xbdestroya said:Tap In I'm not sure if you're referencing my first post in this thread or not when I called it 'good vibe press' with that 'web site rumor' comment; but certainly I wasn't implying it was a coordinated effort or PR or anything. Obviously they are doing this for their financial customers. It's just a flawed analysis on their part is all. My comment stemmed solely from the fact that this might generate spillover positive press for MS, which it probably will.
Statements such as 'sell 360 for half of PS3's price' simply have no context, and are dubious at best considering that this was the same house that released the claim that PS3 would be $500 or greater in price.
Anyway I just can't go with Merrill's analysis - I agree some of their conclusions are rooted in truth, but frankly I just don't think these guys are following things nearly as closely as a lot of us here are, else they never would have released that initial $101 per Cell, RSX and blu-ray nonsense a couple of months ago.
I was not referencing you directly XB, but thanks for clarifying.