Just Cause 2

wonder why they didn't use CS or openCL?

My guess would be time to market, and that they started implementing those features before CS or OpenCL were finalized.

I really wouldn't want to think that it's because it's a TWIMTBP title with co-promotion help tied to what was used.

Which makes me interested to know if there might be a future patch for Direct Compute or OpenCL for the CUDA stuff if the game does well. If I remember correctly the original Just Causes added DX10.0 in a later patch right? Or am I thinking of something else. I remember ATI used Just Causes to show DX10.0 features when they were launching R600. And Just Cause had launched as a Dx9 title, obviously.

Then again perhaps Nvidia had them sign a legally binding contract to not port any of it to DC or OCL as they did with some of the stuff with Batman: AA.

I think at least the water algorithm is owned by NVIDIA.

Glad to see it's not just me having the lock-ups.
I think at least the water algorithm is owned by NVIDIA.

Glad to see it's not just me having the lock-ups.

That would kill any future hopes as well really. I doubt any management would fork out extra cash to develop an alternative for non-nvidia cards post release. :cry:
That would kill any future hopes as well really. I doubt any management would fork out extra cash to develop an alternative for non-nvidia cards post release. :cry:

Mind you I'm not 100% sure about that.

I've already posted this but here's a water simulation running under Direct Compute on GTX280:
The demo shows a real-time simulated ocean under twilight lighting condition. To obtain good looking wave crests, a rather large height field has to be employed. With Microsoft's newly introduced DirectX Compute Shader we can efficiently perform FFT on GPU, thus greatly improve the performance and image quality. The water surface is mainly modeled after Jerry Tessendorf's statistic method described in the paper "Simulating Ocean Water", which is one of the most popular techniques used for water effect in todays games. Although the algorithm itself is capable of producing visually impressive result from a presumed statistic model (Phillips spectrum), previous implementations are often limited to a relatively small height field, e.g. 64x64 or 128x128, due to the slow FFT code path on CPU. For example, the demo shown here executes three 512x512 Fourier transforms on a per frame basis. On a GTX280, the transforms can be finished within 2 milliseconds.

And that method was apparently developed by this guy so maybe NVIDIA doesn't own it after all (assuming it's the same simulation).
Is it just me or is the mouse offset some in the menus and in the PDA etc?

The Good: Fucking awesome and fucking fun. This game is going to be huge.

The Bad: The voice acting is some of the worst I've heard in recent years for a video game (and it's not even laughable bad--it's just bad). However, if this is a turn off for you then you would be missing the point of the game. Just don't even put that much stock into the quality of the it or the story. It's not important. You can't expect that stuff to be even passability good. Its awful, and that's just fine by me. This game doesnt need any of that to be valid though. In GTA, sure, it was great because it was such a grounded and story driven video game, but JC2 basically dumps you into a channel of islands with a parachute, a gapple hook and some guns and says 'have at it kid'.

That's it.

This game is--at its heart--a game. It's a hand full of a Jacks. It's a bat, a baseball and a glove. It's a set of Legos to make with what you will. I havent even played the full game and I can tell you that it's not a video game with a narrative that's going to be compelling in any way, and I couldnt care less about why I'm there, or who needs liberated.

I just want to go crazy in that game. I want to grapple onto airplanes, hijack them, fly up to the highest point in the game, jump out, free fall at 90MPH until the last 100 feet, pull out my guns and blow a bunch of shit up underneath me while I rack up chaos points while wearing my cheesy-ass leathers and slicked back hair. That's all I expect out of this game and you should too.

The controls are a little wonky at first, but by the second time I played the demo it was fine.

Very excited for this game! :)
Just found out that having a secondary nVidia physX card with an ATi as the display won't do anything with this demo, CUDA and physX ain't the same thing. :oops:

Heh, indeed. There's no PhysX in the game.

Am I missing it or is there no benchmark with the demo? :(

The benchmarks are only in the full game.

I haven't updated drivers in a couple months, will definitely do that when I get back to the comp.

Please do. After studying Steam crash reports today we've found that the vast majority of issues are related to old Nvidia drivers. We have found a good fix for the worst offender though (40% of all crashes).

So here's a question, what caused you guys to do such heavy steam integration?

Well, the decision to go down the Steam route came from Eidos, but I fully support it and I implemented most of it. Steam is player friendly and provides a pretty complete "platform" comparable to what's on the consoles. It also has some very useful tools like the crash report system, auto-patching, overlay UI chat and all kinds of fancy stuff.
Steam was a good decision, don't let anyone tell you otherwise :smile:

/shameless steam fanboy
Steam imo is doing a lot for PC gaming, more developers should move to it.
Steam roxors, they've got me buying way too many games not to be a good thing. :yep2:

Hey Humus, is it alright if I hack the timer for the demo...I really like this game. ;)
Well, the decision to go down the Steam route came from Eidos, but I fully support it and I implemented most of it. Steam is player friendly and provides a pretty complete "platform" comparable to what's on the consoles. It also has some very useful tools like the crash report system, auto-patching, overlay UI chat and all kinds of fancy stuff.

Interesting that Eidos pushed it, I thought you might have had to fight against them to get it in, so its a good sign. I fully agree that it provides a complete platform, for what it offers it seems like a steal for the PC games and I hope other games follow suit.
Heh that demo blew me away. Launch March 26th eh?

It's looks very pretty on my 5850 already but it looks like it is just in time for some Fermi Bokeh goodness. :D
OMG, the more I play this demo the more I'm falling in love with it!

Got around the timer restriction, gave myself infinite ammo/grenades and I've been having an absolute blast causing mayhem. Saw that the game just went on pre-order on Steam for 10% off, think I'll be ordering it this weekend.

Sincerely, great job to you and the whole team!
Does anybody know what it means when you have to put gamma all the way to 100 to start to see the black text part of the test pattern? I think I need to put it higher than 100, it looks candy-land bad at default 50 gamma. The only other games I've noticed this on is Halflife, for some reason I have to push the slider all the way over to start to get a good test pattern on Source games too. Normally I have gamma in Nvidias control panel at +1.38 so normal desktop use isn't too dark, but Just Cause 2 seems to make it switch back to 'application control'. I have a Sony Triniton 17" CRT + 8800gtx.

The 'optimal' button doesn't seem to work either, it just puts everything to high which doesn't seem very 'optimal' for my little old 8800gtx :).