Just Cause 2

I was able to make the game playable by setting everything low/off, 2xAF, 1280x720 and disabling motion blur. Relative to console games, it still doesn't look that bad. The thing I find weird is the game doesn't seem to get choppier when there are a lot of objects moving around/being acted upon by the physics engine.

If you have a really low end PC and don't have a console, try it out. It doesn't look as bad as you'd think.

Btw, Walmart (canada) is apparently doing the $40 promotion for the console editions.
Okie dokie. 15 hours spent with the final retail on the PC and, though I'm not done, I'm fairly certain where I'm going to go with my review. I'll be playing all night tonight and will have my write-up tomorrow for you folks.

I should mention that I stricky cannot talk about the game, my impressions or feels just yet because of the embargo (lifts at midnight tonight), sorry.

For now--and the reason I'm posting-- is because I'm curious what you guys want out of an impressions/review for this game. There is a lot of people excited for it so I'd like to be fairly comprehensive in my write-up and I dont know if I can cover everything (time contrains and all).
Okie dokie. 15 hours spent with the final retail on the PC and, though I'm not done, I'm fairly certain where I'm going to go with my review. I'll be playing all night tonight and will have my write-up tomorrow for you folks.

I should mention that I stricky cannot talk about the game, my impressions or feels just yet because of the embargo (lifts at midnight tonight), sorry.

For now--and the reason I'm posting-- is because I'm curious what you guys want out of an impressions/review for this game. There is a lot of people excited for it so I'd like to be fairly comprehensive in my write-up and I dont know if I can cover everything (time contrains and all).

It would be very useful if you could focus on the graphics settings - what they do and how big a performance hit they incur. That's probably too niche for you to spend time on but you asked. :smile:
I don't agree. I want the foliage. I want the details. I want the shader effects. And since I'm not having any problems with shadow crawling, then I don't want to go missing half of the effects in the game for someone else's need to have shadows absolutely positively perfect without exception.

Perfection is not necessary.
I like the details, too. My preference would be nicer shadows, but lower, sub-HD resolution on consoles, and higher hardware requirements on PC.

And I'm not asking for perfection. That's not feasible with current technology. I just want something that isn't quite so far away from perfection. Most posters on this forum (me included) seem to hate it when games don't support AA. To me this aliasing is just as bad.
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We cull objects based on the size they will be in the shadow map. No need to burn a lot of cycles on objects that will only be a few pixels in the shadow map and not really contribute anything to the overall quality. For the PC I think maybe we could let a few more objects pass through though. In particular, now that I think of it, it would make sense to scale down the cull size when using high resolution shadow maps since objects will be four times the pixel count at that resolution. This is something I think would be an easy fix. I won't promise anything, and I'm actually on another project right now, but I'll see if I can do anything about it when I have the time.

Well well well, I can't keep my dirty fingers off the JC2 codebase, so I have now added a commandline option to scale the cull size, so you could set it so that more objects keep their shadows, or if you rather prefer, fewer objects for better performance instead. As always, no promise that this will ever make it into a game update though.
Is the full version that we are getting this week going to look/perform the same as the demo or are there any changes we should be aware of?
Is the full version that we are getting this week going to look/perform the same as the demo or are there any changes we should be aware of?

I would assume (but could also be entirely wrong) that the render code is the same between the demo and the full game, but that the dataset underneath is what changes. Assuming this only because they're updating the demo via Steam; I'd have a hard time imagining that they have two code trunks in their software repository for each platform -- one for demo, and one for gold.

Guess it's not impossible though :)
Is the full version that we are getting this week going to look/perform the same as the demo or are there any changes we should be aware of?

The demo and the full game should perform the same. As for looks, the full game will of course be much more diverse since you're not locked into just one climate zone. Quite frankly I like other zones better than the dessert, so I'm not quite sure why it was chosen for the demo.
Well well well, I can't keep my dirty fingers off the JC2 codebase, so I have now added a commandline option to scale the cull size, so you could set it so that more objects keep their shadows, or if you rather prefer, fewer objects for better performance instead. As always, no promise that this will ever make it into a game update though.

w000t! 2.8MB/s off of Steam, already got it and it is already unlocked and running! :D

Yup, before I left the house at 5:00am this morning, I noticed it was "not installed". Clicked the install game option, checked in over RDP about a half hour later, and it was done.

If only I were home!!!!!! :devilish:
I got a house full of plumbers who are keeping me from playing it. :???:

Not that it's important, but did the Just Case 2 demo fall off your Steam list like mine did? That was the first thing I noticed; I had it tagged as a favorite so it floated to the top of my games list, and it was missing. Scrolled down a bit to find it, and only found that JC2 (full game) wasn't installed.

Never found the demo, not like I'll need it though :D
I've spent a good 20 hours with the game and am writing something up, but for now I wanted to make sure everyone playing the game on the PC gets this fix.

Some (most) of you might experience some control issues--as soon as you fire up the game up the only device that works is the mouse. If you have this issue here is what you have to do to resolve it.

Follow these steps exactly:

1) Load up the game and--using the mouse--go to Settings.
2) Then 'Keyboard/Mouse Options'.
3) 'Key Mapping'.
4) Click 'Set to Default' (you must click this specific entry for 'Set to Default' because the other entries don't work. You will be prompted to confirm "Set Keymap to Default?" Click Yes.
6) Now click on the little 'X' in the upper right-hand corner of the options window. This will bring you back to the previous menu.
7) Now click on 'Accept Changes'. You should get a red window saying informing you that it's "Saving".

You should be able to use your KB and Gamepad. Keep in mind--and this is the worst part--that everytime you exit the game and load it you have to do this since the settings don't stick. This includes the video settings(!).

Let's hope it's just the pre-release version I was playing and doesnt effect the final version being released today (although PR told me I have the final code unfortunately). Perhaps a patch will be released soon since PR set me words over to Avalanche.

Chime in and let us know if this affects you!
Yup, looks like it fell off my list too. Didn't notice that, but don't mind it a bit. :)

Still have a D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Just Cause 2 demo folder, but it's only a couple of bits big...I wonder if they reused any resources?

EDITED BITS: Thanks Warcrow. I haven't played it at all yet, just ran a few benchies. My son played it for a while this morning though and he had no troubles or I would have heard about 'em. (He LOVES it! :LOL: )
Not that it's important, but did the Just Case 2 demo fall off your Steam list like mine did?

From what I've been told this is just the way Steam rolls. Once you buy the game Steam decides you no longer need to demo. Probably made sense in someone's mind, but I could see some reasons why you'd want to keep the demo even when you have the full game. For instance the benchmark that was added to the demo is not in the full game. It has three other benchmarks. So if you want to compare with old scores you probably still want the demo around.

You should be able to use your KB and Gamepad. Keep in mind--and this is the worst part--that everytime you exit the game and load it you have to do this since the settings don't stick. This includes the video settings(!).

Let's hope it's just the pre-release version I was playing and doesnt effect the final version being released today (although PR told me I have the final code unfortunately). Perhaps a patch will be released soon since PR set me words over to Avalanche.

I think that's only for the pre-release version that reviewers received prior to launch. Very late in the process we discovered a settings saving problem (saving to one file, loading from a different file), which was fixed, and I think the fix is only in the very last update. Not sure when it went live, can't be that many days ago.
/filmgrain=b will disable the film grain? Otherwise I got no complaints so far after finishing the first mission and I'm rather wildly enthusiastic. :)

Only took a break to find that command line, I hate artificial film grain. ;)