just got a call from The Planet...

well, I just got back from my interview about 45 minutes ago. it wasnt what i was used to. I went into the room and there was a big table and two younger guys towards one end, a gentleman who was slightly older at the far end. The HR lady (young, blonde, in good physical shape, and very nice... it's a good thing I'm very good at not letting that sort of thing get to me, most guys I know would have been very affected by it) sat down next to the two younger guys. I was seated accross from them. One of them was at the end, the other was on the opposite side from me and she was next to him. The other guy was on the opposite side but further down so, I had to turn to face the two younger guys and the HR lady and couldnt see the other guy. He didn't really say much other than hello, nice to meet you, and goodbye. He must be important.

So, the HR lady asks me a few HR questions, I don't think I answered them as perfectly as I could have but I was sincere. Then the two younger guys start in on me asking me details about technical experience and a few quiz questions. In my nervousness I forgot that "pwd" is the command to change the password on a UNIX box. D'oh! I don't know if I had as much experience as they wanted, or if what experience I did have shown through.

wow got totally disctracted for like 20 minutes there... uhm... ill finish later, i have a terriffic idea!