Killzone public beta later this year (Yes, another Killzone thread)

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Great find. Seem like a small company without a huge amount of experience, so it'll be interesting what they can contribute. Claims they're working with Guerilla on developing a lighting engine. What I'm very pleased with is no PR nonsense! It's not an absolute lighting solution resolving all rays to infinity at 300 fps yadayada. It's using known methods...

Worldlight uses a diffuse PRT solution to provide soft light and shadows resulting from direct and indirect illumination by an HDR skydome. On top of this, it adds a directional sunlight term which is correctly shadowed by the world geometry.

The results are good but not too good...


Nothing on dynamic characters though, and no word on use of Cell.
Please keep in mind the two are only connected by his site. There is no stated link that he is working on lighting tech for guerrilla or on killzone 2.
He's a nice guy to talk too to :) tried to help me with a shader problem that was pretty much impossible. Hopefully such a big client will help his business grow.
Strawman argument...nobody claimed your head doesn't move. The concept which you can't seem to grasp is the fact your head doesn't snap back causing your vision to point skyward like what's being demonstrated in KZ. You are wrong get over it. When I throw a ball I look at the TARGET I don't snap my head back causing my eyes to stare at the angle of trajectory. :LOL:

Oh you mean the cocnept I didnt even mention to begin with and you are trying to make it sound as if thats what I ve been describing....

But even as such its still more realistic than having a hand moving independently to throw a grenade and it is not as "overdone" as you are trying to make it look like

Even if it was as "overdone", have you ever thrown a grenade? the only mistake in KZ is that even if you try to throw a grenade at a very near target the motion is still "extensive". But yes in case you are trying to throw a grenade far away YOU WILL often misplace your view due to excessive movement to get it as far as possible. Its a god damn grenade. You dont want it to explode in your face. The first time I threw one in real life the officer was punching my helmet for watching the target while throwing it. Because of this I didnt put enough force to throw it. It fell a few meters in front of us which was dangerous. Fortunately we had a concrete cover. Its not a baseball ball you are throwing directly and straight towards someone. And not to mention that it is heavier too. So I wonder what does your "baseball" example have to do with grenades
Strawman argument...nobody claimed your head doesn't move. The concept which you can't seem to grasp is the fact your head doesn't snap back causing your vision to point skyward like what's being demonstrated in KZ. You are wrong get over it. When I throw a ball I look at the TARGET I don't snap my head back causing my eyes to stare at the angle of trajectory. :LOL:

Your right your vision shouldn't snapped toward the sky, that counterintiutive to any throwing motion that doesn't revolve around throwing something over your head to a target behind you or throwing a grenade over something that blocking your view of the target but that means more of a focus on the trajectory from the start on the throw.

However, I doubt any game could properly simulate throwing a grenade properly in all situations because grenades are often thrown differently depending on the circumstance.
Does deferred rendering truly have the potential to truly improve graphics over traditional methods? The only game I can find that seems to use this method is Stalker and although the lighting is impressive, I have seen similar in other games. Could someone clarify what may potentially be gained from employing this rendering method and why it has not been seen much in other games.
Camera motion in Killzone 1 is really impressive! Moving while crouching, throwing grenade, reloading, climbing the freaking ladders! Untill this day for me, the best ladder animation was that one in Turok FPS game on N64. And this is 10 times better :) [ladder climb starts at 25th second]

Cant wait to see gameplay of KZ2.
Does deferred rendering truly have the potential to truly improve graphics over traditional methods? The only game I can find that seems to use this method is Stalker and although the lighting is impressive, I have seen similar in other games. Could someone clarify what may potentially be gained from employing this rendering method and why it has not been seen much in other games.

One of the big advantages for deferred lighting is being able to have much more complex lighting without needing to increase the shader load. For a small number of non-intersecting lights, the advantage is not there, but say... in a football stadium at night with all those characters and overlapping lights (multiple self-shadows), the advantage becomes much clearer.

You should have a look at Dean's B3D article that Shifty linked a few posts back.
One of the big advantages for deferred lighting is being able to have much more complex lighting without needing to increase the shader load. For a small number of non-intersecting lights, the advantage is not there, but say... in a football stadium at night with all those characters and overlapping lights (multiple self-shadows), the advantage becomes much clearer.

You should have a look at Dean's B3D article that Shifty linked a few posts back.

I missed that... thanks very informative
heh not really. Your head is not attached to your arm, its movement is independent, but its really a stupid 'who cares' argument. Call it artistic license if you must.
Exactly. Thast why I was pointing out towards the fact that the more force you are trying to put into throwing an object the more likely it is that your "vision" may be misplaced. Simply because its not only your arm that moves. Depending on the occasion ofcourse
Wait, there's actually a somewhat meaningful discussion going on in ... a Killzone thread? :oops:

Carry on! :D
Exactly. Thast why I was pointing out towards the fact that the more force you are trying to put into throwing an object the more likely it is that your "vision" may be misplaced. Simply because its not only your arm that moves. Depending on the occasion ofcourse

Just watch the youtube video and notice how stupid the camera moves when you throw a grenade...that's the reality of it.
You know with all of the recent buzz around the planned presentation of Killzone 2 at E3, I took it upon myself to dig out a copy of Killzone 1 here at work and give it a try.

I honestly can't see why the game gets slagged off as much as it does. It's probably one of the best looking PS2 games, barring framerate, with nice atmosphere, and it's pretty fun to boot. The AI is a little random, sometimes very clever, sometimes very dumb, but all in all I get the feeling that Killzone 2 really could be something to look forward to.
The biggest problem with Killzone is the frame rate, which is too inconsistent. If they would just delayed the game and smooth out the frame rate, Killzone would end up as a much better game.

I wouldn't even say that that was the biggest problem as an FPS game needs draw distance and Killzone lacked at that.
I honestly can't see why the game gets slagged off as much as it does.
I think because the media hyped it to iconic status before it was ever released as the 'Halo killer'. Then this 'god' game was release with several shortcomings and that's anyone cared to consider. The negative side of hype. But you can't stop the media doing that.

I'm not sure what contributions to the hype Guerrila/Sony made. In some cases the devs shoot themselves in the foot, like Molyneux who always over-promises, gets everyone excited, and then the games, often very good games, seem flat because all people notice are the limits and problems that they were led to expect wouldn't exist.
Just watch the youtube video and notice how stupid the camera moves when you throw a grenade...that's the reality of it.

I have the game. The camera moves like that because the player was simultaneously moving the directional stick upwards so the grenade would go further. The animation itself is not that overdone.
You know with all of the recent buzz around the planned presentation of Killzone 2 at E3, I took it upon myself to dig out a copy of Killzone 1 here at work and give it a try.

I honestly can't see why the game gets slagged off as much as it does. It's probably one of the best looking PS2 games, barring framerate, with nice atmosphere, and it's pretty fun to boot. The AI is a little random, sometimes very clever, sometimes very dumb, but all in all I get the feeling that Killzone 2 really could be something to look forward to.

Couldn't agree more. but it's so good to hate that game ,specialy when you didn't even played past the first 2 levels... or better : when tou didn't play it at all . ;)
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