LCD - good enough for gaming?

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radeonic2 said:
Ya and pigs fly out of my ass :LOL:
If I wasn't so confident you're a liar I'd find a review of your LCD.
My blks are great. Your beef aganst LCDs is realy old... The trick for you , if you ever get a LCD, is to NOT have your CRT near or on for a longtime, you will get used to the lack of whatever you precive to be lacking. And why would you need to find a review? To find some straw of hope that YOUR ideas of CRTs and LCDs is true... You will own a LCD in the next year...12months
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I wont say that LCD is better than CRT when it comes to games but i will say it has come really close since the 12ms LCDs were released..
Now i own a Samsung 19' 930BF with 4ms ( i know it aint reall but its as low as it can get ) and so far i never had a problem with Games.
radeonic2 said:
Ya and pigs fly out of my ass :LOL:
If I wasn't so confident you're a liar I'd find a review of your LCD.

Look up denial in the dictionary.
Killer is in way more denial then me or any other person, on both sides of the argument.
Crts hands down murder lcds for blacks.
I thought this has been established long ago:rolleyes:
karlotta said:
My blks are great. Your beef aganst LCDs is realy old... The trick for you , if you ever get a LCD, is to NOT have your CRT near or on for a longtime, you will get used to the lack of whatever you precive to be lacking. And why would you need to find a review? To find some straw of hope that YOUR ideas of CRTs and LCDs is true... You will own a LCD in the next year...12months
Predicting what I will own?
How bold of you.
It's not that I percieve lcds as having poor blacks, it's that in objective measurements they simply don't measure up.
Prove me wrong :p
I'd rather have my CRT to compare to the replacement (be it led backlit lcd or a sed), to not do so would be stupid.
When you buy a new car do you not drive your old car for a while?
The only displays I would concieve of replacing my crt with would be an led backlit lcd or a SED display, and when they get under 300 usd.
And the led backlit lcds would still have the issue of forcing me to pick it's native res or suffer IQ issues.
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radeonic2 said:
Killer is in way more denial then me or any other person, on both sides of the argument.
Crts hands down murder lcds for blacks.
I thought this has been established long ago:rolleyes:

LCDs certainly aren't better than CRTs in contrast, but they aren't anywhere near as bad as you make them out to be either.
Ironically, the same can be said of you when it comes to geometry distortion, sharpness, and "X-ray" emissions. :rolleyes: Double standards are not good for either side.
ANova said:
LCDs certainly aren't better than CRTs in contrast, but they aren't anywhere near as bad as you make them out to be either.
How have I overstated the black level issues?
I have just said they're no where near crts and that's true.
Prove me wrong about lcds being no where near crts in contrast and I shall admit it.
That same sharpess you lcd fans like is the same sharpness that makes fsaa less effective ironically :D
Pixels not being absolute in crts I see as an advantage as it provides natural anti aliasing :D
And x-ray emissions is overhyped bullshit from lcd ******s.
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Radeonic is really picking at straws.
I can't stand the bad colour levels of a CRT or the massive blur it outputs.

Then again if you're the type who likes to play Doom 3 at 320x240 a CRT will do you good.
K.I.L.E.R said:
Radeonic is really picking at straws.
I can't stand the bad colour levels of a CRT or the massive blur it outputs.

Then again if you're the type who likes to play Doom 3 at 320x240 a CRT will do you good.
(ignorance is bliss)
the colors on crts are so very bad that those serious about having accurate colors (like if one edited images and what not) choose to use them instead of lcds.
:rolleyes: give it up you "retarded moron."
I'm a firm LCD proponent. Sure, the colour and contrast isn't up there with CRTs, but I rate far higher the size, heat and 'crispness' benefits an LCD brings. The 'natural AA' argument is a joke - blurring is not AA, quincunx was swiftly superceded for a reason. One thing that does get to me though is poor handling of non-native resolutions, though I hear newer cards/drivers/monitors offer far better solutions than my 9600XT and analogue 171N.
Fodder said:
I'm a firm LCD proponent. Sure, the colour and contrast isn't up there with CRTs, but I rate far higher the size, heat and 'crispness' benefits an LCD brings. The 'natural AA' argument is a joke - blurring is not AA, quincunx was swiftly superceded for a reason. One thing that does get to me though is poor handling of non-native resolutions, though I hear newer cards/drivers/monitors offer far better solutions than my 9600XT and analogue 171N.
Well either way lcds results in fsaa being less effective.. gamma correction.
The heat argument is a joke and I don't care about the footprint.
My desk only carries 2 2.5inch speakers, a monitor and some junk(cd spools).. I have more than enough space.
radeonic2 said:
Well either way lcds results in am ore jagged image.
While CRTs result in a more blurred image. Whatever floats your boat, but for serious gaming I'll take clarity any day of the week.
Fodder said:
While CRTs result in a more blurred image. Whatever floats your boat, but for serious gaming I'll take clarity any day of the week.
I updated post.. but lcds make gamma correct fsaa less effective.
This was discussed a few months ago regarding ati's fsaa.
Crts users found ati's fsaa had superior edge quality vs nvidia while lcd owners were like "wtf mate".
Fodder said:
More power to them. For me, 4xAA at 1280x1024 on a cheap LCD is plenty.
I find that surprising since with your sharp display should be able to spot aliasing easier.
For games with high contrast 1600x1200 and 4x fsaa is a requirement :D
Oh and some games with poor engines need 16X fsaa.. live for speed.
mipmapping is aweful in that game.
I've never played LFS. Like I said, for me, those settings suffice. I could come out here and assure you that for FPS players the clarity an LCD offers is vital for long range combat, but I won't. It's your choice.
Fodder said:
I've never played LFS. Like I said, for me, those settings suffice. I could come out here and assure you that for FPS players the clarity an LCD offers is vital for long range combat, but I won't. It's your choice.
The difference isn't that great :oops:
It's not gonna make a difference in how you game.
If lcds make such a difference in fps games perhaps I should start a petition having seperate servers for lcd and crt owners :LOL:
You certainly are passionate about CRTs.
I just go for whatever looks best but you seem to be unable to afford an LCD and thus have a grudge against them.

radeonic2 said:
(ignorance is bliss)
the colors on crts are so very bad that those serious about having accurate colors (like if one edited images and what not) choose to use them instead of lcds.
:rolleyes: give it up you "retarded moron."
radeonic2 said:
It's not gonna make a difference in how you game.
I disagree. A different monitor can affect my game just as much as different video settings or even a different mouse.
K.I.L.E.R said:
You certainly are passionate about CRTs.
I just go for whatever looks best but you seem to be unable to afford an LCD and thus have a grudge against them.
Your assumption is untrue on both counts.
You cannot simply state that lcds are better than crts.
What you can do, is say you prefer lcds brightness and sharpness, but you can't just say lcds across the board is a better technology because it isn't.
It has some good things, but it has some negatives and for me the disadvantages outweigh the advantages.
Fodder said:
I disagree. A different monitor can affect my game just as much as different video settings or even a different mouse.
Well having higher res ya.. but simply having an lcd compared to crt isn't gonna turn you from a shitty gamer into a good one.
Besides.. gaming is where lcds show their major weakness.. pixel response time.
of course you can always argue you get used to it.. getting used to something bad, but I'd rather not get used to display anomalies.
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