*Hiroshige's Goto Weekly overseas news*
Hisashi 夛 the wooden health person talks well
The next generation portable game machine "PSP"
True aim
Hisashi 夛 it is good the wooden health person
In 2004 the portable game machine & the SONY computer entertainment which throws multimedia prayer "PSP" (SCEI). Hisashi who leads the PlayStation group 夛 well the wooden health person (SONY vice president/SONY computer entertainment president and CEO), you asked concerning the aim and technology of PSP.
- PSP which aims toward the walkman impression
[ Q ] The specifications of PSP are quantity, ill-smelling it is with, it is visible in overkill as a portable machine.
[ Hisashi 夛 the wooden person ]over quality you do not think well. When the fact that we would like to do was inserted, just it became like this. Now, (it can look) at trailer such as movie on the portable machine, but with just that you are not impressed. As for being impressed after all, when actualizing the high quality image which can read also subtitle securely in the picture of 16 to 9. We want those of the level which stops wanting to look at the movie of 2 hours on 5 about these airplanes.
With May E3, Hisashi 夛 well the wooden person introducing "walkman of 21st century" and "PSP"
When walkman appears, just so was. I became however even now you have remembered, when designating that sound quality as the ear, ' オッ ' with. You think that also PSP can offer the same impression. When in that sense, it makes second walkman, て everyone it burns not only I.
[ Q ] As for the PSP tip/chip, being not to be extended edition of the PlayStation kind of tip/chip which first it is imaginative you were surprised.
[ Hisashi 夛, it can put out eventhe subset of kind of PS1 which the wooden person ] first everyone thinks well. So, the engine above PS2 the spots densely it is in PSP. Therefore, those above that do (also the contents) naturally.
[ Q ] As for picture size you think that it is sufficient for the movie contents?
When [ Hisashi 夛 the wooden person ]PSP is planned well, various simulations were done. If about some quality being able to agree upon? When such as that, the 480×272 dot, this is the limit with 4.5 types, don't you think? with it became. The picture size of PSP was decided, in this way.
[ Q ] There is, equipment which such as 3G portable telephone has aimed toward the multimedia prayer to in addition to. PSP and part with overlapping.
While [ Hisashi 夛 the wooden person ]walking music well with walkman, it reached the point where it can hear, but now, with image there is no equipment such as that. When the equipment like PSP thinks as the desire abortive grain, probably are there some which is possible to other things? With laptop PC and DVD portable, to the walkman way, it is difficult to think.
In the past, those where everyone expects were the 3G portable telephone. However, because enormous investment is necessary in 3G, it does not advance easily. Buying zone, preparing the server, in order for the dead angle not to be possible with the building, when the antenna it can stand, perceived to cost very being high, not corresponding.
In addition, with image quality, under present conditions as for 3G portable telephone the MPEG-4 animated picture level of 15fps, even with PC DivX. That you cannot be impressed the person who is accustomed to the image of DVD. If now, the cinema America, 7 dollars, even Japan to being able to go for 1,200 Yen, you probably will look at the movie of why low quality with the portable machine? Then you thought that it is useless.
- Being thorough contents protection, it seriously considers
[ Q ] With PSP the image contents are emphasized. As for PSP starting with either one of the game and the movies?
You think that [ Hisashi 夛 wellthe wooden person ] in the sense that it is (the game) becomes the trigger.
As the portable game machine of the single unit seeing, PSP is attractive expectation for the partner. The game which used that much 3D graphic power with the portable machine just can be made, it probably will be pleasant. The curved surface (just support of サーフィ&#12473

with unreasonable painful brown is funny. Therefore, you think that the basic base is possible first with the game.
If on that, (the contents) can persuade the fact that it is secure securely, you think that the possibility of spreading to also the movie is large. When you see from the side which makes the contents, now, DVD is the top limit. Rather than waiting for the next blue ray, we want the money directly. So when it does, the possibility of spreading is large to PSP.
Hisashi who announces UMD 夛 it is good the wooden person
[ Q ] With PSP new optical disk "UMD" was adopted. As for the contents offering with just UMD?
[ Hisashi 夛 well the wooden person ]the fact that the contents come being network probably will be as for truth is to call, but network below does not make still economic. Therefore, when business doing with the contents, the package is important. The data of GB it supplies thousands titles to no hundred million people of the world, the optical disk is best for the present.
At the same time, the disk if it is not ROM, is useless. Like the computer when there is RAM first and starts and is, however very there is no contents feeder side, feeling at rest, business it is not possible.
