Loco Roco PSP...pure awesomeness in your hand

rabidrabbit said:
Getting through the levels is very easy (at least the World 1), but getting perfects on locorocos, muimuis and "money" is very challenging, as is finding those hidden places which are needed for perfect score.

Are you having as difficult time as I am trying to reach the "time to beat" on each level? I always end up a second or two too late :-/
xmu said:
Are you having as difficult time as I am trying to reach the "time to beat" on each level? I always end up a second or two too late :-/
Haven't even tried, actually I didn't even notice there was such a mode.
I've just played through the levels, as well as possible. After I've beaten every world, I'll start collecting 100%'s.
rabidrabbit said:
Haven't even tried, actually I didn't even notice there was such a mode.
I've just played through the levels, as well as possible. After I've beaten every world, I'll start collecting 100%'s.

Well I succumbed to that as well :) I've got 20/20 from only three levels so far, it's damn hard. Anyways when you get 20/20 the level info says "time to beat: xx:yy" and if you beat the time, you get a bonus. So far the two times I beat gave me 1000 credits.

But I'll say this again, Locoroco is insanely great!
xmu said:
Are you having as difficult time as I am trying to reach the "time to beat" on each level? I always end up a second or two too late :-/

I finally have the game too - I gave up on the online order and got it from the shop, I think something went wrong in delivery, as it was shipped on the 21st.

Anyway, I am totally in love with the game :) (I've clocked in about 4:30 so far, and am well on my way in World 3, and have tried some of the mini games and the loco roco house as well. )

What I noticed while playing is that some sections can be got through faster if you play as two loco rocos. It's a bit tricky to keep them together, but in some sections it definitely speeds things up. This could help in shaving off those last two seconds?
Arwin said:
Anyway, I am totally in love with the game :) (I've clocked in about 4:30 so far, and am well on my way in World 3, and have tried some of the mini games and the loco roco house as well. )

I read the manual in the loo and noticed that there IS a level editor too, it's the 3rd minigame that I haven't unlocked yet. Must... play... more... :) Hmm, wonder if it would be possible to share the levels on the net? They can be shared via WiFi but atleast the photos are quite obviously stored in the PSP/GAME folder (or somesuch).

Come to think of it, I can't understand why there isn't a website for these, you'd think Sony would push this kind of community stuff to the max... Sigh.

Arwin said:
What I noticed while playing is that some sections can be got through faster if you play as two loco rocos. It's a bit tricky to keep them together, but in some sections it definitely speeds things up. This could help in shaving off those last two seconds?

Yeah could be, gotta try that. What bothers me a bit is that the occasional places where you have to stand still for a bit, wait for the Locorocos to break up and sing to a "tree" or something, they seem to take a random amount of time.. but it's probably just me, I haven't timed it or anything, it just feels like it.
I can't decide if I should import this or not -- the US release seems so far away =\

Anyone know of import places that ship from Europe/UK to US? (never needed to import from EU before)
xmu said:
I read the manual in the loo and noticed that there IS a level editor too, it's the 3rd minigame that I haven't unlocked yet. Must... play... more... :) Hmm, wonder if it would be possible to share the levels on the net? They can be shared via WiFi but atleast the photos are quite obviously stored in the PSP/GAME folder (or somesuch).

Yeah, I just discovered this thing called manual, which sometimes actually contains something worth reading. ;)

Anyway, what I discovered outside of the manual is that in the photo browser that is inside the game, you have the option to copy your snapshots to a LocoRoco folder in your PSP's proper PHOTO folder.

But apart from that, everything is stored in the PSP/GAME/SCEXXXXXX (unique id for the game) can be accessed through USB and shared. It's just a matter of copying the files ...

Come to think of it, I can't understand why there isn't a website for these, you'd think Sony would push this kind of community stuff to the max... Sigh.

Don't worry, good games like these don't need Sony for that.

Yeah could be, gotta try that. What bothers me a bit is that the occasional places where you have to stand still for a bit, wait for the Locorocos to break up and sing to a "tree" or something, they seem to take a random amount of time.. but it's probably just me, I haven't timed it or anything, it just feels like it.

You can't just break them up yourself and speed up the process that way? After testing, it seems that way ...

EDIT: ha ha ha, this is a funny end ...

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mckmas8808 said:
Really? Why didn't he just say toilet?

Because it is three letters shorter and still means the same thing (to most of us ... lol ... get a thesaurus :p).
Arwin said:
Anyway, what I discovered outside of the manual is that in the photo browser that is inside the game, you have the option to copy your snapshots to a LocoRoco folder in your PSP's proper PHOTO folder.

But apart from that, everything is stored in the PSP/GAME/SCEXXXXXX (unique id for the game) can be accessed through USB and shared. It's just a matter of copying the files ...

Yeah the photo browser eases things a bit as you don't have to look for the folder on your memstick, but what I meant was that why can't you just upload photos and levels to ze interweb from inside the game itself?

Arwin said:
You can't just break them up yourself and speed up the process that way? After testing, it seems that way ...

I tried but it didn't seem to go any faster, it was as if the Locorocos just kept on bouncing around longer. But I'll have to try more.. for example right now! :)

Oh yeah, is it really so that Locoroco is out in Europe first? I think I saw a mention somewhere that the Japanese release date is July 13 and US follows in September. If so, it's nice to see EU not get ***ked for once. Althought I feel bad for those who have to wait to get their daily fix of Locoroco :)
mckmas8808 said:
WHAT?!?! Is that what they call it where you are from?
Water Closet was the original name for the lavatory or toilet, differentiating it from alternatives like the Earth Closet. That's why at airports and the like the latrines are marked out by a WC logo.

This pointless fact was brought to you by Boring Persons International - Now appearing at the London Paladium.
Shifty Geezer said:
Water Closet was the original name for the lavatory or toilet, differentiating it from alternatives like the Earth Closet. That's why at airports and the like the latrines are marked out by a WC logo.

This pointless fact was brought to you by Boring Persons International - Now appearing at the London Paladium.

With the risk of deviating the conversation even more off-topic, I have to suggest we start a thread titled "Developers, what are the most pointless facts you've ever heard?" :p
xmu said:
Oh yeah, is it really so that Locoroco is out in Europe first? I think I saw a mention somewhere that the Japanese release date is July 13 and US follows in September. If so, it's nice to see EU not get ***ked for once. Althought I feel bad for those who have to wait to get their daily fix of Locoroco :)

Yup, a friend of mine just got his yesterday. He ordered it a few days ago.
Ok, I found my way through the five worlds and the end credits - I think that took about 8 hours of playtime (I'm already at a lot more than that, but I already spent a few hours on the locoroco house and the minigames).

This is indeed not a long game in that respect, but the real meat lies in getting all 20 loco rocos per world. There are 40 worlds, and each have a time to beat and 20 loco rocos which are sometimes pretty darn hard to collect. I already have trouble with 1-3 and 1-4, and it can easily take you up to an hour or more to get them all. This then awards you with special items for the loco roco house and level editor. Also, once you unlocked the editor, you get an extra page with items, totalling up to 156 items. I have a fair few items collected, but the last 4-5 pages are still completely blank (bar two special editor items), so you're not getting the special items for free.

So, really, the only way in which this game is short, is in if you want it to be. I think this game is going to steal away a lot of my time in the foreseeable future.