Just Cause 2

Yeah, I disabled the bokeh filter based on someones reports of it being an fps killer. I also have a friend who is running this game on full settings with an HD5850... His screen resolution is only 1440x900 and his game only lets him go to 8x AA.

What I don't understand is why this game doesn't run flawlessly with an NVidia 275 at all high settings when this game was apparently made to take advantage of all these NVidia technologies. I'm also wondering why I'm seeing all these reports of people with the ATI 5000 series cards are running this game on all high settings flawlessly with dual core processors... Ugh this is really frustrating.
There is CS 4.1 support for HD4000 Radeons with LDS, but isn't their LDS limited compared to Nvidia's Shared Memory?
CS 4.x uses "only owner can write" model of shared memory for all cards. So that restricts NVidia cards' usage, too.

Some algorithms using shared memory are quite happy with that. Not all compute algorithms use shared memory.

Yep, but is that support comparable to CUDA? I haven't actually seen much CS stuff being done on anyone's DX10 hardware.
Neither have I. Which is why I think it wasn't likely to have been viable for this game, particularly as the driver support hasn't been good.

Supposedly, they decided to add this stuff after seeing a demo of the game in October.
"They" being NVidia?

Any way to cap the framerate, Humus? No way I'm managing a constant 60fps on GTX 260 so i'd probably prefer a perfect 30fps instead if its an option.
I'm starting to wonder how legit NVidia is now... Another friend tried running this game after I told him about my experience with it.

His spec: 1920x1200 - Windows 7 64bit Ultimate - Intel Quad Core - 8gb DDR2 - Two GTX 9800s in SLI.

So I install Just Cause 2 Demo on to his PC and it runs an average FPS of 50 dropping to 30 when he is in the small towns littered across the game... Compared to my 10-20 FPS throughout the game. All settings in both of these tests were super high.
The enhancements for nvidia GPUs make the game render more stuff. You get additional effects which can slow stuff down.
Same thing happens here on my 260. Not teens but sometimes doing a quick turn will take me straight from the 30s to the low 20s. Performance is very sketch in this game overall actually.

It's not unlike how Physx causes slowdowns in Mirror's Edge (or other such games.)
Wow, I'm stunned, after disabling the Nvidia exclusive effects my performance has sky rocketed. Performance never seemed bad before, just average, which was strange considering the amount of reports of truly excellent performance I'd heard but, yeah, turn them off and image quality really doesn't suffer too much but I'm now getting incredible performance. Turning object detail down to medium/high (both of which appear higher than the console equivalent anyway) definitely seems worth it so far.
And are people really complaining that they get lower performance when settings are turned up? I'm confused....

No, its that the Nvidia specific effects absolutely destroy performance, for very questionable image quality gains. It was a little unclear what was causing such middling performance before, they're definitely the culprit. Perhaps separating them from the other settings would have helped.