Marvel Ultimate Alliance Hands-On


The NDA is up on this game and AdvancedMediaNetwork has the review.

Game is confirmed 1080P for PS3. Wii mote sounds like it could allow some great game play.

For example, instead of having to rely on a combination of button presses to execute an uppercut move, Wii users will simply need to flick the controller upwards. To slam an enemy you only need to flick the controller downwards. Leg sweeps, punches, and other moves are all pulled off easily and intuitively with the Wii remote.

Another big bonus that comes from the Wii’s unique control scheme is the ability to control the camera without having to take your thumb off of your attack buttons. While the PS3 and 360 versions use the right thumb stick to control the camera, Wii users only need to tilt the nunchuck attachment to the left or right to get the camera to rotate. While it’s a minor thing in theory, it’s a pretty nice perk that you’ll grow attached to rather quickly.
Not sure about this game. Doesn't overly appeal to me, but the Wii version sounds like it could be fun.

Some info on graphics for each version:
Graphically, the PlayStation 3 version looked the best of the three and sported some interesting distortion and blur effects that were absent from the Xbox 360 and Wii versions. Powerful attacks on the PS3 caused ripples of invisible energy to distort the area around the attack momentarily. When asked why this was absent from the 360 version, a developer told us that it was due to the PS3’s ability to handle shaders differently than what can be done on the 360 or Wii. Both the 360 and PS3 versions made use of impressive lighting techniques, particle effects, hi-res textures, and impressive character models while the Wii looks to be a mild step up from the current-gen efforts; though that is certainly to be expected at this point. Also, the PlayStation 3 version of the game was shown running in 1080p, which looked absolutely incredible and sharp while the Xbox 360 was running at a respectable 720p and the Wii version running at 480p. All three versions supported 16:9 widescreen modes.

At this stage of development the Wii and 360 versions held a steadier framerate than what was being shown on the PS3, but they are a bit farther along. The Wii and 360 versions were playing off of their test kits while the PS3 was still running on a development kit. Also with the PS3 version running in 1080p it was pushing the engine a bit harder. By release we were told to expect each version to be running at a stable framerate.
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Interesting they mention the PS3 shaders again. I guess they too are referring to using Cell to add effects? And as for using the right stick to move the camera, I hope they add motion support for that on PS3. It seems one of the most obvious uses for it.
Interesting they mention the PS3 shaders again. I guess they too are referring to using Cell to add effects? And as for using the right stick to move the camera, I hope they add motion support for that on PS3. It seems one of the most obvious uses for it.

The Article said:
PS3’s ability to handle shaders differently

Sounds like your right shifty, those blur effects could be post processed by a couple of SPE's perhaps?
Plantegamecube's Impressions of the Wii-Controls are also very positive.

When I first heard rumor that Marvel Ultimate Alliance would require players to use gestures to attack, I was so skeptical that I groaned out loud. Getting my hands on the actual game however, I was surprised to discover that not only does the gesture system work; it makes so much sense that I now prefer it over the standard button combos used on the other platforms. For example, in X-Men Legends II on GameCube, you would have to press A-A-B to do a pop-up attack that knocks your enemy into the air. On the Wii, you perform a pop-up by simply flicking the remote upwards, which is not only easier to remember, but just feels right for that specific attack. The overall result is that in the heat of battle, you experience a more intentional and instinctual sense of control.
I'm quite excited about this game. I see no reason at all for the 360 version to have no distortion, though. You could do good distortion on the Xbox 1, and the game doesn't seem to be pushing technical boundaries otherwise.
Wow I never would've expected such an innovative use of the Wii controller from a run-of-the-mill Diablo clone.

This game could be damn fun with a couple friends, some beer, and a few hours to kill.
Something is not right about the distortion claim. I just downloaded a MUA video from Gamespot (the one with Galactus) and it had distortion. The videos were in the X360 section, and the button press graphics for the boss minigame were definitely from the 360 controller. So, what gives? Was the video from the PS3 version and they didn't have the PS3 textures yet? Or is it that the 360 version just has less distortion than the PS3 version? Or is the original article just plain wrong?
Oooo, but you don't get the hits these days unless it's something negative about Sony or PS3.
Or have the tables turned?

Yes they have :D
Negative Sony news don't sell any more, that's true.

But why is it you believe these sites post b*llsh*t only now, when the news are positive?
Do you still believe every negative news if they emerge? The logic would say yes, because now, the negative news are more likely to be true, because they are no more the "in" thing and there just to generate hits. Then again, why did you believe the negative news when they were the "in" thing to post?
Ask yourself these questions and be one step closer to the enlightenment.
These questions are not addressed to anyone specifically, they're more rhetoric even though they include the ?'s.