Just Cause 2

I have added this feature now, along with a couple of other fixes/features. I will make no guarantee that it's going to make it out in an update, but chances are it will. We already pushed out an update for the demo on Steam to fix a few crashes we were seeing in the Steam crash reports.

Thanks !
I have added this feature now, along with a couple of other fixes/features. I will make no guarantee that it's going to make it out in an update, but chances are it will. We already pushed out an update for the demo on Steam to fix a few crashes we were seeing in the Steam crash reports.

Top work, thanks for going the extra mile to help us tweakers in this thread, appreciate it. :D

It really is an incredible engine you've developed, the performance and flexibility is just excellent. Thumbs up!
Got my 5850 running at 950 / 1150 at 1.1v last night :oops:. With all the game settings at max and a resolution of 1680x1050 this thing just flies. This is ridiculously good looking AND ridiculously fun!

Can't wait to see that "Preloading..." indicator next to my Just Cause 2 line-item in my Steam list :cool:
What other features might you have added? And how might those be accessed (of course, if/when your build change makes it to prod)? :cool:

I also added GPU selection (if you have more than one) and fov. If it makes it into the game I'll post the commandline options.
I was able to make the game playable by setting everything low/off, 2xAF, 1280x720 and disabling motion blur. Relative to console games, it still doesn't look that bad. The thing I find weird is the game doesn't seem to get choppier when there are a lot of objects moving around/being acted upon by the physics engine.

If you have a really low end PC and don't have a console, try it out. It doesn't look as bad as you'd think.
I just tried the demo and loved it. I am not really into shooters, but this game is awesome. Going to Steam now to place my preorder.
It should not be needed, and last time I checked it did not affect performance as expected. We don't render to the backbuffer except at the very end of a frame, so two buffers plus the main render targets are in practice pretty much triple buffering.

Despite this I added the option to the code now in case it helps on anyone's system.
You're too damned good to us Humus. :)

Great that it gets more features!

My Steam demo was just updated.

Changes in the demo patch include:

* Added benchmark (available from the main menu)
* Localization fixes.
* New MSAA options added.
* Problem with CUDA water while using SLI configurations fixed.
* SSAO intensity tweaked.
* Bokeh option not shown when it isn't supported.
* Helicopter controls functional when re-entering a spinning helicopter in mid-air.
* Improved default video card selection in multi-GPU systems.

Added comandline options:

* Improved default video card selection in multi-GPU systems (override with command line option /dxadapter=)
* Framerate cap command line option (/frameratecap=, default: disabled)
* SwapChain buffer count command line option (/dxbuffers=, default: 1)

* FOV factor command line option (/fovfactor=, typical values 1.0 - 2.0)

The bolded items were added by request; thank you Humus!
How awesome is Humus? So awesome!

His tweaks have just been added to the demo and there's a few extra goodies like a built in benchmark and some extra MSAA options. :D

There's a load of retail releases that don't go as much support as this demo has received.

Details here:

ve3d said:
Changes in the demo patch include:
Added benchmark (available from the main menu)
Localization fixes.
New MSAA options added.
Problem with CUDA water while using SLI configurations fixed.
SSAO intensity tweaked.
Bokeh option not shown when it isn't supported.
Helicopter controls functional when re-entering a spinning helicopter in mid-air.
Improved default video card selection in multi-GPU systems.

Added comandline options:
Improved default video card selection in multi-GPU systems (override with command line option /dxadapter=)
Framerate cap command line option (/frameratecap=, default: disabled)
SwapChain buffer count command line option (/dxbuffers=, default: 1)
FOV factor command line option (/fovfactor=, typical values 1.0 - 2.0)


Thanks again!

Edit: Gah too late!
I finally found some water. Looks like they changed the "GPU Water" setting to "Enhanced Water Detail", but I assume it does the same thing.

Enhanced water detail on


I gotta say, it really does make the water look a lot better.

And since I'm locked at 30fps with the snazzy new commandline option the performance hit is no longer a bother. I can run at 1440x900 with 16xCSAA and all settings maxed without a hitch. :cool:

BTW Humus, I figured out what was causing my weird triple buffering problem - after alt-tabbing the game seems to drop back to double buffering sometimes.
I gave this a go on my lowly retro 3870 last night, which is hooked to my other LCD TV. I maxed everything out but turned off AA and dropped AF to 8x and ran the 1360x768 TV res. It's totally playable but gets choppy in city areas. :D

Humus thanks a ton for the effort you're going to with the extras and tweaks!
Thanks everyone. :) The PC version is sort of my little baby, I will always be a PC gamer first, so I want it to be as good as possible. I'm actually on another project now, but I have put in a few commandline options for popular requests on various forums (as you can see) whenever I have had the opportunity.

I just wanted to mention too that we've had well over 2 million downloads of the demo, which is awesome! :mrgreen:
Awesome, hoping that all translates to sales and then some. :)

I think this may be too frenetic for me, so I may wait until Steam has a sale on it before jumping on it. :) Looks absolutely fabulous though... And the grappling sorta reminds me of threewave (?) modded CTF in Q2. I was a grapple monkey flag guy in that, so I'm liking the grapple in this. :D
