Qroach said:
look, guden's comment of MS giving a high performance computer was basically foolish. I responded with a question just as foolish using SONY instead. The fact he replied back with a "sony has nothing to do with this discussion" really made me laugh, as he was the one that posted the high performance computer question to begin with. What does a high performance computers have to do with a discussion about the graphics chip in xbox 2? In reality, nothing.
To answer his question honestly, no I don't think MS is going to provide a high performance computer, but that really depends on what HE thinks is a high performance computer. Obviously since people were talking about a multi core power PC chip and a R500 class graphics chip, guden seemed to think this would make xbox 2 a "high performance computer" and that must have been the basis of his comment. Personally, I don't think these parts would classify as that at all..
To be fair, it was JVD (not Guden Oden!) that started the
high-end remark - I trust it is being perceived as such as it undoubtedly
is the upcoming top GPU by ATi down the road. Obviously, I have no idea what the cost is to make these chips, not to mention the R&D that is required for one that is projected to launch 1+ year down the road - I assume you don't either, but given that it is the top GPU coming, I can only assume it's going to be more expensive as well (applying commonsense here). I do wonder however, is this chip really in the works already or is it pure hyperware at this stage? If it isn't, in which stages is it currently?
Qroach said:
Um, where is guden oden arguing this at all? I haven't been arguing launch time frames related to hardware costs, as i know the earliest Xbox 2 could launch is fall 2005. Guden isn't arguing about launch windows related to cost or parts used, he's arguing that a R500 no matter what the launch time (even fall 2005) is going to be too expensive to use. I've yet to see anything that supports that theory.
I was under the impression we were talking about an earlier launch, as speculated in the JP Morgan article linked in this very thread as well as other recent reports that indicate a launch earlier than expected:
JP Mporgan article said:
With Software Developer Kits (SDK) currently being distributed to game developers, several studios confirming Xbox 2 titles in development, and the incentive of first-mover advantage, we believe the release of Xbox 2 may be earlier than expected. Our earliest estimates put the release near the end of CY04 although we believe the company is still planning for a holiday season CY05 release. However, we believe MSFT has three incentives for an earlier release: 1) it could utilize existing graphics processor architectures and thereby help cut continuing development and integration costs and 2) it would allow for a first-mover advantage against Sony’s upcoming console product and 3) it would add to margin expansion for the company in FY05 – helping to drive bottom-line growth vis-à -vis a difficult
top-line comparison.
We were discussing the above article, so I take this as a clear indication that we are speculating over the an early launch as soon as near end of CY04. Given the early launch, I wonder if speculation on a r500 or higher variants is all that valid? Surely, a r500 for that timeframe is quite unrealistic, don't you agree?
Of course, as I am aware now, you were obviously arguing with different timeframes at hand (fall 2005), though I ought to remind you that we were discussing the article which obviously caused some misunderstanding in the process. I think for a fall 2005 launch, a r500 or equivilant variant isn't far fetched - but if Microsoft seriously wants to beat Sony to the market, I am overly confident we won't be seeing such a GPU in the next Xbox.
Qroach said:
Like I said before, MS is cutting costs by approaching the creation of the console differently and guden ignored this. Guden mention how MS went to a arbritrator with Nvidia ove rthe cost of the graphics chips in his argument. Despite the fact I already mentioned MS is completely going about the creation of graphics chips differently and will be in direct control of the cost per chip over time. With Nvidia MS never had the luxury becuase Nvidia was didn't have to lower thier price over time if they didn't want to.
THis time MS are handling the fabbing of the chips and licensing the technology instead of paying for fabbed chips delivered from Nvidia and intel. They are going to save quite a lot of money doing this compared to the original xbox/nvidia contract.
True they are, though they are only controlling who is fabbing their chips. That basically means that they have more control on the place and the company behind the fabbing giving them a price advantage compared to this generation, but fabbing won't be for free by any means. Them licencing technology and fabbing it by IBM is still going to be more expensive then Sony's in-house strategy, I'm sure.
Qroach said:
Yes MS is cautious about cost, that much is obvious, but I don't think they want to fall into the catagory of being less powerfull than the PS3 as Sony has already demonstrated how they can destroy a competitor on hype alone (R.I.P. dreamcast). MS tried this approach with xbox, but it's pretty difficult to utilize that when the compeition has a huge lead in game software and developer support (mainly EA as teh dreamcast never had them), no matter how good your specs are. This time around I can see MS launching before sony, but I don't think it will be long before sony. At most I can see it being 6 months.
Personally, I doubt Microsoft is shifting much focus in a "who really has the most powerful hardware" strategy. CELL will have advantages and so will Xbox's in specific areas - may it be a r420 or something higher. In the end, it's all going to be a marketing fest being fought on the grounds of misleading numbers just to impress the consumer. In the end, I think it will matter very little who actually has the 'more powerful' hardware - which of course, will be all relative anyway since they all have their advantages, just like in todays consoles aswell.
Qroach said:
Anyway, MS using a R500-ish chip in xbox 2 is certainly not out of the question when I'm sure it will cost less then the graphic chip they paid for in the current xbox. Phil, do you agree with that, or are you agreeing wit guden on his R500 is too expensive argument. Keep in mind, nobody was arguing on cost related to launch time frames in this discussion.
Certainly, given that you are refering to a late 2005 launch. In speculation of the article though that states a launch as early as late CY04, I doubt will see much more than a r420 based on the reasons that it is far too early and cost is a valid concern for a date as soon as that.
Bah, definately time I get to bed now though - I have no intention of missing the formula 1 race in a little less than 6 hours!