Match yourself to presidential candidates

There's obviously something skewed with the rankings. I was "56% Kucinich".

Complete and utter balderdash.

(Of course, I was 100% Bush.)

Though, truthfully, I wouldn't be suprised if the things Bush and Kucinich supported would, in a non-partisan world, have 50% overlap. Bush's domestic agenda is pretty 'liberal' (ignoring the religious aspects)
I scored 100% with Kucinich, 99% with Kerry, 90% with Dean, 83% with Edwards, and 32% with Bush.

I'm REALLY surprised by the Kucinich %. He and Kerry are so different on so many issues. After following Kucinich's positions in the Democratic debates over the last year, this seems so out of left field. They might as well say I'm 100% with Al Sharpton as far as I'm concerned. :?

Same with Edwards John. I just do not want to vote for Kerry in the fall. At this point I feel I'd be loathe to vote for him at all, even if it was to get Bush out of the white house.
Figured I'd post my answers:

1) Where do you stand on the following abortion positions?

Appoint Judges Who Will Outlaw Abortions: Strongly Oppose
Outlaw "Partial Birth" Abortions: Somewhat Favor
Outlaw Abortions Except for Rape/Incest: Somewhat Favor
Parental Notification for Minors Under 18: Strongly Favor

2) How do you feel about issues related to gay rights?

Constitutional Gay Marriage Ban: Strongly Oppose
Equal Rights for Civil Unions: Strongly Favor
Allow Gays to Openly Serve in the Military: Strongly Favor

3) How do you feel about the role of religion in government?

Organized Prayer in Public Schools: Strongly Oppose
Commandments Displayed in Federal Buildings: Strongly Oppose
Federal Funding of Religious Charities: Strongly Oppose

4) Where do you stand on increased gun controls?

Safety Devices on All New Guns: Strongly Favor
Background Checks on Gun Show Purchases: Strongly Favor
Require Safety Course, License Before Gun Purchase: Strongly Favor
Allow Lawsuits Against Gun Manufacturers: Somewhat Favor

5) How do you feel about the death penalty?

Abolish the Death Penalty: Somewhat Opoose
National Review of Death Penalty Fairness: Strongly Favor

6) What do you think about the following education initiatives?

No Child Left Behind Act: Somewhat Oppose
Vouchers for Public, Private or Religious Schools: Strongly Favor
Increase Federal Funding for Higher Education: Strongly Favor

7) How do you feel about the following homeland security efforts?

The Patriot Act: Strongly Oppose
Tighter Immigration Controls: Strongly Favor

8) How do you feel about the U.S. efforts in Iraq?

The War in Iraq: Strongly Oppose
Turning Over More Political Authority to U.N.: Somewhat Favor
Immediate Withdrawal of U.S. Troops: Strongly Oppose

9) Do you support these foreign trade policies?

Embargo on Cuba: No Opinion
U.S. Involvement in NAFTA: Strongly Favor
Mandatory Labor/Environment Standards in Trade Agreements: Strongly Favor

10) How do you feel about the following health care proposals?

Universal Government-Supervised Health Care: Somewhat Favor
Medicare Prescription Drugs Coverage By Private Insurers: Somewhat Oppose
Expand Medicaid to Cover More Uninsured Americans: Somewhat Favor
Limit Malpractice Suits Against Doctors, Insurers: Somewhat Oppose

11) Where do you stand on the following proposed welfare reforms?

Hiring Welfare Workers Tax Incentive: Strongly Favor
Welfare Benefits for Legal Immigrants: Somewhat Favor
Child Care Services for Getting Off Welfare: Strongly Favor

12) How do you feel about these Social Security reforms?

Raise Retirement Age: Strongly Favor
Privatize Social Security: Somewhat Favor
Cap Payments to Wealthy: Strongly Favor

13) Where do you stand on the following tax proposals?

Roll Back the Bush Administration Tax Cuts: Somewhat Favor
Roll Back Cuts for People Making Over $100,000: Strongly Favor
Additional Tax Cuts for Businesses: Somewhat Oppose

14) How do you feel about these issues related to jobs?

Raise the Minimum Wage: Somewhat Favor
Extend Unemployment Benefits: Somewhat Favor

15) How do you feel about these key environmental issues?

Oil Drilling in the Arctic Wildlife Refuge: Strongly Oppose
Mandatory Clean Air Emissions Standards: Strongly Favor
Tougher Fuel Efficiency Standards: Strongly Favor

16) Party

If you want to find the best candidate for you regardless of party, leave this question blank - otherwise candidates will be excluded from the final results.

I left it blank. I'm still not sure if I'm going to stay in the Democratic Party or become an Independent.

17) Elected Office and Military Experience
Are you looking for a candidate with political or military service?

Has Held Elected Office: Must Have
Served in the Military: Somewhat

18) Relative to one another, how important are the following factors?

Social Issues: Very
Crime/Education: Very
Security and International Policy: Very
Benefit Programs: Somewhat
The Economy/Environment: Very

Going through it again, I scored 100% Kerry, 95% Kucinich, 91% Dean, 85% Edwards, and 30% Bush.

I still can't believe the Kucinich % is accurate. I've watched him state his opinion on myriad subjects, and I disagree with him on so many of them, it's hard for me to believe there isn't something going on with this scoring system.

