Accurate human rendering in game [2014-2016]

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Extremely well to be honest. It is not very far from the level we get in many movies today. And at that time they didnt have the technologies we have today. The accomplishment for that time is probably ages above what we do today considering the limitations of the 90s.

It was a big moment for CG rendering in movie.... I remember Terminator 2, all this movie were important date for special CG effect in movie...
How old is that now? I now feel ancient, thank you very much! But come on, considering how old it is, it still holds up pretty well!
It's not a criticism at all. It's an observation that what was so convincing back then isn't now, as we've learnt to recognise to tells that reveal CG. Thus the bar has been pushed considerably to the point that a CGI in the latest SW film that in 1995 would have had us believing Peter Cushing was back from the dead now looks like a cheap computer game cutscene. That also means that the bar for 'accurate human rendering' as measured against our being able to be misled is also changing. I expect what modern games can do in realtime would have convinced us all they were filmed if we saw them in 1990.
How much do you think it cost for the two CG characters in RO ? I thought the main one looked incredible with only slight movements giving him away as CG.

Not sure, but definitely a lot. Apparently they spent a year and a half working on it.
I had issues with both of them, but Tarkin had more screen time so I had the time to adjust to it. Leia's appearance was short, so my only impression of here was "ewww that looks shiny and fake" and then she was gone.
My wife immediately spotted both Leia and Tarkin looked off. "Gollums" she said... And she's not a geek by any means
There is some sense of uncanny valley but trying to capture all the tiny subtleties of a real human face, is a super difficult process. Where the sense of belief is reduced is in some facial muscles when the character talks. I think these guys did a superb job. I am not sure if there is an example where a CGI human was 100% convincing and I think thats because it is one of the most complicated tasks
Both Tarkin and Leia looked messed up in Rogue One. Creepy as hell. When Tarkin was first shown, from behind, my brother was sitting beside me saying, "Don't turn around ..."
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