Killzone public beta later this year (Yes, another Killzone thread)

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Kotaku guy has posted on NeoGaf thet invitations for E3 showing of Killzone is in his mailbox [real one, not email one]. Showing is scheduled to last 2.5 hours. :)

If it's 2.5 hours they are probably going to let the journalists get hands on time with the game.
Who knows what will happen? Neither Sony or Microsoft know what the other will look like. Pretty big gambles. ;)

For who? Microsoft has nothing to worry about considering the success of the past two Halo's both commercially and critically. On the other hand, the first Killzone sucked in comparison to Halo and other first person shooters released around the same time. If it was not for that stupid trailer at E3 this game would not be getting any hype.
im gonna b real honest here, Halo3 looked like ut2k4 in HD, the graphics simply doest not deserv to b nextgen. give me gears of war any day. as for killzone2 i'll reserve my judgement till e3.
i strongly doubt they gonna redo the whole lighting engine or animation for the single player. im sure it'll b superior in some ways but it wont pull a gears out of its hat. ok, it doesnt hav to gears visual but it pales compare to so many other titles visually. call me negative but thats how i c it.
Ugh, VGCharts does not track every game, and nor should it be seen as an authority. Not appearing should not be an indication of anything other than tardiness.

For what it's worth, one of the Killzone dev team suggests it has sold over 2 million units.

Developer Q&A article here too:

You have to question the reality of using sales numbers to come to the conclusion of if the game was good/great. First thing you have to realize is the huge install base of the PS2, its going to sell games when theres near hundreds of millions of sales. Then you have to take into consideration re-releases, such as "Platinum Series/Greatest Hits" which are sold at very cheap prices for console games. This is also why you never heard a peep about Killzone sales in my opinion. It never broke 1 Million world wide until it was re-introduced under Platinum/Greatest Hits. So 2 Million world wide sales, on a console with a massive install base, more then half of those sales coming when the game was dropped to 19.99, is it seriously an amazement? The other thing is, how many non-half baked FPS did the PS2 have going for it to create internal competition? Not many by my recollection.

In my opinion Killzones sales are expected after a certain matter of time, not remarkable, and the rating it recieved, which is average, was totally justified unless you hadnt played anything recently in the FPS genre before it. Decent story, graphically very nice looking in some places, but in many respects it also had problems that never should of shipped on a finished product of such a calibur that some people are claiming it was, such as the framerate issue which was horrendous (game looked good but you payed the price in way too many instances), or draw distance issues/sound reptition issues which just got annoying. In the end it was an average FPS, and i agree that the CGI movie, that Sony left to the minds of everyone as being real time ingame footage for what, 7 months until the fact that it was CGI was ousted by a third party, did wonders for this games hype that otherwise very few people would of game a damn about.
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i strongly doubt they gonna redo the whole lighting engine or animation for the single player. im sure it'll b superior in some ways but it wont pull a gears out of its hat. ok, it doesnt hav to gears visual but it pales compare to so many other titles visually. call me negative but thats how i c it.

You do realize of course that Singleplayer Halo 3 is a brand new engine, veras multiplayer is Halo2 upgraded?
You do realize of course that Singleplayer Halo 3 is a brand new engine, veras multiplayer is Halo2 upgraded?
That's the first time I heard that. As seen in other threads, could you separate your speculation from a known fact?
I just realized I should have said, someone has an appointment with disappointment!


well see its perfectly simple in my mind. KILLZONE has to deliver at least in terms of GFX. Halo 3 is going to look good, but and i mean a big BUT HALO success is already clearly determined as crystal pepsi is. Halo 2 sold what... 4 Millions? I am sure i am not the only one eagerly waiting for what happens next after that HUGE CLIFFHANGER in PART 2. And they have a State of the Art Multiplayer part.

Killzone has graphics and ...Graphics, they determine killzone's success nothing more... i hope they dont fuck up.

If Killzone fails to impress me... then... whatever... Drake still there...
You have to question the reality of using sales numbers to come to the conclusion of if the game was good/great.
Did somebody that? This spiralled from Ostepop's boisterous claims about how well it sold. I don't recall quality coming into the equation, nor do I recall defending that idea.
That's the first time I heard that. As seen in other threads, could you separate your speculation from a known fact?

I don't have time to find a link, but I think it was one of the weekly updates where they stated the MP was built on the Halo 2 MP engine.

I guess the assumption is that the SP is not. They haven't clarified that, but they did make the distinction about H3 MP being derived from the H2 engine, so it makes you think the SP is probably different.

Also, the SP teaser at E3 didn't look much like the MP we've seen so far.

Who knows, will be interesting to tune in though.
I don't have time to find a link, but I think it was one of the weekly updates where they stated the MP was built on the Halo 2 MP engine.

I guess the assumption is that the SP is not. They haven't clarified that, but they did make the distinction about H3 MP being derived from the H2 engine, so it makes you think the SP is probably different.

Also, the SP teaser at E3 didn't look much like the MP we've seen so far.

Who knows, will be interesting to tune in though.

I've heard that SP engine does not equal MP engine. The latter is ofcourse a Halo 2 based engine, and Halo 3 SP should either be a H2 engine modified for specific single player loads, or be a new one altogether. In either case, I expect that SP will look much nicer than MP. Though I think that MP looks great already.
I didn't think this was a comparison thread but I'll just say that, yes much (maybe too much) is expected of Killzone 2. Halo 3 on the other hand is - I guess - what one would call graphics inelastic. The base is there it will sell regardless. I am willing to bet that KZ2 will look fantastic but I hope there is a gimmick in gameplay.
Killzone has graphics and ...Graphics, they determine killzone's success nothing more... i hope they dont fuck up.

Huh? Since when is a game judged solely on graphics? I for one would like a good story and gameplay (including co-op online). AS long as it's as pretty as other PS3/360 FPS I'll be happy.

I also don't care if Halo 3 is uber pretty, I want it to be a good game.
Perhaps the most interesting bit about Killzone 2 now is that it is partly an example of Edge technology that other developers can use for free (similar to how Gears was a good example of the prowess of UE3 on the 360 I suppose).

In that regard, at the very least, it's going to be interesting. But I'm also sure that the Guerilla Team are proud enough to try and make the game look the absolute best they can.
For who? Microsoft has nothing to worry about considering the success of the past two Halo's both commercially and critically. On the other hand, the first Killzone sucked in comparison to Halo and other first person shooters released around the same time. If it was not for that stupid trailer at E3 this game would not be getting any hype.

It wouldn't be getting this much attention, but I don't know if the attention is hype or expectation for the game, or for the spectacle surrounding it, and for those hoping for an extension of the spectacle that surrounded the trailer two years ago.

They've shown us nothing to build expectations upon as far as the game itself is concerned. We have not seen anything of the actual game.
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