Medal of Honor Airborne Trailer (Xbox 360, PS3)

I personaly think that a lot of this material is pre-rendered using ingame assets.
Nevertheless, EA works like a machine; as far as I've heard, this game will be released in sometime November...
Vysez said:
It's going to look the same on both platforms.
let's not derail this thread, please.

The producer gives an interesting answer to this question in the linked interview..basically says that at the moment they're focussing on the core gameplay and aren't at a point yet of leveraging specific technical capabilities of either machine. One wonders if they will get round to that and how it'd manifest itself..but this is an EA multiplatform game we're talking about :p

The interview's actually well worth watching, although it DOESN'T feature the teaser trailer, unfortunately :( The interview itself goes into a fair bit of depth, and some of the scenarios they want to recreate. It all sounds very promising! Some interesting commentary on violence also..
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!eVo!-X Ant UK said:
And that Fact that EA said that PS3 is getting 50% of there Attention and all high profile game will be made for that first

You wanna bet?

Given the fact that 360 will have probably 2-3 times the install base when this game launches (nov) I find that very unlikely. It's EA, get a clue.
EA has been on record saying that the PS3 is or will be getting more attention as far as next-gen games are concerned. I'm not sure if this is true or not though.

OT: Damn this game looks hot. If everything is real-time then hot damn.
mckmas8808 said:
EA has been on record saying that the PS3 is or will be getting more attention as far as next-gen games are concerned. I'm not sure if this is true or not though.


exactly :cool:
scooby_dooby said:
You wanna bet?

Given the fact that 360 will have probably 2-3 times the install base when this game launches (nov) I find that very unlikely. It's EA, get a clue.
Yeah, but wait a year and PS3 may very well outsell the 360. If they release it at $400, then the casual is unlikely to care for anything other than variety.
Laa-Yosh said:
I personaly think that a lot of this material is pre-rendered using ingame assets.
Nevertheless, EA works like a machine; as far as I've heard, this game will be released in sometime November...

I wouldn't say it's prerendered. I believe much of it is heavily scripted realtime cutscenes or realtime render targets developed on renderware (as this is the same video reel shown to Game Informer, who mentioned it was produced on a PS3 dev kit and it was a mix of realtime target renderware footage and ingame gameplay). If you watch closely in the video, the segment where the gun in being shot from a rooftop down at the ground is probably gameplay, as well as the segment where the paratrooper is controlling the parachute while falling towards the ground. I think the segment where the soldier diving over a pile of sandbags is also gameplay from the look of it.
mckmas8808 said:
So does everybody believe that what we seen is 100% real or is EA up to its tricks again (i.e. Madden 2006).
I'm guessing real-time or else they would show everything in slow motion and whatnot...
i guess people are doubting EA's abilty to pull of graphics like that. i know madden didn't look like the trailer for that but they've got fight night looking impressive. we've heard in magazines about demonstration of the tech up and running. drop soldiers into an environment and they follow the AI routines. now if those demonstrations didn't look anywhere near as good as the screens and footage we've seen i think it would have been mentioned. new footage from multiple other games is looking up to the same standards aswell.
mckmas8808 said:
So does everybody believe that what we seen is 100% real or is EA up to its tricks again (i.e. Madden 2006).

My thoughts are a combo of both. The part were the guy is sliding on the roof and firing the Thompson could be game play clips.
Just curious

Synergy34 said:
My thoughts are a combo of both. The part were the guy is sliding on the roof and firing the Thompson could be game play clips.

So, iyo (in your opinion) what do you think wasn't real?
I'd have to watch it a few times to get a better look but off the top of my head, the clip were the solider gets sniped in the neck has to be cutscene.

Just to be straight, I think it is all real time, just most of it is cutscenes. :)
It took ages but i found it

" 50% of our games become for the PS3 30% for xbox360 and 20% for the Revolution, already we must say that we have not yet fixed the percentage for the Revolution that can change still. "

" EA even said: "we have now 20 titles for xbox360 in preparation or brought out, but for PS3 become it there much more."

" We will bring out many games parralel on xbox360 and the PC., but our most of the attention goes out to console games and that is almost all only exclusive for PS3 in development. "


NOTE : You'll need a Dutch to English translator.

Here's the link :
it's 4:3 so can be realtime video-edited from a pc to reach the framerate (the dev kit, apart cell, is a lot similar to a pc, if I remember well
!eVo!-X Ant UK said:
It took ages but i found it

" 50% of our games become for the PS3 30% for xbox360 and 20% for the Revolution, already we must say that we have not yet fixed the percentage for the Revolution that can change still. "

" EA even said: "we have now 20 titles for xbox360 in preparation or brought out, but for PS3 become it there much more."

" We will bring out many games parralel on xbox360 and the PC., but our most of the attention goes out to console games and that is almost all only exclusive for PS3 in development. "

If this is coming from an issue of edge, only the second part is relevant to EA, and it's not entirely accurate. There was no direct quote from EA. Edge simply wrote that while EA had x number of games in development for 360, they were happy to confirm that they had more PS3 games in development.

The last comment is also somewhat wrong - the quote didn't say that their console games would exclusively be for PS3, but that they would lead on PS3 in almost every case, and that most of their console developers wanted to work with PS3 more.
EA does not do exclusives.. all games will be released on as many systems as possible including cellphones.. I doubt they will change their business practice now, unless Sony is paying a lot of cash