[ Q ] When it does, as for UMD offering with just ROM? There is no RAM?
[ Hisashi 夛 is good the wooden person ]just ROM. When speaking with Hollywood, ROM. When the game doing, ROM. If you try that also RAM probably will be popular technically, it is possible, but you do not do. It is for the contents feeder. In the same way, it does not put out either analog output from PSP.
[ Q ] As for the reaction of contents feeder side how being?
[ Hisashi 夛 of well the wooden person] with the history 10 years close PlayStation, () コンテンツデベロッパ of game type in the world and it was possible in fortunate thing to build パブリッシャ and cooperative relationship. They support.
On the one hand, Columbia, in other words, there is Sony Pictures at SONY concerning the movie. As for the people of Sony Pictures, also the other movie studio there is being connected. In the world, certain people this (PSP) are good, don't you think? with becoming, furthermore, it is possible to protect their interests, if you think that interest is shown. Especially, rather than by your you wanting them, if you feel, that before, it is the commodity which the child and the lady desire, there is a possibility of spreading. Therefore even PlayStation, the commodity which the child wants first it spread.
[ Q ] When you look at PSP tip/chip and UMD, security function is conspicuous.
[ Hisashi 夛 well the wooden person ]now, as for contents industry other than the game, the PlayStation group and game industry do this (PSP and UMD) with, if is, it has become matter of concern whether it will try believing. Therefore, in PSP of this time, you thought that the sufficient thing inquiring about their opinions probably will be done.
At the beginning you intended to make about DES however, strong AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) we had decided also encoding, to insert. Furthermore, the various security systems which cannot be announced, are imbedded in the physical media. UMD in such sense, has the necessity to be the physical layer. You thought that in the physical layer + logical layer, what hack it does economically the meeting with a view to marriage trap the leprosy which goes will make strict.
For example, as for the guts which copies the stone about of PSP is no one. Even the copy tip/chip of PS1 passing, 10 years it has not come out yet. Therefore, the fact that that much semiconductor is inserted in PSP not only saying, that it was necessary because of the thing which we would like to do is copy measure. When about PSP it becomes complicated, it cannot copy the system.
[ Q ] When becomes just ROM, time shift, in other words you looked at the video which you videotaped by your to be, with with not being answered the needs which are said.
[ Hisashi 夛 well the wooden person ]this with software business, is not time shift business. If the time it shifts, PSX or the foam/home server is made to use in the house. If necessity, when in the memory stick or the SD memory card, now is, check out doing with the MPEG-4 format, and the like there is also a method of bringing up.
When if anything so as for PSP we would like to go with easiness of the package. Between breakfast downloading the movie (in memory) when you bring up, at the stand of the station you can buy with the one coin, when the kana where either one is pleasant. For example, if with キヨスク 480 Yen, it can offer the contents in the kind of feeling which buys the magazine of 680 Yen it is funny. It is difficult to sell DVD-ROM and CD-ROM with the station, but about UMD it is small, if, the prerecording - it is exactly good to offer the contents of dead. There is no just movie, by some chance continual drama, golf lesson, the publication, there is a various possibility.
- UMD which development to other than PSP is supposed
[ Q ] As for the UMD contents reaching the point where it can play back in addition to PSP?
[ Hisashi 夛 are good the wooden person ]UMD and PSP those which become independent completely. Therefore, naturally UMD in the other machine 挿, the る. As for the format there is no reason which is on UMD, is on PSP.
[ Q ] When it does, the deferment edition of PSP and TV of PSP tip/chip built-in appearing?
[ Hisashi 夛 well the wooden person ]adjusting to the PSP prayer which is the portable machine it makes the specifications itself of LSI of PSP. When we assume, that the stationary (deferred type) it carries to system, with that LSI it is useless. But, because UMD itself SD in the house (TV) thinks the media for the system, it spreads to also stationary system naturally. Perhaps you are possible, are possible to the car to put to insert in being possible and ミニコンポ, to put in TV.
[ Q ] When it develops to deferred type, DVD how it keeps discriminating and converting?
That when you say, [ Hisashi夛 the wooden person ] you adopted AVC for PSP well with something, because with normal MPEG-4, as for the quality of current DVD it is not obtained. Exactly with latest AVC, the same picture quality as current DVD. With call that you say that it is replaced to DVD which is seen with TV for home. Therefore, SD (TV) we would like to carry to UMD from DVD. On the other hand, as for DVD as for the next you think that HD (TV) probably will be. Vis-a-vis that, PC industry with DivX, in picture quality does not become story.
