John Carmack's most important .plan/blog update soon

Eeew, first off ***SPOILER ALERT***

Second, someone got to see the screening and wrote up their impressions of Doom and "less than impressed" is an understatement:

Doom is by far the worst movie I have seen in the last few years. While walking out of the theater trying to forget the nightmare I just witnessed, I heard someone say that it was somewhere between awful and horrible. They couldn't have been more right.

In a world of reality tv and movies with computer generated plots, a small corner is reserved for genres that originally were created for the video game world. Doom, originally released in 1993 is the latest in a long line of failed attempts to make more money out of someone else's good video game. Unfortunately for anyone that was thinking this one might be different, I have to say; sorry.
They go on to explain it's suckage in detail, I'm reading now.
Echoing Digi's Spoiler Alert, AICN's first reader review from one of the screenings was relatively glowing, perhaps curiously so. Cue 100+ rabid talkbacks accusing Harry of falling for a studio plant of a positive review. :D
silence said:
thats bad.... there is high chance it will suck.... for those that played earlier versions....
kids that never played old ones and have new puters will prolly like it, but it wont be Quake for sure...(just as Doom wasnt Doom... for us old farts;))

Lol, what did you think of Quake 3? What a crappy game, long live the greatness that was Quake 2, and LMCTF!! Heh, sorry, I'm just living in the past.

In all honesty, id and any game based off one of their games has sucked since then except RTCW. id to me is not a game company, but rather an engine company.
My friend has some short movies of ppl playing q4 on lan. It looks identical to Q3. Just better graphics. Icons and everything are the same. Some weapons look a bit better, and I think one or two are slightly changed, but it is Q3.
Same physics from the look of it.
digitalwanderer said:
Second, someone got to see the screening and wrote up their impressions of Doom and "less than impressed" is an understatement:

That review completely disqualified itself when naming the BFG "Bio Force Gun" :(

Here's a positive impression

I guess it all comes down to expectations: If you expect mindless killing and blowing stuff up (like the game) you won't be disapointed, if you're expecting "Sense and Sensibility"-like drama, then , yes, you will be disapointed.
