Killing video game characters.. or are they characters?


What do you think is gonna happen when video game graphics get to the level of photo realistic such as FF the movie. Imagine shooting characters like that in the head? Or dragging their bodies into lockers. It would get to the point where it would be like killing real people, like a murder simulator.

Will angry soccer moms go wild everywhere? Or do you see it just not happening.

Hell will we even see characters this realistic next gen?


Imagine shooting a character that real in the head in a metal gear solid game.
As graphics continue to increase to a level of near photo-realism the complaints will increase just as much. I don't know how much of a problem it will come to be, but I imagine that the current ratings system in place will be revised a little bit and will be more strictly enforced. As the market grows there will be a market for all types of games, but ones with graphic violcence of any sort will most likely get a Teen rating or an Adults Only rating. This may not happen at all, but I'm sure sooner or later Senator Lieberman is going to really crack down on the gaming industry and pose restrictions on it just as there are in the movie industry. It's only a matter of time before it happens.

Still doesn't mean we won't be able to import things not coming to the US though. :D
Beyond censorship issues with realistic graphics, what about moral issues regarding characters which will eventually be programmed with behavior undeniably life-like in complexity, spontaneity, and range?

Some day in the perhaps far-too-near future, it's inevitable that a life simulation will be developed featuring a character indistinguishable from the real thing when we interact with it through our game inputs. Maybe it'll only be a model of a simple lifeform at first, say an amoeba or an earthworm. The moral issues might become harder to ignore for many when they start doing cats and dogs, though. And then, of course, the day will come when we bear witness to the first qualifier from the Turing Test - an artificial human intelligence that, when tested through electronic conversation with researchers, will pass as a real person along with a group of actual human test subjects.

What will be the moral implications of intelligence? Do these programs ever stop being just "models" of life at some point, and become examples of it instead? What will happen in Seaman part 12 when your creature starts demonstrating unscripted creativity, possesses human-level conversational skills, forms a bond with you, and then asks you one day sincerely, "Please don't turn me off again."
My Computer will come to life and battle me tothe death but i will be able to escape. Knowing that i am the perfect man the computer will travel back in time to kill me before i was born. After my mother makes it out alright and the computer is all but destroyed it will say "I'll be back" And in the late 80's they will make a movie that will spawn an even greater sequal and of course a 3d show in universal studios :LOL: :p :oops: :LOL:

Seriously i don't think we will have to worry about that for another 10 years or so
Deepak said:
One thing is sure, xxx movies will suffer.... :LOL: ;)

Not if i'm in them :) the italian stalion bawhaaaa :) at least my gf thinks so... of course she could just be lieing to me like all women . I think i might go and cry in the corner o_O :oops: :cry:
it will great fun if we could be transmitted into the game....just imagine fighting alongwith Solid Snake in MGS10... :oops:
Deepak said:
it will great fun if we could be transmitted into the game....just imagine fighting alongwith Solid Snake in MGS10... :oops:

Ohhh i want to go one on one with tag in an rpg .
but if is like Matrix where you can get killed also, I would rather play Colonel in MGS10.... :LOL:
Deepak said:
it will great fun if we could be transmitted into the game....just imagine fighting alongwith Solid Snake in MGS10... :oops:
But you never know, snake might think you are a bit of a knob. Not that you are, but the silent types...... you never really know what they are thinking.
well one day we will have The Sims (<--- put number here) where u basically manage a real time soap opera with photorealistic models who react to situations just like we would do...
i also think that as graphics go further, sex will become more and more involved in videogames. it is already starting to take over some games, i expect this to get bigger.
Videogames already have the same certifications Movies have, and one day there will be no distinction. one day in the far futurew, but i believe it will happen.
people already express the desire to *be* in some movies, and one day that will be reality, videogames will look and sound like movies. who has never dreamed of being, for instance, INSIDE a Star wars movie (without the *being blown up in a million pieces* part of course)...
one day the rather limited Star Wars games will be just like the games.
and if u noticed, Enter the Matrix (the game) is being written by the guys who also wrote the movie itself. they are integrating the movie experience with the videogame experience. and it will only get bigger and better constructed.

my 2 cents... :oops:
Beyond censorship issues with realistic graphics, what about moral issues regarding characters which will eventually be programmed with behavior undeniably life-like in complexity, spontaneity, and range?
Frankly, it's already happening. I felt extremely awkward when I had to shot people in MGS2 in the head. The effect was just a bit too much, especially considering that before you sneak up to them you see them yawning, scratching, and such, and hear them pleading for life when you point the gun in their head. They way their head shakes backwards after you shoot them, the spray of blood, the way their lifeless body falls down - it was just gruesome and really made me avoid that as much as possible (now that I think abot it, it might have been what the game's creators actually wanted)
So.. do you think it's possible to see characters as real as what I posted up next gen?
I don't see why not. The old guy from Silent Hill 3 looks about as (if not even more) realistic than that.
Paul said:
So.. do you think it's possible to see characters as real as what I posted up next gen?

mabye they will look real if all the need to render is the charactors but there are back rounds that must look real also and then the they have to move like real people and act like real people and interact with their surrondings .
Man.. Let's say Konami decides to put MGS3 on PS3.

If we see guards THAT real like the guy I just posted above.. I couldn't imagine holding them up and then shooting them in the head as they beg for mercy, I would probably let them go. I mean, the face is amazingly real, the bullet would look really real going through the head too.
mabye they will look real if all the need to render is the charactors but there are back rounds that must look real also and then the they have to move like real people and act like real people and interact with their surrondings .
Again, Silent Hill 3 has two characters per scene (maybe more, but two for sure) that look just as real as that guy, with detailed backgrounds - on PS2. Let's say that if the next gen machines are just ten times more powerful than machines of this gen (which is probably extremely conservative) - I don't see why there shouldn't be a game with couple of such characters, complex backgrounds and AI, etc. Things like animation are already more developer limited than hardware limited.
marconelly! said:
mabye they will look real if all the need to render is the charactors but there are back rounds that must look real also and then the they have to move like real people and act like real people and interact with their surrondings .
Again, Silent Hill 3 has two characters per scene (maybe more, but two for sure) that look just as real as that guy, with detailed backgrounds - on PS2. Let's say that if the next gen machines are just ten times more powerful than machines of this gen (which is probably extremely conservative) - I don't see why there shouldn't be a game with couple of such characters, complex backgrounds and AI, etc. Things like animation are already more developer limited than hardware limited.

compare the sh3 chars to the char in the pic... doesn't come close dude .
The quality isn't far removed. Obviously the first one is using more polygons to get that rounder look and it seems some sort of skin shader.

I would say the SH3 one looks more realistic, however, the first one is more appealing to my eye.

Also, the first one looks CG'ish.

Comparing the two.. I don't see how PS3/xbox2/whatever wouldn't be able to do the first one in an actuall game scenario.