[ Q ] Being the corporation individual, the specifications it makes UMD. To outside as for the possibility of keeping doing ライセンシングアウト.
Unless [ Hisashi 夛 the wooden person ]it succeeds first step second step well first first, no one trusts. That takeoff it does not do securely, as the system for PSP you think that it does not become story. Then in order to withstand the development to stationary system, securely (image) it is necessary to make profile.
After that, it expands to some wind, just which can expand contents business on UMD it catches. If it spreads to fortunate thing, it probably means please use (UMD) in everyone. Certainly, it makes UMD at this corporation. But, even CD basically Philips and SONY proposing, you say that please use in everyone. To Windows it is same. None of them, passes de facto standard.
[ Q ] As for the technology itself of PSP, there is no possibility of expanding to other than the portable machine?
[ Hisashi 夛 well the wooden person ]there is a possibility. To the last, it is possibility, but....... But, you call the portable game machine of the first step or, the origin is the market which is not with just the portable movie prayer. Because at current point in time there are no any which are substituted. First, there is developed.
- Is possible the PSP tip/chip which is 90nm in beginning and with to start
[ Q ] Die/di size of the PSP tip/chip (the area of the semiconductor itself) supposing which?
[ Hisashi 夛 not to be the case that the wooden person] the stone (the tip/chip) does well still concretely, just in the midst of the design. Therefore about which you cannot say, but, it is not that much large.
Because with says, that much element is inserted, as for the number of transistors it is very many. Therefore, unless it is 90nm process, it was unreasonable. Especially, thinking also the integration of memory, it waited the mixed loading DRAM of 90nm when inserts in the hand for.
Concerning process technology, if PS2 stands up favorably, that becoming the technology driver, you thought that it is possible to advance refining. Actually, PS2 (the tip/chip) starting producing with 180nm, after that, () it came moving with 150nm and 130nm. But, (like the PSP tip/chip) to insert that much element, it was necessary to wait to 90nm.
Block diagram of PSP tip/chip (part presumption, re-raising up)
As for PDF edition this
[ Q ] Becoming 90nm, in order to expand to anything except PS2 at a stroke, it is visible.
When [ Hisashi 夛 it is good the wooden person] announcing the investment to 90nm process, the analyst from it was worried fairly. Because of course, when it keeps putting shrinking on the stone of PS2, to compare, assuming, that 2,000 ten thousand unit classes appeared, production capacity is less crowded.
But, this naturally had supposed that. Applying resigning gathering and summarizing, using the capacity which is less crowded, the て produces those which do not become not to be 90nm. That that when you say, what (like the PSP tip/chip) voltage (drive) with, inserts many elements low. Speaking conversely, as for PSP there was 90nm and in started and, the result of inserting those which are inserted with 90nm it was possible.
In addition to the wireless LAN, USB, IrDA and the memory stick slot, you called to PSP the extension port, various interfaces are loaded
[ Q ] PSP expandability is high.
[ Hisashi 夛 the wooden person ]many things can do PSP, well, "general-purpose walkman". Biting with anything, it enters. For example, if technically, the IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN is inserted, it becomes a story that VoIP (voice over IP) with the telephone is produced. Perhaps you prepare the camera among those, as a line-up. So when thinking, if you see not only enjoying the entertainment contents, for the individual it becomes also the communication tool.
When you think of communication, above walkman. When in the age of Cell it is inside that and after PSP, in the house the hot spot, in the star backs and the hot spot, and it does perhaps at the company, becoming the hot spot, PSP it reaches the point where it is connected anywhere.
[ Q ] It reaches the point where you can use also the computing power of other Cell which is connected with network.
Don't you think? [ Hisashi 夛 it is good the wooden person] inside that. Gradually, if the partner is even.......
[ Q ] With PSP, like PS2 it does not mean that the developer hits the hardware directly, the rather careful library is prepared. This why?
Therefore [ Hisashi 夛 it is good the wooden person] the portable equipment, (the software developer) you thought that the moat being possible deeply compared to, method of enjoying the contents is more important. Thoroughly (the software developer deeply as for) doing the moat leaving to Cell, as for PSP takes the conception that with power of the semiconductor it is possible to there. When the moat it is done deeply with PSP, the vigor which goes next is gone. With special care, to next it has been about probably to doing funnier ones (laughing).
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(2003 August 29th)
[ Hiroshige Reported by Goto (Hiroshige Goto)]
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