For processors, 2d10 + INTELLIGENCE modifier. Drives are 1d8 for each level of tech, with BluRay being level 5 for a total of 5d8. "Other Components" is 1d10. These values are multiplied by ten. Ports are 1d6 (the prominence of 5's suggests to me their die might be a little imbalanced). Memory is just the WISDOM modifier x 10. The TOTAL is all that added plus CONSTITUTION modifier (x 10).
This is standard Third Generation Analyst rules. STATS for CE devices are provided by the manufacturers. I actually caught a glimpse of the PS3 character sheet and can confirm INT = 3, WIS = 5 and CONST = 10, which tallies with ML's figures. the sheet saw actually had "Pelenor's Harddisk" attached (+3 WISDOM) but I don't know if that comes as standard.