In particular, my opinions on Iraq and our troop deployment, education initiatives, foreign trade policies, and health care proposals.
I didn't like the way alot of the questions were worded, but ended up scoring 100% Kucinich, 87% Sharpton, 83% Kerry, 78% Dean, and 2% , (yes, that's right. 2%), Bush.

Edit: Looking back, I changed my answer on the two questions relating to the importance of holding public office and military service from "somewhat", (the lowest category allowed), to "no opinion" and my scrores changed on a crazy-assed level. Sharpton was now 100%, Kucinich 94%, and Bush 82%!!!! He was still last but he was in striking distance of everyone else. This test is whacked, yo.
i must be an idiot, because all i see is my #1 candidate bush (100%) and no other candidates and their %. Where do i go to get the % with the other candidates. Im using opera so that might be whats holding me back. I look at compare with other candidates, but no percentages there.

If you input a party preference, they automatically dis-include all candidates for other parties. So go back and unmark that "Republican Party" preference box, and you should get results for other candidates.
Clashman said:
If you input a party preference, they automatically dis-include all candidates for other parties. So go back and unmark that "Republican Party" preference box, and you should get results for other candidates.
Thanks, i saw rep/dem and automatically checked one. (hey maybe i did democrat) ;)

bush 100
kerry 74 :?
edwards 71
clark 67
dean 63 :oops:
sharpton 60 :oops: :oops:
kucinich 48

Dean 100%
Kerry 99%
Kunich 94%
Sharpton 92%
Clark 90%
Edwards 88%
Bush 24%

Well I guess it doesn't matter to me who wins as long as it isn't bush... lol.

This poll is dumb btw, b/c the Bush is actually much closer to all of these peeps in his position than it would lead one to beleive.

Plus I said I supported war in Iraq so how could dean have 100%?
Bush 100
Dean 54
Clark 54
Kerry 49
Edwards 47
Sharpton 40
Kucinich 33

That test has some serious flaws, that is very safe to say. The only thing that's correct is the ordinal ranking that actually reflects my rough preference - but W at 100 percent, jesus h christ...
Kucinich 100%
Sharpton 90%
Kerry 85%
Dean 80%
Clark 78%
Edwards 75%
Bush 0%

And according to this one:
1. Your ideal theoretical candidate. (100%) Click here for info
2. Socialist Candidate (83%) Click here for info
3. Kucinich, Rep. Dennis, OH - Democrat (72%) Click here for info
4. Dean, Gov. Howard, VT - Democrat (69%) Click here for info
5. Moseley-Braun, Former Senator Carol, IL - Democrat (68%) Click here for info
6. Sharpton, Reverend Al - Democrat (67%) Click here for info
7. Clark, Retired General Wesley K., AR - Democrat (67%) Click here for info
8. Kerry, Senator John, MA - Democrat (56%) Click here for info
9. Edwards, Senator John, NC - Democrat (55%) Click here for info
10. Gephardt, Rep. Dick, MO - Democrat (51%) Click here for info
11. LaRouche, Lyndon H. Jr. - Democrat (49%) Click here for info
12. Lieberman, Senator Joe, CT - Democrat (35%) Click here for info
13. Libertarian Candidate (25%) Click here for info
14. Phillips, Howard - Constitution (21%) Click here for info
15. Bush, President George W. - Republican (16%) Click here for info

Certainly flawed, but still not too bad for me.
Wow. I kept what I felt was somewhat middle ground on certain questions and came out with 100% Bush, 82% Edwards, and 81% Kerry. Those are actually my 3 favorite candidates in order, heh. Kucinich was on the bottom, appropriately*.

* least favorite candidate
The selectsmart one seemed to do a better job for me. Still a bit off, though.

1. Your ideal theoretical candidate. (100%)
2. Green Party Candidate (99%)
3. Socialist Candidate (83%)
4. Kucinich, Rep. Dennis, OH - Democrat (82%)
5. Dean, Gov. Howard, VT - Democrat (76%)
6. Sharpton, Reverend Al - Democrat (74%)
7. Moseley-Braun, Former Senator Carol, IL - Democrat (73%)
8. Clark, Retired General Wesley K., AR - Democrat (72%)
9. Kerry, Senator John, MA - Democrat (68%)
10. Edwards, Senator John, NC - Democrat (65%)
11. Gephardt, Rep. Dick, MO - Democrat (59%)
12. LaRouche, Lyndon H. Jr. - Democrat (44%)
13. Lieberman, Senator Joe, CT - Democrat (35%)
14. Libertarian Candidate (16%) Click here for info
15. Bush, President George W. - Republican (11%)
16. Hagelin, Dr. John - Natural Law (11%)
17. Phillips, Howard - Constitution (10%)

I'm curious as to what differentiates Kucinich from say a theoretical Green Party candidate or a socialist candidate. Perhaps his stances on abortion whilst in office, (although he's now reversed himself and said he'd support it)?
Kerry - 100%
Edwards - 99%
Clark - 99%
Dean - 96%
Sharpton - 92%
Kucinich - 77%
Bush - 56%
DemoCoder said:
I scored 98% Kerry and 96% Bush. How the hell did that happen? :)
this this thing is really weird, i dont think they care about individual question but average it by category. your score is really weird.

kucinich 100%
bush 10%

(kerry 75%)

i don't know kucinich at all, but he looks nice on the pict:D

though, i'm not american. have to inform myself who it is, hehe.