Loco Roco PSP...pure awesomeness in your hand

Maybe E3 Sony will actually announce/release a decent PSP service. They need more demos and access to them from within PSP via a website, with a single click giving the demo, alongside videos, and screenshots should be fullscreen to be just what you'll see.
_xxx_ said:
Cool, thanx!! Ordered.
Great! I have been a fan of Chronic logic ever since I bought their Bridge Construction Set (back when it was still called Pontifex II). One of the best PC games ever IMHO, and also a great example of physics-based gameplay ;)

Returning to the thread topic, I watched a long-ish Loco Roco video and now have a very hard decision to make: Upgrade to PSP Firmware 2.7, give up homebrew and gain LR, or stay with 1.5. This is the first time after I bought my PSP that I felt this way. I wish Sony would provide a way for legit homebrew developers to sign their own, personally compiled apps for their own PSP at least...
Shifty Geezer said:
Maybe E3 Sony will actually announce/release a decent PSP service. They need more demos and access to them from within PSP via a website, with a single click giving the demo, alongside videos, and screenshots should be fullscreen to be just what you'll see.

Preach on brother.
Doesn't work on 2.00. I updated to 2.70 just for this demo, God help me. It better be good!
I need the full game more than I've ever desired any game in my life, except maybe when, as a kid on my paper round in 1994, I saved up for months to buy Super Street Fighter II Turbo on the SNES on Jap import.

Loco Roco is the utter win. While I could just about stab Sony in the face right now for the retarded media management on the PSP, I could kiss them for this.
This is a great game, not because of fantastic new gameplay which is very like normal 2D platformers, but because it's happy! :D Happy singing blobs and big happy red things and a happy shiney moon. :D I was playing the demo this evening and it was ridiculous how quickly 20 minutes passed, and then even more ridiculous how quickly 40 minutes of watching a friend playing passed, trying to jump up a secret passage. I don't know that the R+L buttons to jump is as good an idea as just using X, but it's a great game and deserves to sell the system and gain the designer a truck-load of reputation. I loved the music and splitting the blob to get the chorus. :D And the little blue men with the frantic arm-waving are a huge hit too :D
Shifty Geezer said:
This is a great game, not because of fantastic new gameplay which is very like normal 2D platformers, but because it's happy! :D Happy singing blobs and big happy red things and a happy shiney moon. :D I was playing the demo this evening and it was ridiculous how quickly 20 minutes passed, and then even more ridiculous how quickly 40 minutes of watching a friend playing passed, trying to jump up a secret passage. I don't know that the R+L buttons to jump is as good an idea as just using X, but it's a great game and deserves to sell the system and gain the designer a truck-load of reputation. I loved the music and splitting the blob to get the chorus. :D And the little blue men with the frantic arm-waving are a huge hit too :D

That's a lot of smilies that you are using there sir. I guess that's what LocoRoco does to people (makes them smile).
Wow, with so much positive buzz, I wonder if this is an easy candidate for Game of the Year.
Shifty Geezer said:
I loved the music and splitting the blob to get the chorus. :D And the little blue men with the frantic arm-waving are a huge hit too :D

Did you notice that when you adjust the volume on the PSP while playing, the camera zooms to the blob who's singing the song? Just a small detail but really charming :)
Yes, and the blobs actually sing their parts too. You can see their mouths synchronised with the different parts of the singing, so the music isn't just music, but part of the blobs' behaviour. All sweet and cheery stuff with some nice touches.
Loco Roco is out in europe now (23/6/06 release date) -- anyone pick it up yet?

US has to wait another 2-3 months =\

The demo was absolutely fantastic, and was a lot more fun than any other portable game I've played this year (DS stuff included)
I have to say, the Loco Roco demo was amazing. I bought the white PSP so I could save my other one for coding (see sig) and the Loco Roco demo, Daxter, and the Final Fantasy VII movie were the three things I could celebrate the event with (plus I found a demo disc with 8 playable games in the UK - Virtua Tennis is actually quite neat and it gave me a first shot at Mercury and it contains the older Loco Roco demo, which shows how much extra polish went into the latest demo! - and there's also a downloadable demo of some Sudoku game that's actually not bad).

