just to piss on eachother... is pointless.

Anyhow, as promo shots go, I say ditch this one:

Low poly concrete seat with ugly flat texturing. Bleh! Its like the picked one of the worse pics for that :???:
liverkick said:
I dunno, I find it rather amusing when people say of Kojima Productions... "oh they arent doing anything new" or "oh its just great art" as if there's something to even downplay here. One doesn't cancel out the other, Its great tech combined with great art making for an incredibly impressive package. Just my 2 cents. ;)

Maybe you should quote someone else then and find it amusing? Because if you read what I said I classified the technology toward the head of the class.

Acert93 said:
Top of the line, yes, but similar technology and quality as other top end next gen titles (however few there are) are presenting.

Last time I checked lumping it together with other *technically* excellent game engines (above and beyond the actual art quality) is not "downplaying" a game as you indicate. Albeit I am not surprised how someone here would turn "top of the line" technologically into an insult.
Acert93 said:
Maybe you should quote someone else then and find it amusing? Because if you read what I said I classified the technology toward the head of the class.

Err, sorry about that. My second paragraph was just general commentary on a repeated theme and not to you personally, didnt mean to give the wrong impression.

Acert93 said:
Anyhow, as promo shots go, I say ditch this one:

Low poly concrete seat with ugly flat texturing. Bleh! Its like the picked one of the worse pics for that :???:

Yikes thats one horrible capture. Whats with the contrast?!
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liverkick said:
Err, sorry about that. My second paragraph was just general commentary on a repeated theme and not to you personally, didnt mean to give the wrong impression.

Yikes thats one horrible capture. Whats with the contrast?!

Yikes. That's a very unflattering texture. Hopefully the final game will be rid of those.

I think the true test of MGS4's graphics will be the actual gameplay, where you don't have mocapped animation and scripted cameras and action.
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