I've shown the Loco Roco demo around and so far everyone loved it, without exception. It's just amazing, even my girlfriend likes to play it, and that's a first! I didn't even have to ask her to try it, she just did. ;) I myself had a great time getting all perfects for the mui mui's, winged berries and loco rocos, and then I tried to get that under 10 mins, which isn't easy. I don't think I've had so much playtime out of a demo since ... Doom?

My girlfriend has ordered it for me online for my birthday (which coincided with the release date by the way). First chance I get for playing it should be Thursday night. Looking forward to it! Apparently you get to collect items from the levels which you can use to create little mobiles like the opening screen, which you can then share with others online or something. Nice little bonus.

I love Daxter, but this game is exceptional. The graphics are amazing, and I'm surprised if anyone would think that they are 'low-tech'. If you think that, you're just not paying a lot of attention.

For a moment I have wondered wether Loco Roco will be the face of PSP gaming, but i think it won't - like the PS2, there will just be a tonne of great games and each will pici k their own favorite.

The PSP's future is looking very bright, with so many excellent games already out, and even better games coming. Even some ports I would kill for - never mind an MGS proper, the previews that Tekken has been getting are very, very promising! That game has so much depth, finally a chance to really learn a characters moves! And game-sharing too. :cool: And decent budget games - I got Burnout Legends (20 euros) as a gift for my birthday from colleagues, and it is actually decent fun, even better with multiplayer.

Anyway, I look set to quickly get more games for my PSP than I can finish! But I suspect that Loco Roco is one of the first games that I will in fact finish, and if I do, it will have become member of a very select few.

By the way it's a pretty high new entry in the UK sales charts, so yes, some people have picked it up. :D I guess they've been too busy playing to post here or something.

Loco Roco arrived at the stores here in Finland today, so immediately after work I went out and bought it. To sum it up, it kicks ass to the moon and back. Actually, that's all I have to say about it :) So, what follows is an OFFICIAL ORDER, one that must be obeyed ASAP:

Go buy Loco Roco now! If you don't have a PSP, buy one of those as well!
xmu said:

Loco Roco arrived at the stores here in Finland today, so immediately after work I went out and bought it. To sum it up, it kicks ass to the moon and back. Actually, that's all I have to say about it :) So, what follows is an OFFICIAL ORDER, one that must be obeyed ASAP:

Go buy Loco Roco now! If you don't have a PSP, buy one of those as well!

I heard they have a level creator in Locoroco also. Is this true? If so that will kick ass.
mckmas8808 said:
I heard they have a level creator in Locoroco also. Is this true? If so that will kick ass.

It's not quite a level creator, but more a creator for the kind of thing the start screen of the loco roco demo displayed. It's a kind of bonus, semi-lemmings/fishtank thing that you can unlock new items for while playing the main game through finding the mui-mui. Or so I've read, as I'm still waiting to get this game from play.com ;)
Arwin said:
It's not quite a level creator, but more a creator for the kind of thing the start screen of the loco roco demo displayed. It's a kind of bonus, semi-lemmings/fishtank thing that you can unlock new items for while playing the main game through finding the mui-mui. Or so I've read, as I'm still waiting to get this game from play.com ;)

Yeah that's about right. You can create your own Loco Roco house and place items, obstacles etc. in it. When you press start, a lone locoroco enters the house and starts bouncing around. It's actually quite captivating :)

There are three mini-games as well, but I've only seen the first one so far, the rest are still locked. It's called Mui-Mui Crane where you have this big are filled with different prizes and you operate a crane and try to catch something, which will then be added to your Loco Roco house. Pretty fun, and shows another way of utilizing the engine.
Bought the game yesterday and I absolutely love it!

Getting through the levels is very easy (at least the World 1), but getting perfects on locorocos, muimuis and "money" is very challenging, as is finding those hidden places which are needed for perfect score.
The game constantly surprises you with it's levels. Some of them requiring very differnt playing styles.

The most amazing thing in the game is the music though, without it the game would lose much of it's charm., even though the playability is strong enough to stand on it's own.
Be warned, theree are tunes that'll stick inside your head and can make you (a happy :) ) crazy.